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[1.0.x] [V1.9f] Kerbal Foundries wheels, anti-grav repulsors and tracks


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  1. 1. What to work on next?

    • More wheels
    • More tracks
    • Rover bodies
    • Landing gear
    • Landing legs
    • Something completely different

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There was a mod somewhere that attempted to make the brake hotkey act like a toggle, which would be awesome... but it didn't work for me at all. I'll take a look at that color stuff. I'm always looking for something of that sort. KerbPaint was one of the great mods that worked all the way up through the entire KSP alpha from the point that is was created onward with no update necessary. That just doesn't happen anymore.

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Not the mod that tried to make it a toggle, no... and I don't think it was developed beyond the first few versions. Apparently it wasn't even built to do it on a toggle either, but a newer mod (auto brakes? I forget what the mod is called really) tried to accomplish a toggle option that would replace the default action of the 'B' key, but I still found that it didn't work because, when it was active, suddenly the 'B' key wouldn't toggle OR turn on the brakes (when held even).

Or are you talking about the paint plugin? I'm unsure if any of those actually work anymore. Some people still use KerbPaint, but last time I tried it I couldn't get anything to actually paint. It would activate the color picker (a really lame color picker if you ask me, it needed to be upgraded to at least a hexagonal color wheel, if not a complete circular one) but the color never got applied.

So, lo-fi... You were saying we'd try to let this thing out tomorrow evening but, depending on time zone, that could mean anytime between the two midnights. Which one are you working from?

Oh, and did you mean to have a double call to DustParticles in the following code segment?

[COLOR=#ff0000]void[/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970][B]DustParticles[/B][/COLOR]([COLOR=#ff0000][B]float[/B][/COLOR] force, [COLOR=#004085][B]Vector3[/B][/COLOR] contactPoint, [COLOR=#004085]Collider[/COLOR] col, [COLOR=#004085][B]Vector3[/B][/COLOR] normal, [COLOR=#004085][B]Vector3[/B][/COLOR] direction)
var WaterColor = [COLOR=#008b8b][B]new[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#004085][B]Color[/B][/COLOR]([COLOR=#00008b]0.65[/COLOR]f, [COLOR=#00008b]0.65[/COLOR]f, [COLOR=#00008b]0.65[/COLOR]f, [COLOR=#00008b]0.025[/COLOR]f);
[COLOR=#0000ff][B]if[/B][/COLOR] (![I]dustEffects[/I] || force < [I]minScrapeSpeed[/I] || [COLOR=#191970][B]Equals[/B][/COLOR]([I]dustAnimator[/I], [B]null[/B]))

[I]kfdustFx[/I].transform.rotation = [COLOR=#004085][B]Quaternion[/B][/COLOR].[COLOR=#191970][B]Euler[/B][/COLOR](normal);
[I]kfdustFx[/I].particleEmitter.localVelocity = direction;
[COLOR=#191970][B]DustParticles[/B][/COLOR](force, contactPoint, col);

[I]kfdustFx[/I].transform.rotation = [COLOR=#004085][B]Quaternion[/B][/COLOR].[COLOR=#191970][B]Euler[/B][/COLOR](normal);
[I]kfdustFx[/I].particleEmitter.localVelocity = direction;
[COLOR=#191970][B]DustParticles[/B][/COLOR](force, contactPoint, col);


It's just a bit suspicious, that's all.

I also noticed you pass "appliedRideHeight" to "RepulsorLight()" but that method doesn't actually make use of that parameter anywhere. It also looks like the light is never given an intensity value above "0.0f" anywhere. Oh wait... that's what "squish" is for isn't it? I got it now. Are you intending to make use of "rideheight" at some point too?

Edited by Gaalidas
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Ah yes, time zone. I'm in GMT + 1. Just chasing a few odd bits down, so may postpone until tomorrow eve!

No, there shouldn't be two calls. That'll be a merge conflict error that I didn't quite fix properly.

Agreed, the ride height doesn't need passing to the light method!

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  lo-fi said:
It wouldn't be hard to get the brakes to toggle on if the key is held down while the vessel is stationary, I suppose.

I take it it doesn't work any more?

One thing that does work is that if the brakes are on when they stop being part of the active vessel, they stay on. When testing, I sometimes use the stock rover body with a command seat on top, with a capsule mounted on a separator so I can get a kerbal out there. If I pop the separator with the brakes off, the rover body goes flying off across Kerbin; but if the brakes were on, they stay on until I get into the seat and press and release B (sometimes causing the occasional moment of "why don't my wheels work?" comedy).

I hypothesise that it is the act of releasing the brake key that releases the brakes and hence if you can change the active vessel with the brakes on, they stay on. I suggest therefore that if KF can put the brakes on by some other means, they should stay on.

  Gaalidas said:
Not the mod that tried to make it a toggle, no... and I don't think it was developed beyond the first few versions. Apparently it wasn't even built to do it on a toggle either, but a newer mod (auto brakes? I forget what the mod is called really) tried to accomplish a toggle option that would replace the default action of the 'B' key, but I still found that it didn't work because, when it was active, suddenly the 'B' key wouldn't toggle OR turn on the brakes (when held even).

The only mod I'm now aware of is one that causes the brakes to start on at launch, which (as discussed above) means they stay on until you press and release them - useful for spooling up jet engines.

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  damerell said:
The only mod I'm now aware of is one that causes the brakes to start on at launch, which (as discussed above) means they stay on until you press and release them - useful for spooling up jet engines.

Well, there are others that try to modify how the brakes work, but they're not working very well from what I've experienced.

- - - Updated - - -

  lo-fi said:
I realised I broke the dust cam colour; fixed now. I wonder if anyone has hyperedit coiordinates for each of the biomes on Kerbin? Would be really handy

Not that I'm aware, and it would be nice. I grabbed a bunch of the stock textures (extracted them from the assets) and did a basic color pass on the biomes of Kerbin. I also did a basic color selection of the various planets out there and their specific biomes, but I'm sure we'll be patching that file.

Good to know on the time zone thing. I'm on the west coast of the US, so that would definitely not be the same "evening" for me.

- - - Updated - - -

  damerell said:
When testing, I sometimes use the stock rover body with a command seat on top, with a capsule mounted on a separator so I can get a kerbal out there. If I pop the separator with the brakes off, the rover body goes flying off across Kerbin; but if the brakes were on, they stay on until I get into the seat and press and release B (sometimes causing the occasional moment of "why don't my wheels work?" comedy).

That's always a bit of a laugh. "I'm pressing the button, why don't you obey me? Move forward you stupid rover! I command thee! Move thy wheels! I keeeilll youuuu!!!" and then I turn off the brakes...

So, I prefer to use the "Take Command" mod. In the editor it will appear as if the command chair has an internal space for a Kerbal. When you launch, the Kerbal will be placed in the command chair.

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I'm not sure I follow this brake malarkey? Pressing the B key applies the brakes. When you release it, they come off. Clicking the green indicator button in the top menu toggles them on and they stay on until you click it again or press the B key. This is persistent. /shrug?

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Except some of us wish we could turn on the brakes as a toggle without having to move the mouse. We're lazy that way.

So, I think I'm pretty much good to go with all of our features if nothing sticks out in my next test run, so we're good to go when you're done fiddling.

Edited by Gaalidas
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Any idea how the CoM of the regular antigrav motors went off kilter? I know LoFi said that he didn't change the model and the only change is a reskin of the bottom plate. While checking out the aerodynamics of the regular one vs the new one, I also noticed that the origin point of the aerodynamic display spikes were the same as the off kilter CoM.

Also, how aerodynamic do you guys intend the new gymballed antigrav motors to be? They're more aerodynamic than the stock parts while you struggle to break Mach 0.90 with the regular ones. I'm not complaining, just making an observation as they seem too aerodynamic and I don't know what you guys intended.

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I could see us making an ultra aerodynamic repulsor, and possibly aerodynamic wheel covers, but the current parts aren't really built for aerodynamics whether they end up that way or not. I really don't think we've put any thought into that part of it at all really.

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I can certainly see it being more aerodynamic due to being more compact and having a more rounded profile, but since it's a whole lot more aerodynamic than the stock parts at high speeds at sea level (literally sea level, I'm hovering above it with the repulsors), it seems like a bug to me.

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  smjjames said:
I can certainly see it being more aerodynamic due to being more compact and having a more rounded profile, but since it's a whole lot more aerodynamic than the stock parts at high speeds at sea level (literally sea level, I'm hovering above it with the repulsors), it seems like a bug to me.

I'm gonna call it a feature and we'll look into enhancing (aka. fixing) that feature for a future release.

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  Gaalidas said:
I'm gonna call it a feature and we'll look into enhancing (aka. fixing) that feature for a future release.

Well, whatever you guys decide to do.

I decided to try a little experiment (using the branchoff KSP) and see if I could fix the repulsors off kilter CoM, tried replacing the model with the old model, no change (LoFi said he didn't change anything with the model), tried replacing most of the part config with the old config, no change either.

Also, when I was looking around at the folder, I looked in the Dust Colors config file and saw that Eeloo has that, but when I tried on Eeloo the other day, no dust was reproduced, so I thought it was an atmosphere only effect. So, is Eeloo actually supposed to have dust if there are colors applied?

Edit: Shouldn't the repulsors at least do the same dust effect (on a bit smaller scale) as rockets do for Eeloo?

Edited by smjjames
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  lo-fi said:

Parking brake? Not sure what you mean.. Just click the icon and the brakes stay on until you hit the brake key or click it again to release.

THAT I didn't know of. I was just using the GUI when you right click the wheels.

Thanks! I'll check that out.

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What a day! What a lovely day!

I hope you get what I am doing with this update ;)

Edit: This is also the reason I suggested motorcycle wheels. Hope you will add them in the next updates.

Edited by Space Scumbag
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Bah, missed the MM version! Thanks, I'll fix that tomorrow.

Do post whatever you're doing, cool stuff is always welcome :)

I hope there are no major problems, I'm looking forward to getting down to some part finishing/creation now I've got plugin stuff in place.

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  lo-fi said:
Bah, missed the MM version! Thanks, I'll fix that tomorrow.

Do post whatever you're doing, cool stuff is always welcome :)

I hope there are no major problems, I'm looking forward to getting down to some part finishing/creation now I've got plugin stuff in place.

Only issue I notice is the unusual direction of node_attach stuff. Altering node_attach values should make it so that the tracks are right-side up from the start when placing them in the SPH. I think...

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Party to do with KSP wanting everything rigged pointing up like a rocket in Unity, which makes it annoying to rig, as well as breaking saves if I change it now. I do have some ideas for workarounds because it also causes the silly symmetry bug with stack nodes. Most frustrating!

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  lo-fi said:
Party to do with KSP wanting everything rigged pointing up like a rocket in Unity, which makes it annoying to rig, as well as breaking saves if I change it now. I do have some ideas for workarounds because it also causes the silly symmetry bug with stack nodes. Most frustrating!

Oops, one more: reverting, relaunching etc. duplicates the KF icon in the app launcher.


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