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[1.0.x] [V1.9f] Kerbal Foundries wheels, anti-grav repulsors and tracks


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  1. 1. What to work on next?

    • More wheels
    • More tracks
    • Rover bodies
    • Landing gear
    • Landing legs
    • Something completely different

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What, the reactors with radiators that break in atmosphere if they're deployed and you look at them hard enough? Things might get hairy if you end up driving around attached to a reactor with no cooling mechanism.
I haven't had it installed for a while so have they removed the tube ones with stack nodes, just a couple of the 0.625m of those was good enough on the smallest reactor if you stayed below fifty or so wheels, far more robust in the atmosphere than deploy-able solar panels.
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That's why I suggested the ones from KSP Interstellar. Last I checked (though my version may be a bit out of date), they had stack-mount 0.625 radiators. One of those is more than enough to cool a 0.625 fission reactor.

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You cant disable suspension totally as it is mainly controlled by the wheel collider, and I dont recall there being a suspension lock mode in the plugin , which is what you'd need (@lo_fi perhaps an idea here), you could however carry out a simple tweak in your cfg, as everyones rover is different its almost impossible to come up with settings that will work for all but

key = 0 10 0 0
key = 5.5 15 0 0
key = 10 20 0 0
key = 20 30 0 0
key = 30 0 0 0

That is the part of the cfg is what controls the wheel torque, the first set of numbers represent speed in ms and the second set relate to torque applied, it sounds like you need to reduce the starting torque , the above is the torque curve i did for my TR 2L reborn(stock wheel redone) and it's pretty close but as i say every rover is different so it's worth tweaking it to suit.


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just read this thread and i have some... issues with my craft. they all seem to want to do a wheelie. I tried to conter this with weights but it just sits on the ground now... how do i disable suspension?

The large wheels are deliberately quite powerful. If you build something that's too short, too light or has too high a CoG you will end up with stability issues. For a little more control finesse, try pressing caps lock too. As Spanner rightly points out, it's almost impossible to make default values that work for everyone. I tend to build big and heavy or light and low. Hooray for tweakables!

However, I'm working on a torque scaling tweakable which will allow better adaptation for smaller designs and should be available in the next release.

Regarding the energy consumption: I'm working on adapting the code so the repulsors consume more energy the more weight they carry (rather than the current flat rate), which should make smaller designs more tenable. Smaller repulsors will appear at some point too.

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Regarding the energy consumption: I'm working on adapting the code so the repulsors consume more energy the more weight they carry (rather than the current flat rate), which should make smaller designs more tenable. Smaller repulsors will appear at some point too.

Excellent idea! Can't wait to see what's next. :cool:

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You cant disable suspension totally as it is mainly controlled by the wheel collider, and I dont recall there being a suspension lock mode in the plugin , which is what you'd need (@lo_fi perhaps an idea here), you could however carry out a simple tweak in your cfg, as everyones rover is different its almost impossible to come up with settings that will work for all but

key = 0 10 0 0
key = 5.5 15 0 0
key = 10 20 0 0
key = 20 30 0 0
key = 30 0 0 0

That is the part of the cfg is what controls the wheel torque, the first set of numbers represent speed in ms and the second set relate to torque applied, it sounds like you need to reduce the starting torque , the above is the torque curve i did for my TR 2L reborn(stock wheel redone) and it's pretty close but as i say every rover is different so it's worth tweaking it to suit.


and @ lo-fi:

good arguments/answers both of you. it must be my craft designs. anyway thanks but no thanks i won't mess with torque curves otherwise i'll kill lots of kerbals.

i'll just have to re-configure my rovers to either have 8 wheels or settle for stock :P

great mod and keep up the good work (should put this as my sig, i say it too often :P)

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Would it be possible to vary the "power" of the repulsers? Say from 0.1m over ground to 5m? That way they would be awesome for assembling bases! Lower, move under object to move, raise etc. Just love the idea!

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Would it be possible to vary the "power" of the repulsers? Say from 0.1m over ground to 5m? That way they would be awesome for assembling bases! Lower, move under object to move, raise etc. Just love the idea!
Something similar could be possible, there were issues with changing the height of a wheel collider/suspension though. The latest test version you need to turn the repulsor off to adjust its height so I guess you'd move under at the lowest height and turn off (falls to the ground) then turn it back on at a higher one. At the moment when turned off they drop like a stone but when powered back on it's a smooth ride up. That all may change though.
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Darren, if you look in dev, the latest version of the test repulsor has height adjustments with action groups. (I think - I'll have to check I committed), though I've not had any feedback yet.

They give 8m maximum height and the field extends out much further for a far more stable ride.

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I've found an interesting strategy for how I build in order to quit smashing up my repulsor-craft. First, mount the repulsors lower, giving up the self-leveling strategy in favor of ground clearance. Second, add a couple SAS wheels to allow an ability to change orientation mid-flight when the vehicle leaves the ground. Third, use more of them. After all, I'm flying with a reactor on-board, I have unlimited power.

Well, maybe the strategy isn't all that interesting, but it works for me so far. Granted, I killed Jeb again with testing what amounted to essentially a sci-fi hot rod. Two turbojets, a command seat, a probe core, and 8 repulsors. Was screaming along until I flipped the bloody thing mid air and couldn't recover. Landed reactor end first, lost all my power, the repulsors dropped out, and Jeb went flying into a hill.

But at least now I know the strategy works. Just, perhaps, not go trying to break the sound barrier 3 meters off the ground next time...

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Haha! A fitting end for Jeb! RIP.

I haven't had much chance to get anything done this week, have been really busy IRL, but I'm going to put the improved repulsor version out when I do get a few minutes.

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Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying them :)

I've limited access to the pre-release parts to people who have some experience with modding and have given substantial feedback in the thread previously. It gets a bit out of hand otherwise, and can soak up considerable time.

More parts will appear in the next alpha - it won't be long!

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Haha. You and me both ;) I'm running way behind I'm afraid, it's been a madly busy week and I've not even has time to turn the pc on to do my invoicing, let alone mod making!

However, I've had some good feedback from the testing team in the meantime, so much happier about putting out to alpha after some tweaks.

Bear with me! If it rains as much as forecast this weekend I'll on it like a car bonnet ;)

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