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[0.90] ON HOLD Klockheed Martian Special Parts V2.2 - 28-Nov - Dev Thread

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If I select the Cargo Bay in VAB the doors open but I don't have control over them. Can't close the doors in VAB or in flight. Klockheed_Martian and Klockheed_Martian_Special folders are in the GameData folder. Any advice?

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  Kolago said:
If I select the Cargo Bay in VAB the doors open but I don't have control over them. Can't close the doors in VAB or in flight. Klockheed_Martian and Klockheed_Martian_Special folders are in the GameData folder. Any advice?

Yeah, same problem here. The only thing I've deleted was the inflatable parts, because I don't need them.

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Tiny configs issue.


- bubble-large

- bubble-small

- iheat1

- large

- mid

, have a path typo in sounds config part:

sound_inflate = Klockheed_Martian/Sounds/inflateshort
sound_deflate = Klockheed_Martian/Sounds/inflatelong

must be changed to:

sound_inflate = Klockheed_Martian_Special/Sounds/inflateshort
sound_deflate = Klockheed_Martian_Special/Sounds/inflatelong

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Crocodile fairings are not working for me. I can't get any menu when right clicking on the launchpad. In the VAB I getthe menu, but the menu items don't do anything. I tried assigning the fairings actons to action groups and activating that way, but no dice. I have deleted and re-installed all the mod components from fresh downloads.

Anyone else having this problem? Any ideas on where to look for issues?

I see this in the KSP.log - does it have any relevance?

Line 40440: [LOG 21:11:37.581] RemoteTech: SatelliteManager: Register(ModuleSPUPassive(KMP-1, d2f269c9-53fa-40d0-99ee-6b42769ad5e5))
Line 40446: [LOG 21:11:39.596] Observer: Attaching to km_Animator Parent:km.com.op.1.croID:-1396974
Line 40446: [LOG 21:11:39.596] Observer: Attaching to km_Animator Parent:km.com.op.1.croID:-1396974
Line 40448: [LOG 21:11:39.615] Km attachment tweaker is running!!!
Line 40469: [LOG 21:11:43.117] KM Altimeter Detector Started
Line 40472: [LOG 21:11:43.126] RemoteTech: SatelliteManager: Register(ModuleSPUPassive(KMP-1, d2f269c9-53fa-40d0-99ee-6b42769ad5e5))
Line 40999: [LOG 21:11:47.465] KM ModuleAnimatorObserver: Node or Ani are null
Line 41000: [LOG 21:11:47.510] KM ModuleAnimatorObserver: Node or Ani are null
Line 41001: [LOG 21:11:47.518] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: KMP-1
Line 41002: [LOG 21:11:47.532] 9/23/2014 9:11:47 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Vessel Change from 'No Vessel' to 'KMP-1'
Line 41003: [LOG 21:11:47.588] KM ModuleAnimatorObserver: Node or Ani are null
Line 41004: [LOG 21:11:47.613] KM ModuleAnimatorObserver: Node or Ani are null
Line 41007: [LOG 21:11:47.647] KM ModuleAnimatorObserver: Node or Ani are null
Line 41008: [LOG 21:11:47.667] KM ModuleAnimatorObserver: Node or Ani are null

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  dtobi said:
This is a set of special parts consisting of the following:

* Cargo bays

* Generic shrouds (shrouds without engines)

* Base plates for cargo bays and other structural components

* Tubes

* Crocodile-style fairings (like Apollo LEM extraction)

* Inflatable Heatshields

* Other inflatable components

* Skylab Laboratory

* Doors, windows and supplies for wet workshops

This is the development thread. All parts are tested and seem to work but I may change things here and there.

If you download this pack, please be prepared to:

a) provide feedback if you like or dislike something

B) provide bug reports and assistance in finding bugs

The parts are quite light on the memory. For example, all structural parts (cargo bays, tubes, etc.) use only one (one for all!) bump mapped texture. Fun without regret!


Version 0.1: Initial release

Version 0.2: Tweakscale integration an mesh fixes

* Added Tweakscale to reduce part count (Thanks Floppster)

* Corrected collision meshes for cargo bay and long shroud

Version 0.3: More resizable parts and Skylab

* New Skylab science laboratory

* More resizable parts: Crocodiles (Thanks Floppster)

* Half size cargo bay (Thanks Floppster)

* Corrected the size of the large shrouds

Version 2.0: New Klockheed Martian Structure and Tubes and Hatches

* New black tubes for Hubble-like telescopes

* Hatch for Hubble-like telescopes

* Lens for telescopes

* New folder structure

* Please delete ALL old Klockheed Martian folders before installing the V2.0 Thank you!

Version 2.0: More stability and wet workshops

* New Tweakscale

* Less tight integration with km_lib.dll

* Wet workshop parts

Using the wet workshop parts

You can tur any fuel tank (even 5m KW Rocketry Tanks) into a space station now. Follow these steps:

1) Attach the door to a tank

2) Launch your rocket and drain the tank COMPLETELY. (Smart Parts has a fuel valve to help with that!)

3) Bring supplies and transfer these to the door.

4) Klick the door and convert empty tanks to empty space to living space

5) Bring kerbals to the door

Right now all happens in the door. Depending on the feedback, I might continue this and extend it with connected living space support, etc.


Important! Please follow the steps EVERY TIME you update a Klockheed Martian Mod! All public releases are located here:


a) Download the latest version of the base Klockheed Martian Mod from here. It is just called "Klockheed_Martian".

B) Download the desired Klockheed Martian mods (e.g., Klockheed_Martian_SSE for Space Shuttle Engines).

c) Delete the Klockheed Martian base folder (GameData\Klockheed_Martian).

d) If you update mod, delete its folder too (e.g., GameData\Klockheed_Martian_SSE)

d) Unzip both files and copy the GameData folders to your GameData Folder.

The base folder is required for common plugin functionality that is shared by all Klockheed Martian mods.


Credits and Acknowledgments

Thanks to Floppster for creating the initial Tweakscale configs (great work!)

Thanks to Biotronic for creating Tweakscale

Thanks to Snjo for letting me use his firespitter buoyancy code

This plugin uses Snjo's firespitter code and Biotrnic's Tweakscale plugin

Special parts:


Wet workshop example (Tanks and engines are from KW Rocketry)



This work is shared under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.

You may non-commercially share it as-is with credit to the author in the download and on the download page.

Please contact me if you want to modify or extend the code.

Author: dtobi


How do i close the KM cargo bay in the VAB?

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Can anyone explain how the Crocodile Interstage parts work? I've searched through the thread and not found the answer. Something with endcaps, or tweakscale config issues? Am I missing something simple?

I came for the cargo pieces for a nice service module but the other parts are neat.

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I'm having the same problem with Crocodile interstage parts. Can rescale them, but can't make them open and close.

Also, is the telescope lens supposed to be single use only? I took one photo and it will be inoperable after using. Is this deliberate? Seems kinda dumb :\

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's the MODEL + rescale factor thingie that happened to a lot of mods, Squad fixed a bug. You can try fixing it yourself but it's messy, and you might end up picking different numbers than dtobi would, so you're likely to be better off waiting for them to come back.

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TweakScale has been updated to .25 version today... I installed it over the one bundled with the previous version of this plugin, I'll check if it's working ;).

Seems it's not working, probably because of the replaced config file not including the parts from the project...

Edited by FrancoisH
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Now all of a sudden is is working... not sure what exactly I did. I copied the TS folder from the KM zip back over the new .25 TS release, didn't think that fixed it at first, but then I tried adding the "DefaultScale" line to ONE part, now they all seem to be working (except that one part, which the size is a little buggered on). But now it's obvious the building nodes are in the wrong place. Not sure how much time I want to invest in "fixing" this myself (for myself) IF dtobi is planning an update himself....

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After one year of developing and maintaining mods for KSP, it is time to move on for me.

I will release the code and models into the public domain if anyone is interested. Please just drop me a message if you are interested in taking over the development and maintenance for this mod or if you would like to use its code or models in other mods.

It was a pleasure to work with you guys!


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