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[1.2] USI Survivability Pack (Formerly DERP) [v0.6.0]


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  Boomerang said:
Pretty sure that's intentional. I've edited the LS resources on my own save to fit my own needs so I can't check, but I believe it comes set up with the bare minimum to survive for 15 days. So that's no food, and however much water and oxygen is needed to survive for 15 days minus the time a Kerbal can go without those resources.

Judging from the statement on the front page of "15 Days of Life Support Supplies," I assume this includes food. After all, a kerbal can't survive 2 weeks without food.

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  PaladinVito said:
Judging from the statement on the front page of "15 Days of Life Support Supplies," I assume this includes food. After all, a kerbal can't survive 2 weeks without food.

If your using TAC LS, they can :)

From the TACLS forum page:


  • They will die if they go without resources for too long: 30 Kerbin days without food, 3 Kerbin days without water, 2 hours without Oxygen, and 2 hours without Electricity

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  Boamere said:
Ooooh 0.2, but dropbox isn't working... WHAT SHALL I DO WITH MU LIFE?

Should be fine now... Thanks Reddit :P

  Pigbear said:
Hmm, all I can do with the things is inflate and decouple them, I can't do anything else, What am I doing wrong :huh:

Right click on the engine :)

  Net-burst said:
It seems I can't put any kerbals in DERP pod and evacuate action don't do anything. What am I doing wrong?

Edit: Managed to put kerbal in it, but right after that lost control of it. Evacuate action still don't do anything.

Evac I need to check, it may be turned off for now.

  PaladinVito said:
Judging from the statement on the front page of "15 Days of Life Support Supplies," I assume this includes food. After all, a kerbal can't survive 2 weeks without food.

See other replies - since in TAC a Kerbal survives 30 days without food, 3 days without water, the DERP has 15 days oxygen, 12 days water. Space is very tight ;)

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  RoverDude said:
See other replies - since in TAC a Kerbal survives 30 days without food, 3 days without water, the DERP has 15 days oxygen, 12 days water. Space is very tight ;)

Ah, my mistake. I never looked at the specific number of days a kerbal can survive without food; I was making an educated guess based on human physiology, and 30 days without food is... heh. Still a great little mod!

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  RoverDude said:
See other replies - since in TAC a Kerbal survives 30 days without food, 3 days without water, the DERP has 15 days oxygen, 12 days water. Space is very tight ;)

What, 30 days without food? Isn't that to OP?

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  Olympic1 said:
What, 30 days without food? Isn't that to OP?

Not really =) there are some pretty well documented cases of people surviving weeks or close to a month without food (Gandhi for example went 21 days without food)

And we all know kerbals are more dense then us human folks, so they can probably go longer, lol

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  rabidninjawombat said:
Not really =) there are some pretty well documented cases of people surviving weeks or close to a month without food (Gandhi for example went 21 days without food)

And we all know kerbals are more dense then us human folks, so they can probably go longer, lol

good to know

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I'm not sure if this is a change or a bug, but the "Evacuate" actiongroup command no longer inflates the pod for me, nor does it move a Kerbal from the command pod to the DERP Lifeboat. :( The pod still functions in all the ways it should beyond that however.

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Just letting all aware of the possible existence of a bug. If I put more than 6 of these on a craft it crashes KSP to the desktop on the scene change to the launchpad. I don't see anything that I can associate with this in the log file. It may be a conflict or problem with another mod and possibly KAS which has not yet been updated to KSP 0.24.1. After KAS and all the other mods I use are properly updated then if it still occurs I might follow it up (i.e. do a proper diagnostic set of tests clean un-modded install etc., etc.) but just at the moment I couldn't be bothered :blush: (I have had a hell of a time with broken things after the 0.24 to 0.24.1 update and I just want to play the new career mode and not spend all my time debugging stuff.)

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  JDCollie said:
I'm not sure if this is a change or a bug, but the "Evacuate" actiongroup command no longer inflates the pod for me, nor does it move a Kerbal from the command pod to the DERP Lifeboat. :( The pod still functions in all the ways it should beyond that however.

Working on it :)

  Kaa253 said:
Just letting all aware of the possible existence of a bug. If I put more than 6 of these on a craft it crashes KSP to the desktop on the scene change to the launchpad. I don't see anything that I can associate with this in the log file. It may be a conflict or problem with another mod and possibly KAS which has not yet been updated to KSP 0.24.1. After KAS and all the other mods I use are properly updated then if it still occurs I might follow it up (i.e. do a proper diagnostic set of tests clean un-modded install etc., etc.) but just at the moment I couldn't be bothered :blush: (I have had a hell of a time with broken things after the 0.24 to 0.24.1 update and I just want to play the new career mode and not spend all my time debugging stuff.)

No worries, my suspicion is KAS given it has a lot of issues right now - but if it's DERP then by all means let me know and I will investigate.

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  RoverDude said:

No worries, my suspicion is KAS given it has a lot of issues right now - but if it's DERP then by all means let me know and I will investigate.

Something I just found is RasterPropMonitor spamming my log with...

RasterPropMonitorComputer: Running on a part with no IVA, how did that happen?

It happened as the capsule is not inflated yet but it has internal mk1PodCockpit. Since i don't really need an advanced navigation system in a lifeboat I have edited the mk1-patch.cfg provided with RPM to read...

name = RasterPropMonitorComputer

@name = mk1PodCockpitRPM

...will see if I have edited that MM config script correctly and if it helps. However, I suspect it was not the thing causing my CTD problem.

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  Olympic1 said:
What, 30 days without food? Isn't that to OP?

TACLS says 30 Kerbin days, so that's only 6 hours per day. This means that you're really only getting 180 hours of time, or a little over a week on Earth.

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  Taki117 said:
Question: Does this have Deadly Reentry support? I really want to use this, but if the walls are as flimsy as I suspect they are then my kerbals will get cooked.

Yes it is heavily DRE ruggedized. Kind of makes sense for a lifeboat. Burning up is nearly impossible as excessive g-forces will kill your kerbals first (Edit: standard DRE + FAR - no idea how RSS would turn out).

Edited by Kaa253
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Seems to be a new version of 0.2.1 there that's not reflected in the thread title. Just a little note in case it slipped your mind. You must be super busy with Karbonie, which I eagerly await! You're doing some very nice work, Roverdude.

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  Taki117 said:
Question: Does this have Deadly Reentry support? I really want to use this, but if the walls are as flimsy as I suspect they are then my kerbals will get cooked.

It does!

  Kaa253 said:
Yes it is heavily DRE ruggedized. Kind of makes sense for a lifeboat. Burning up is nearly impossible as excessive g-forces will kill your kerbals first (Edit: standard DRE + FAR - no idea how RSS would turn out).

True ;)

  Nowater said:
A very nice mod, but i have a little problem. If i hit evacuate, nothing happens. It should normally inflate or?

Not working right now - on the list

  Addle said:
Seems to be a new version of 0.2.1 there that's not reflected in the thread title. Just a little note in case it slipped your mind. You must be super busy with Karbonie, which I eagerly await! You're doing some very nice work, Roverdude.

Incredibly busy - I have another mod to wrap up then I can circle back to these :)

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So I was experimenting with this last night (I love this pod btw) and thought I would share an issue I found and what I ended up creating ;)

First what I was working on... behold the DART (Derp Automated Recovery Transport):


And its variant DART v2.0 (Maximum DERPage)


(perfect for a fun if expensive game of EVA volley ball)

Basically I wanted an un-kerbiled recoverable recovery vehicle for my campaign savegame for recovering lost kerbils or rescue missions to my upcoming station.

Now what I found was there seems to be something off with the numbers of life support. I rescued poor Johnby Kerbin who was abandoned by his fellows in orbit on a prank. Once he got into the pod, he discovered to his dismay there were no more snacks!!!! !11no1!!!!11whataworldwhataworld.

Looking at the config file, I found these tweaks were necessary to get the advertised 15 days of life support:

@MODULE[LifeBoat] {
%foodAmount = 3.5
%waterAmount = 6.74
%oxyAmount = 1141

Am I right or am I missing something?



Edited by elfindreams
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  elfindreams said:

Now what I found was there seems to be something off with the numbers of life support. I rescued poor Johnby Kerbin who was abandoned by his fellows in orbit on a prank. Once he got into the pod, he discovered to his dismay there were no more snacks!!!! !11no1!!!!11whataworldwhataworld.

Am I right or am I missing something?



I think it was covered here:


Essentially, with TAC LS, Kerbals can already survive 30 days without food, so there is no need for the emergency pod to have a 15 day food supply (which would essentially allow Kerbals to survive for 45 days, provided there was sufficient water and oxygen).

This is also why the emergency capsule only has 12 days of water (as Kerbals can survive 3 days without water).

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  Darkblade48 said:
I think it was covered here:


Essentially, with TAC LS, Kerbals can already survive 30 days without food, so there is no need for the emergency pod to have a 15 day food supply (which would essentially allow Kerbals to survive for 45 days, provided there was sufficient water and oxygen).

This is also why the emergency capsule only has 12 days of water (as Kerbals can survive 3 days without water).

Absolutely correct :)

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  Kaa253 said:
Just letting all aware of the possible existence of a bug. If I put more than 6 of these on a craft it crashes KSP to the desktop on the scene change to the launchpad. I don't see anything that I can associate with this in the log file. It may be a conflict or problem with another mod and possibly KAS which has not yet been updated to KSP 0.24.1. After KAS and all the other mods I use are properly updated then if it still occurs I might follow it up (i.e. do a proper diagnostic set of tests clean un-modded install etc., etc.) but just at the moment I couldn't be bothered :blush: (I have had a hell of a time with broken things after the 0.24 to 0.24.1 update and I just want to play the new career mode and not spend all my time debugging stuff.)

Oh I just re-read this... it is definitely not DERP, as you can see from my previous craft I was able to get 17 of these on a ship, no issues.

- - - Updated - - -

  RoverDude said:
Absolutely correct :)

Good point, I might add a hours worth of food in just so Jeb can have snacks ;)

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I really like the idea of this, and I've tried using it several times; however, it does not play nicely with deadly reentry + NEAR at all. It seems to have very little drag, flips around backwards every time, and the chute never fails to kill my kerbals from excessive g-force (because I'm still going 2300m/s and picking up speed at 15km altitude). If you're wondering "wow, what kind of reentry trajectory is this guy on???", it's pretty standard... apoapsis around 100km and periapsis around 40km. I let drag lower apoapsis until I'm suborbital. However, with the derp pods, I find myself having to do a retro-burn just to keep from flying out of the atmosphere. Not sure which particular mod could be said to be at fault here, but in general my realchutes seem to work fine.

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One of the things I love about these is the stack-ability of them. Though the engine doesn't snap on a stack (so alignment is difficult), they can be aligned with some effort... and once aligned I generally just pop 4 or 5 on, and then decouple with action groups like an emergency pez dispenser. :) This is ideal for rescuing kerbals as popping a pod off the front doesn't wreck symmetry, thus the ship is still maneuverable enough to go and rescue more kerbals.

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