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[1.5.x]Dr. Jet's Chop Shop v0.11.4.3 (20.10.2018)

Dr. Jet

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Will bigger size configs and/or TweakScale integration be needed for SSP? Current design was made and balanced for ion-propelled probes, but if people want something bigger...

I don't think anyone will complain about larger two-axis solar panels. If there was a 2.5m version I'd consider using it in my next space station design, so I don't have to worry about orienting the station as much.

I don't yet have an opinion about the new spaceplane parts as I generally favor rockets, but at some point that may change.

Blisters were colored to draftly match stock FL-T800. What other parts do you have in mind exactly? I'm not an artist by any means, so any good ideas about model upgrading or retexturing are appreciated.

More like the parts added in 0.23.5 for NASA's Asteroid Recovery, or like the SPP parts in 0.25. Or like the Saturn V from the Apollo missions. I have a feeling the FL-T800 will be redone in the art overhaul they're threatening before the game leaves beta, in favor of that black-and-white look.

On a side note: I am seriously loving the LTS, and the soil sampler will be handy for interplanetary missions for sure!


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V 0.6.1

- New SpacePlane+ parts: Quadcoupler (2 x 1.25m + 2 x 0.625m) and 2.5m Adapter, both using stock textures.

- Blister stripes are darker to draftly match SpacePlane+ side stripes color.


Mechanical soil sampler is still experimental alpha with crappy config and texture. I have some ideas how to improve it, but cannot predict ETA.

Now working on widened fuselage end with air intakes and 3x1.25 connectors, capable of holding LV-N in the middle.

Should I make air intakes RamJet style or TurboJet style? Ramjet intakes are realistic for spaceplane... also half dipped ramjet intakes are used IRL in russian Moskito antinaval missile... on the other hand we don't have any ramjet engines (rear parts) in game except hybrid RAPIER (which is not a true ramjet also, as it provides nonzero thrust at zero speed). Turbojet intakes are less (if at all) realistic for spaceplane, but we do have decent turbojet engine... and turbojet intake fan can be animated.

How do you think , should I include 0.625 jets configs for those not using TweakScale?

Edited by Dr. Jet
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v 0.6.2

- New SpacePlane+ parts: Wide Tricoupler (3 x 1.25m + 2 Ram Air intakes, capable of holding LV-N engine) and Drone Nosecone (air intakes, RT and RPM support), both using stock textures.


- configurations for 0.625 jets, aerospike and aerospike adapter.

- 1.25m configuration for SSP Mk1 (model looks quite crappy at 2.5m and above, so it will be SSP Mk2 with another model and animation)

- new sample crafts

- some minor bugfixes

Picture doesn't show the frontal intakes of Wide Tricoupler... Those are just clones of stock RamJet-alike ShockCone Intake.

Foreseeing a question about comparatively small fuel amount in Wide Tricoupler: side subfuselages don't host fuel, they are something like S.A.B.R.E. precoolers. And they are configured to have such function if KSPI is installed.

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Hey Dr. Jet, can you give use tweakscale support? Especaily for scallable parts like the Smart Solar Panel. I would very much welcome large version of this very usefull solar panel

Tweakscale support is already configured for all parts where it have sense. SPP Mk1 model is OK at 0.625 and 1.25 sizes, but looks crappy at bigger sizes. I'll make SSP Mk2 for those - maybe something with Gigantor-alike deployment. If you want to use more sizes with SSP Mk1 or any other part - just edit /ChopShop/ModuleManager/TweakScale.cfg

TweakScale thread have a comprehensive guide about syntax.

Oops... I see... I've included a wrong 1.25m config for those NOT using TweakScale. This should work:



// --- general parameters ---

name = SSP_mk1_125

module = Part

author = Dr.Jet

// --- asset parameters ---

mesh = model.mu

scale = 1

rescaleFactor = 2.5

// --- node definitions ---

// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0

node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0

// --- editor parameters ---

TechRequired = advElectrics

entryCost = 5200

cost = 3200

category = Utility

subcategory = 0

title = SSP Mk2 (1.25m)

manufacturer = Dr. Jet's Chop Shop

description = Smart Solar Panels Mk 2. No more dead spots! Two-axis rotation guarantee your panels to ALWAYS face the sun. Batteries included. Works better when activated by action group.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 1.6

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.2

minimum_drag = 0.2

angularDrag = 1

crashTolerance = 8

maxTemp = 1200



name = ElectricCharge

amount = 800

maxAmount = 800


// Central pivot rotation.



name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel

animationName = start // To make central pivot ALWAYS active and get rid of surplus AG-actions - comment this line

// sunTracking = true // And uncomment THIS line.

raycastTransformName = MainRotator

pivotName = MainRotator

isBreakable = false

resourceName = ElectricCharge

chargeRate = 0



key = 0 0 0 0



// Solar panels deployment and rotation.



name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel

animationName = extend

raycastTransformName = PanelC

pivotName = solarPivot

isBreakable = true

resourceName = ElectricCharge

chargeRate = 48



key = 206000000000 0 0 0

key = 13599840256 1 0 0

key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0

key = 0 10 0 0




Will include this hotfix in next patch.

The SPP+ to 2.5m part is the very one that I needed last night for my Eeloo ship made mostly with SPP+ parts. Thank you so much for these, any chance of some 1.25m and 2.5m tanks with the SPP+ texture? Just for aesthetic reasons.

Well... no. Stock Squad textures which I use don't fit well with cylinder shapes.

P.S. I thought people were asking for 2.5 adapter to mount B9 S.A.B.R.E. Mk2. :rolleyes:

P.P.S. Check to myself - add KSPI precooler module to it.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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  • 4 months later...

Are there any planned updates to this great pack?

As far as I can tell, it works for 0.90.

Is there any way to improve the dual axis tracking solar panels?

It looks a bit weird when clicking the activate in the wrong order and it is not so intuitive to reset.

But the concept is great and it would imho make a great addition to the SETI-BalanceMod supported mods (link in my signature).

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All parts that I did were based on stock modules, so they should work until Squad break something... What I can't tell about external DLLs and some part packs.

Recently I found that Lunokhod+Luna-17 reconfig is broken due to part changes in available packs. BahamutoDynamics animation dll was not updated ever since, thus ruining (optional) automated deployment of skycranes. And the last available pack of Spacetech parts in whole Internet is... chinese...

All this call for some cleaning, yes. However new parts are not ready, and those experimentals that are partially ready - like manned rover rebiult from Mk1 Landing Can... they don't only look weird but I'm also having troubles configuring IVA.

No ETA, sorry. Maybe just a small cleaning patch.

About dual axis SPs - animation bug is caused by stock KSP module restrictions and weird way of treating imported animation in Unity. Same problem was with Kosmos pack Balka SP. My part description mentions that you should use action groups to activate both modules simultaneously to avoid problems (automated MechJeb deployment works fine too). Maybe (MAYBE!) using separate empty Unity animation for collar and fully replicated Unity animation for wings instead of imported Blender animation will solve it. Nycidian here is currently experimenting with dual-axis panels. If he succeed fighting a bug with another animation option than I used - I'll change my model.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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Updated to 0.6.3

As I said above - just some cleaning and tidyups. Parts can now be viewed by manufacturer (declared an Agency), textures are quantized, obsolete mods are no longer supported.

Thank you very much!

PS: While there are picutes linked, pictures in the OP would greatly help the popularity of this mods.

There are so many useful parts, from Mk2 adapters to the 2-axis solar panels, roverbodies and the skycrane.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

edit: Removed exception report, must be something with my install.

On another note: Have you considered using LayeredAnimations for the 2axis solar panels?

I ve seen it working for the HabitatPack, it might be useful for the solar panels as well. It is discussed on the last few pages of that thread.

Edited by Yemo
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I try to avoid any external dependencies other then ModuleManager which is absolutely essential. Those are always broken when you need them. One patch ago I removed BDanimations support for Skycrane. Unupdated version of that dll was causing weird behavior and preventing full deployment.

Also I had... and still have a strong temptation to use DMModuleScienceAnimate for reviving my earlier experimental (3-charges) model of Soil Sampler, but I resist it.

As for SSP-1 - just set an action group to toggle both animations simultaneously. Works fine.

P.S. Want a report from F.A.R. user about last patch. Is parts CoL in place? Do intakes behave well now?

P.P.S. Bigger SSP-2 is still in deep WIP. No ETA.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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I was surprised to see my mod in CKAN few days ago. And I was even more surprised to discover a video review today. :0.0:

Unfortunately, version 0.6.4 that got into review still had bugs. I feel ashamed. :blush:

Patch 0.6.5 should fix those. Skycrane and 0.625m engines will show in manufacturer tab properly, Aerospike Adapter will be properly resized and get it's texture back, etc.

Also ModuleManager will be excluded from archive to meet CKAN rules. It is still ESSENTIAL, at least it's essential to get smaller engines and other mods support.

BTW, Blister decouplers are not for engines, they are for boosters. Small inbuilt retrorockets in them are used to assure clean separation. And LTS should be assembled by strapping side tanks to core tank in symmetry.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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great to see it updated and on KerbalStuff!

FYI, SETI supports it since the last version as well.

Some things to consider:

1. Distributing the ModuleManager in the zip is totally ok, as long as it is in the GameData folder and not in the ChopShop folder itself. A proper CKAN integration has install instructions, stating that only the Chop Shop folder is copied into GameData and the other stuff in the zip is not touched. Furthermore the NetKAN file should state ModuleManger as a dependency.

Ah, I just saw that Dazpoet integrated ChopShop to NetKAN with those install instructions, so you can put the module manager dll back into the GameData in your download.

2. The tricoupler alpha worked fine for me (with VenStockRevamp). You could simply make its appearance dependent on whether VenStockRevamp is installed:

name = wide-tri

Or you could use stock textures as default and switch to VenStockRevamp textures using MM statments?

3. When doing the SETI MM statements, I noticed that those LED headlights are extremely bright for their small size. Would it be possible to tweak their max/default brightness to something between the stock Illuminator 1 and Illuminator 2?

Thank you very much.

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The tricoupler alpha worked fine for me (with VenStockRevamp).

Yeah. It was the early experimental version of Wide Tricoupler in fact. Ram intakes clipping looked too ugly, so I went with making my own (maybe less fancy, but more accurate) model. Still wonder, how that old junk got into build.

You could simply make its appearance dependent on whether VenStockRevamp is installed:

I know. Initially was making it with VSR in mind. But there is no reason to keep 2 mostly similar parts.

When doing the SETI MM statements, I noticed that those LED headlights are extremely bright for their small size. Would it be possible to tweak their max/default brightness to something between the stock Illuminator 1 and Illuminator 2?

LEDs are actually quite bright IRL...

Unity model has intensity 0->2.5, angle 30 and range 150 for now. What do you suggest? I don't have proper numbers for stock ones.

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hmm have a weird issue the ssp mk1 wotn load in my game. anytime i have the part file in game frezes on it yet i remove it it doesnt freeze. only differnce between the mk1 and mk1 .cfg is the rescale and electric charge.

Edited by sidfu
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Really weird... Looks like KSP memory issue. Try to start with "ksp.exe -popupwindow -force-opengl".

Also if you updated my mod by overwriting - delete it and install fresh one. Maybe some conflicts persisted from earlier versions.

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Really weird... Looks like KSP memory issue. Try to start with "ksp.exe -popupwindow -force-opengl".

Also if you updated my mod by overwriting - delete it and install fresh one. Maybe some conflicts persisted from earlier versions.

messing around more seems its a issue of the dang it mod not liking the solar panel not my ram.

here the error it throws. like i said its weird as the mk2 one doesnt throw it only the mk 1 but from what i can see they identical but for the resizeing factor.

[LOG 06:37:27.874] [DangIt]: Tracking Servo[-247452]: OnLoad complete: loaded 2 perks.
[EXC 06:37:27.877] InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object
System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback)
System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel] (IEnumerable`1 source)
coffeeman.ModuleSolarReliability.DI_ShowInfoInEditor ()
ippo.ModuleReliabilityInfo.GetInfo ()
PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node)
PartLoader+.MoveNext ()
[LOG 06:37:27.890] [DangIt]: Tracking Servo[-247452]: ERROR [System.InvalidOperationException]: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel] (IEnumerable`1 source) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at coffeeman.ModuleSolarReliability.DI_Start (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ippo.FailureModule.OnStart (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

also so u know most time ksp stops on loading a file isnt a ram issue its either 2 things mod error(but sometimes dont show in lo gunless u let game keep trying to load) or ksps loading just screwing up which happens and removeing the file then starting game without the file then put file back in after a restart from main menu.

Edited by sidfu
phrased it wrong
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I never said my mod is supporting DangIt! :P

Since DangIt! doesn't have a separate config for solar panels, your trouble may lie in /GameData/DangIt/ModuleManager/battery.cfg

DangIt! doesn't think that solar panels may have inbuilt batteries, and SSP-1, being the inline part, is not grabbable or replaceable.

Try this.

name = NoFailureModules

It should prevent DangIt! from touching SSPs at all.

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