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[1.5.x]Dr. Jet's Chop Shop v0.11.4.3 (20.10.2018)

Dr. Jet

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My mod is pretty well broken in 1.0...

- Squad have changed the node treatment. Now direction DOES matter. Need fixes for almost all my parts.

- texture placement or names changed for SP+ parts. My SP+ extension parts were configured to borrow their texures... not good.

- Squad at last have put Probodobodyne Rovemate where it belongs... but still didn't orient it right. Will fix that.

Work in progress...


ETA will depend on further bugz discovered.

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Fixed everything... I hope... :rolleyes:

Now rebalancing experimental Impeller part. With new engine curves it should work great.

ETA either tonight or tomorrov evening.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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Updated to 0.7.0

- Patched for KSP 1.0, now incompatible with 0.90 and lower

- Added experimental electric impeller "Li'l Buzzer". Flyable but still badly configured, need help with that.

- New sample craft "Buzzer" using impeller. Other crafts may be broken, will check em later.

No new pics yet, sorry. It's deep night here already.

Any feedback is appreciated.

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Updated to 0.7.0

- Patched for KSP 1.0, now incompatible with 0.90 and lower

- Added experimental electric impeller "Li'l Buzzer". Flyable but still badly configured, need help with that.

- New sample craft "Buzzer" using impeller. Other crafts may be broken, will check em later.

No new pics yet, sorry. It's deep night here already.

Any feedback is appreciated.

The resource Airflow is unessesary- you can use the stock IntakeAir instead of Airflow.

Altered CFG:



// --- general parameters ---

name = lil_buzzer

module = Part

author = Dr. Jet

mesh = model.mu

scale = 1

node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.16, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0

// --- editor parameters ---

TechRequired = electrics

entryCost = 1200

Cost = 400

category = Propulsion

subcategory = 0

title = Li'l Buzzer

manufacturer = Dr. Jet's Chop Shop

description = Tiny electric impeller, salvaged from RC model plane. Closely imitates the real jet sound. (Part is unbalanced!)

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 0.01

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.2

minimum_drag = 0.1

angularDrag = 1

crashTolerance = 7

maxTemp = 1200



name = ModuleEnginesFX

engineID = Cruise

thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform

exhaustDamage = False

ignitionThreshold = 0.1

minThrust = 0

maxThrust = 5

heatProduction = 0.1

useEngineResponseTime = True

engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.5

engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.8

flameoutEffectName = flameout

powerEffectName = running_thrust

engageEffectName = engage

disengageEffectName = disengage

spoolEffectName = running_turbine

engineSpoolIdle = 0.05

engineSpoolTime = 2.0

EngineType = Turbine



name = ElectricCharge

ratio = 5

DrawGauge = True




name = IntakeAir

ratio = 1




key = 0 220 0 0

key = 1 200 -55 -55

key = 5 100 0 0


// Jet params

atmChangeFlow = False

useVelCurve = False

useAtmCurve = True

machLimit = 0.75

machHeatMult = 3.5



key = 0 1 0 0

key = 0.5 0.8 -0.9460317 -0.9460317

key = 0.8 0.3523809 -1.626984 -1.626984

key = 1 0 -1.761905 -1.761905




key = 0 0 0 0

key = 0.3 0.18 0.6 0.6

key = 1 0.5 0.4 0.4

key = 5 1 0 0









channel = Ship

clip = sound_jet_deep

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 0.04 0.3

volume = 0.7 0.7

pitch = 0.3 0.9

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true







channel = Ship

clip = sound_jet_low

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 0.04 0.3

volume = 0.7 0.7

pitch = 0.3 0.7

pitch = 0.35 0.8

pitch = 1.3 1.3

loop = true







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 0.7

pitch = 2.3

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 0.7

pitch = 2.3

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 0.7

pitch = 2.3

loop = false






name = ModuleResourceIntake

resourceName = IntakeAir

checkForOxygen = false

area = 0.0005

intakeSpeed = 0.05

intakeTransformName = Intake




name = IntakeAir

amount = 0.3

maxAmount = 0.5



Yes, it works.

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I CAN NOT use IntakeAir! Because this engine must work in EVERY atmosphere - even oxygenless. It's ELECTRIC. Airflow resource doesn't look for oxygen. Same solution is used by Firespitter as FScoolant resource. I'm not using FS for this part... yet. If I will - it will be FScoolant instead.

What I need help with - is curves.

1) Using velCurve as it is leaves Buzzer (1 impeller only craft) barely crawling in the air. Should be "able to reach 0.8 Mach but not 1 Mach".

2) Proper usage of atmCurve is still a secret for me. Impeller have too much thrust in thin atmosphere (Duna) and too low thrust in dense one (Eve), while I was hoping to configure it in reverse. The denser atmosphere is - the more thrust (and less ISP) impeller should get.

- - - Updated - - -


This seems very interesting. How is the tech tree integration though? I'm trying a career mode.

Haven't tried 1.0 TechTree yet. My parts still belong to old 0.90 nodes. Will look at it today evening.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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If it is a float curve are you using this?

Yeah. Was using that tool to fix tangents and achieve something smooth.

The problem is I don't understand how KSP treat those...

When I write



key = 0 0 0 0

key = 0.3 0.18 0.6 0.6

key = 1 0.5 0.4 0.4

key = 5 1 0 0


I expect to have full thrust at 5 atmospheres (Eve ASL), half thrust at 1 atmosphere (Kerbin ASL) and somewhere near 1/10 thrust at Duna. It doesn't work like expected.

P.S. Barometer part which I used as a reference in 0.90 now shows something strange like 77 atmospheres pressure at Kerbin ASL.

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Latest version has some very strange bug. If I have the mod installed (and use some parts from mod, I think it happened when my craft had the skycrane, modular ladner fuel tank and the aerospike adapter) and I go from VAB to launch, and then revert to VAB the whole parts menu on left side breaks and shows no parts. Problem stopped when I removed the mod, so I'm quite sure it's causing it.

EDIT: Apparently it's something else, as the problem continues.

Edited by MIC132
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Have checked for TechTree integration. All parts are available (which is better then expected) thus 0.7.0 is career-play compatible, though a couple of parts now have more accurate nodes to be moved to. I'll do it in next patch.

Stock Techtree itself is... shoudn't swear in public... UNBALANCED! All 64 existing nodes cost 16.918 in sum, while Kerbol system has 306.881 science potential from stock experiments only, not counting vehicle returns... :huh:

P.S. Alt+F12 techtree instrumentary however is brilliant! :cool: How did they ended with such... bad design for techtree while having such a powerful tool, I wonder? :confused:

Edited by Dr. Jet
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There is a typo in "lil_buzzer"

Cost = 400

shut be

cost = 400

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ChopShop/Propulsion/Impeller/impeller/lil_buzzer'
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)
PartLoader Warning: Variable Cost not found in Part

And in "RtgRoverBody":

rescalefactor = 1

shut be

rescaleFactor = 1

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ChopShop/Rovers/RTGRover/RTGrover/RtgRoverBody'
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)
PartLoader Warning: Variable rescalefactor not found in Part

Edited by Kolago
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"explosiveNodeID" in Part "LTS1_side" and "LTS05_side" has value "front".


shut be "top" or "srf"

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ChopShop/Propulsion/LTS/side_tank/LTS1_side'
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)
Cannot find fx group of that name for decoupler
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)
Cannot find fx group of that name for decoupler
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)
PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ChopShop/Propulsion/LTS/side_tank_tiny/LTS05_side'
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)
Cannot find fx group of that name for decoupler
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)
Cannot find fx group of that name for decoupler

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Update 0.7.1 ("Thanks" to lazy asses from gog.com! :mad: I HAD TO DOWNLOAD A PIRATED VERSION TO DO IT!)

- Patched thermals and aerodynamics for 1.0.2.

- Updated sample crafts (SPH) and part technodes.

- Few minor bugfixes.

- "Li'l Buzzer" is still badly configured though flyable. Will wait for NathanKell's jet engines configuration guide.

- - - Updated - - -

"explosiveNodeID" in Part "LTS1_side" and "LTS05_side" has value "front".

Hm-m-m... It's not the node name that is wrong... it's something else... I think the game engine searches for effects which were not set. Will experiment with that, thanks for feedback.

- - - Updated - - -

It was a missing line: "sound_vent_large = decouple". Will include that in next patch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First: I love your mod. There are so many parts in this that just make sense! The STS tanks are brilliant, the decoupling blisters are beyond useful, and I'm really looking forward to unlocking the solar panels. the only issue I've run into is with the decoupling blister and Tweakscale. If I place a blister and right click on it, it suddenly shrinks to .62m, and sets that to the maximum size it can be. I've seen some debug messages relating to the scaleFactor of it, if that helps you look into the problem.

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the only issue I've run into is with the decoupling blister and Tweakscale. If I place a blister and right click on it, it suddenly shrinks to .62m, and sets that to the maximum size it can be. I've seen some debug messages relating to the scaleFactor of it, if that helps you look into the problem.

Just the decoupling blister and not any other parts? Strange... Can't find anything in config that may produce such bug. It's generally the same "type = stack" as non-decoupling blister with a couple of extra exponents. Will try to reproduce this bug at evening.

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Just the decoupling blister and not any other parts? Strange... Can't find anything in config that may produce such bug. It's generally the same "type = stack" as non-decoupling blister with a couple of extra exponents. Will try to reproduce this bug at evening.

Yeah, I looked at the tweakscale config and didn't see anything odd about it. I have a lot of mods installed, so it's possible there's some interference, but I can't think of anything that could cause this, especially on only one part.

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Nope. Was unable to reproduce size bug.

BTW, do you have proper scaling of retrorocket fuel amount in this part? It should be linear 12.5 -> 25.0 -> 37.5, but I see it as cubical in my test build... It seems that there is another bug in my TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS.

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"Pimp my rover" parts break my previously build rovers. Probe core start turned but other parts don't, and all I can do is rebuild the rover. It also breaks RemoteTech interaction.

Here, I have a screenshot:


Edited by micha030201
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That's not my fault that Squad always messed rover orientation, concidering that FRONT is pointing UPWARDS rather then actually front (and that made MechJeb crazy when trying to pilot such rovers).

My mod fixes that, so that front is front and top is top. Of course any rovers built without that fix will seem "broken".

You are free to delete corresponding config (/ChopShop/Rovers/PimpMyRover/pmr_StockRover.cfg) if you don't want to have proper navball orientation and MJ compatibility on your Probodobodyne-using rovers.

As for RemoteTech - no config in my mod touches it - except for DAS-1 and Drone Nosecone support. Search elsewhere.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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That's not my fault that Squad always messed rover orientation, concidering that FRONT is pointing UPWARDS rather then actually front (and that made MechJeb crazy when trying to pilot such rovers).

My mod fixes that, so that front is front and top is top. Of course any rovers built without that fix will seem "broken".

You are free to delete corresponding config (/ChopShop/Rovers/PimpMyRover/pmr_StockRover.cfg) if you don't want to have proper navball orientation and MJ compatibility on your Probodobodyne-using rovers.

As for RemoteTech - no config in my mod touches it - except for DAS-1 and Drone Nosecone support. Search elsewhere.

I'll try and build a few rovers.

Also, is your avatar pic anything related to the Kzinti?

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Hi, today I tried this beautiful mod for the first time. I have an issue with the parts. They works correctly, but they are completely messed up in the editor. I found engines in Control&Command and other parts all around in the editor.

Is it a know issue?

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As for RemoteTech - no config in my mod touches it - except for DAS-1 and Drone Nosecone support. Search elsewhere.

Note that in the description please.

I will try to make some RemoteTech configs for probes to work properly, but I can't promise anything.

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