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[0.25] Realism Overhaul w/ RedAV8R [Terminated]


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Irrespective of any thread maintenance, more people helping out with PRs is great! And a highly simplified career mode sounds *great*. One should not underestimate how fun career is (I've been playing 6.4x without RO or RF, but with the other realism mods, and it's super fun).

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I'd also really like to do some work on a highly simplified RO career mode.

So, I have some thoughts about career mode, and it's my dream that someone else will run with these. My working name has been "Realistic Progression Zero¹", and the goals in a nutshell would be:

- Targets either the stock tree, or more likely, the community tech tree (CTT).

- Has no requirements other than the RealismOverhaul core.

- Is smart enough to detect new installs and place them in the tech tree appropriately, but does not require any other mods.

In other words, it's something which can be *very* easily picked and played with, with minimal barriers to entry.

My reasons for favouring the CTT is because it seems to be getting a lot of support from many mods which I wish to use, which will hopefully reduce the friction of integrating those into RP-0. In some cases, that might just mean adding RO support for the mods, and they work in RP-0 out of the box.

In other news, I've working pretty darn hard on the Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network, and we're almost at the point where you can get the entire RO core with ckan install RealismOverhaul. We've got a couple of sticking points, but nothing which we can't work around. Help on the CKAN is very much appreciated; we're not short on things to do or mods to package.

All the best,

~ Paul

¹ Mainly so we can make puns about RP-0 being a precursor to RP-1.

Edited by pjf
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So, I have some thoughts about career mode, and it's my dream that someone else will run with these. My working name has been "Realistic Progression Zero¹", and the goals in a nutshell would be:

- Targets either the stock tree, or more likely, the community tech tree (CTT).

- Has no requirements other than the RealismOverhaul core.

- Is smart enough to detect new installs and place them in the tech tree appropriately, but does not require any other mods.

In other words, it's something which can be *very* easily picked and played with, with minimal barriers to entry.

My reasons for favouring the CTT is because it seems to be getting a lot of support from many mods which I wish to use, which will hopefully reduce the friction of integrating those into RP-0. In some cases, that might just mean adding RO support for the mods, and they work in RP-0 out of the box.

In other news, I've working pretty darn hard on the Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network, and we're almost at the point where you can get the entire RO core with ckan install RealismOverhaul. We've got a couple of sticking points, but nothing which we can't work around. Help on the CKAN is very much appreciated; we're not short on things to do or mods to package.

All the best,

~ Paul

¹ Mainly so we can make puns about RP-0 being a precursor to RP-1.

When talking simplified career mode, are we thinking Science only or Contracts + Science?

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Hello there,

I've been using RO for quite a while now, and first of all I'd like to thanks both of you for the tremendous amount of work you put in this project.

I recently reinstalled everything from scratch - hopefully correctly, even though I've been often going through the whole installation process (that's probably why I'm watching CKAN with great attention) - and I would like to know what causes the issue I currently have on my KSP.

As a picture's worth a thousand words, here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about:


Any idea of how my whole map got /this/ f*ed up ? This is a screenshot from Cap Canaveral but every launch site is affected - and I'm yet to explore the rest.

Have a wonderful day,

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I made sure to have the RSS texture pack correctly installed beforehand - and my Gamedata/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData indeed contained 2048x1024 PNG files.

I redownloaded the 2048.zip file and unzipped it : Everything is in order now. I wonder what hapenned to that first download I made, but my installation directory was missing EarthHeight.png, which was obviously causing issues.

Thanks !

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Loading stops here, no crash or close, it just stops.


Log https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzwBQu9jNY8cN0diQkJScW80dXM/view?usp=sharing



*edit Using 2048 textures for all planets except kerbin, kerbin is 8192 high textures

Pretty sure it's a memory issue (been running into waaay too many) Any way to fix this without things like ATM?

Edited by JT2227
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Yeah, you've run out of either memory, or RAM. Try deleting either a few mods or parts from mods, i.e. fuel tanks, adapters, decouplers. Those parts are obsolete really with ProcFairings and ProcParts. After you've done that, try running with ATM basic, it just compresses normal maps, making textures still pretty. If it still persists try aggressive, and if that doesn't work swap out the 8192 texture for 4096.

Cheers, CP

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Better still, LoadOnDemand. If you don't like procedurals (I'm not fond of Pfairings in particular, there's no such thing on real rockets), or otherwise still want a lot of parts, that's the mod for you. It doesn't help with load caused by planet textures, but it does fix (mostly...) the part texture loader.

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Guys, has created the addon under RSS, but downloading RO on all items inscription - non RO, do not work mounting points and engine immediately gaining temperature and explode, what's the problem??? before such with RO did not notice...

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Guys, has created the addon under RSS, but downloading RO on all items inscription - non RO, do not work mounting points and engine immediately gaining temperature and explode, what's the problem??? before such with RO did not notice...

It says non-RO, what do you think would be the problem?

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In recent versions of Realism Overhaul, any part that is not supported by RO will have " - non RO" appended to the title. This is your clue that this part will behave like stock KSP, and has not been modified by RO. If you see this on parts that are definitely supported in the latest version, then your installation has gone awry, and you should re-install again from scratch.

Note that some part packs that were in previous versions but are not yet supported in the current version. These untested configs may or may not work and may or may not be realistic. These parts will still be marked " - non RO" (see the REWORK directory if you'd like to help clean these up).

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In fact, I have it on good authority that KW Rocketry is up next (to be released soon^TM). That, and a few other community members have stepped up to help update the config files to keep RO up to date.

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I recently installed Soviet Engines, the latest version from this page and when the game launches, towards the end the loading skips all of the module manager installation and so only one air intake loads. This despawns all of the craft and asteroids. All the mods are up to date and I have never had another problem like this on this install. GameData: KSPROLog.log?dl=0Log:https://www.dropbox.com/s/1n20p38d4umok0j/KSP.log?dl=0

Edited by samroberts
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