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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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Hi everyone! Would it be possible if someone can model a LAV-AD turret without AA launchers on it, I would love someone to do that for me. And believe me I tried modeling and it's kinda hard to do right know unless someone can recommend a good program for it.

Edited by Bluejay0013
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Right, so I'm a brand-new user of BDArmory and just installed it yesterday- I've been playing around with it for a while, and have a couple questions.

1. The Weapon Manager seems not to work most of the time? I click the button on the AppLauncher, and it just tells me that the WeaponManager can't be found- even though I clearly have one on the vessel. I've tried launching the vessel with it armed, disarmed, in guard mode, not in guard mode, and fiddling with the settings and the result is the same. Sometimes it seems to work randomly, and I don't know why. Am I missing something?

2. How do I lock targets? The tutorial video in the OP says that I can do it by selecting a target the same way you'd select a target in normal KSP- but this doesn't seem to work, the missiles I fire don't lock. I have a HARM attempting to hit a SAM site, and being an anti-radiation missile it should be able to lock the radar. If Guard Mode is on it sometimes works, but I'd prefer to do it manually.

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Wait so in 9.5 is it possible to have a scout plane mark an enemy boat so your other boat from 15km away can cruise missile it? Also what determines how stealthy your craft is to radar?

Edited by Combatsmithen
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Right, my guards are now happily firing guns at each other on 10km+ ranges. Sent you another pull request for the guard mode changes - namely that the max visual range is read from the config file and guards will check for long range turrets on 10km+ ranges if no missiles are available.

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Wait so in 9.5 is it possible to have a scout plane mark an enemy boat so your other boat from 15km away can cruise missile it? Also what determines how stealthy your craft is to radar?

Yep! As long as your in physics range when the missiles hit. You can see a couple of pages back where I was using a u2ish plane to scout. I sent a strike plane in after I marked the targets

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Yep! As long as your in physics range when the missiles hit. You can see a couple of pages back where I was using a u2ish plane to scout. I sent a strike plane in after I marked the targets

It is (i think) possible to fire from outside of physics range, you just have to switch to the missile. Then once the missile gets in range the other craft will load and then boom. :)

Now you can use every bit of a cruise missiles range. :D

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BD, I've been trying to make semi active missiles work by changing the "activeRadarRange" to 0, but the missiles do not seem to track.

I've made a semi active copy of the amraam (no other changes whatsoever) to try and locate any other reason why it might not work, but nothing else is interfering.

I've tried upping the range to 1000, then the missile would track towards the intercept vector, but lose track after a while unless i it got within said 1000m before long (ie 2-3km launch range).

For information, normal missiles seem to work fine.

Found the issue; it turns out I also used the same "activeRadarRange" value as the max range a semi-active missile can be away from its surrogate radar. Woops! I'll fix it.

I think I found a bug, I have a Guard plane and radar/missle station at the KSC on team A, with physics at 7KM, and guard range around 4-5km (tried it at 10KM as well), I launch a new place on Team A, run out past the physics distance, turn to team B, turn back and when I get within range, everything is fine and working correctly, guard plane is launching, and radar/missle station is locking on, but as soon as I launch a missle, and I tried with different ones, I am no longer able to control my plane other than throttle, staging and launching, but no attitude control and eventually crash or get shot down.

I haven't run into loss of control specifically, but I did fix some errors I found in a similar situation, so try 0.9.5 and see if it still happens.

I see no link for that by the way. Sorry... 0.9.5

Forgot to update the title, but KerbalStuff always has the latest version.

You're the best. I have a question, is the targeting pod using the laser to set the GPS coordinates? If so, what's the range of the laser? I ask because I was using distant object enhancement to set targets with a spy plane, but the GPS coordinates ended up being 300 meters out in the middle of the air. Here's a picture of what I'm talking about. I assume that's what that no LR means on the window.


KSP only loads the terrain collider for the chunks close to the active vessel, so when trying to target something far away, the "laser" ranger or raycast has nothing to hit against (NO LR), so it raycasts an imaginary plane at the terrain altitude below the active vessel. Because of changes in terrain height and the curvature of the planet, this point usually isn't on the surface.

Hey, Baha, could you make it possible to make it so that a laser-guided missile fired by one vehicle can follow a target laser point set by a targeting pod on another? Essentially make it possible to share laser targeting data in much the same way that radar and gps coordinates can be shared.

You can!

Is this a bug, a feature, or what?

It's a feature for now. Generally, radar can't detect non-moving targets on the ground because they can't differentiate between the waves bouncing off the targets and those bouncing off the ground, though there are radar systems out there specifically to track ground targets. From a gameplay perspective though, I'd like to keep it this way to separate the use anti-air and anti-surface missiles.

Yeah, I know the nose cone is supposed to be hollow... unfortunately Unity's collision mesh doesn't like it when parts aren't convex so I'm trying to figure out a workaround that doesn't make it glitchy.

And yes, it is a stealth nose cone. :cool: Still in testing as I have to figure out if the parameters are actually working.

You can make a hollow model just fine, as long as the collider is convex. You can just have a separate mesh for the collider and remove any mesh filter or renderer components so you're only left with the mesh collider.

For the stealth part - I haven't tested it since I don't have any parts that use it, but the implementation is like this:

The "jammer" module has a value called rcsReductionFactor. This value is averaged among all rcs reduction parts on the craft (rcsAve), and the total mass of the stealthy parts are added up (rcsrTotalMass).

Then I get a value by doing massFraction = rcsrTotalMass/vesselTotalMass.

Then the final rcs multiplier is 1-(rcsrAve * massFraction).

The idea is that the higher the rcsReductionFactor of the part the better, and the higher the ratio of stealth parts to non-stealth parts (by mass) the better (adding a stealth nose-cone to a 747 won't help much).

If you want to just be able to use a single part to make a significant cut down in the RCS, you can give it a really high rcsReductionFactor.

Oh, and just give it a resourceDrain = 0, and alwaysOn = true.

Hey Baha, I needed longer than 5km ranges for my space battles, so I made a few adjustments to allow that. I made it so that MAX_BULLET_RANGE is read from the config file as I imagine it was intented to be, and removed an arbitrary hardcoded 8km max range limit from PooledBullet. I sent you a pull request in case you'd like to include it on the official release, for all the other long range maniacs out there. :D

It seems guard mode has something similar limiting it to shorter ranges, so I'll see if I can give it the same treatment.

Thanks, forgot about that.

The guard mode's short visual range is intended - it's supposed to be what an operator can detect with naked eyes. Targets further out should require a radar or other sensors to detect and track.

With legacy targeting, you still have the ability to turn guard range all the way up to phys range.

Edit: Ohh you mean for when it chooses you switch to the turret (just checked the PR).

Right, so I'm a brand-new user of BDArmory and just installed it yesterday- I've been playing around with it for a while, and have a couple questions.

1. The Weapon Manager seems not to work most of the time? I click the button on the AppLauncher, and it just tells me that the WeaponManager can't be found- even though I clearly have one on the vessel. I've tried launching the vessel with it armed, disarmed, in guard mode, not in guard mode, and fiddling with the settings and the result is the same. Sometimes it seems to work randomly, and I don't know why. Am I missing something?

I haven't run into this. Did anything come up in the output log? (Alt-F2 in-game, and KSP/KSP_data/output_log.txt)

2. How do I lock targets? The tutorial video in the OP says that I can do it by selecting a target the same way you'd select a target in normal KSP- but this doesn't seem to work, the missiles I fire don't lock. I have a HARM attempting to hit a SAM site, and being an anti-radiation missile it should be able to lock the radar. If Guard Mode is on it sometimes works, but I'd prefer to do it manually.

That tutorial is using the legacy targeting system, which you can enable in the options (Alt-B). With the new systems, you need to use the proper targeting system, depending on the type of weapon. For the HARM, you need to turn on the RWR (in the modules tab of the weapon manager window).

Edited by BahamutoD
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In case you missed it, there were two separate pull requests - the one to remove the hard coded 8km bullet range limit is still there.

I'm still having some issues with missiles: HE-KV fired at a target using legacy targeting seems to just float around as opposed to doing missile things. Without a target it flies off as usual, so it probably has something to do with the guidance system. Once I get that fixed I'm going to slap some guns on this thing and have a proper space battle :cool:

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Edited by Yski
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I haven't touched the HEKV yet, so you may need to just add
targetingType = radar

to the part config (even if using legacy targeting).

I gave it a try, but that didn't seem to fix it. I do see some null reference exceptions though, so that might have something to do with it. Going to try with a .dll I haven't tampered with, just in case it was something I did, before I take another look at the code to see if I can do anything about it.

In the meanwhile, I noticed the AI would never pick a HEKV, so I added RCS missiles to SwitchToAirMissile(), so that they too can release null ref space debris while I stare blankly at the code. So, that's at least one more single line pull requests coming your way once I get my beloved vaccuum missiles working again :P

EDIT: Yup, even with unmodified dll. That's good news as far as I'm concerned, since it's likely the cause of missiles not working, and I now have a stack trace to follow as opposed to blindly stumbling around unfamiliar code :)

Edited by Yski
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I haven't run into this. Did anything come up in the output log? (Alt-F2 in-game, and KSP/KSP_data/output_log.txt)

That tutorial is using the legacy targeting system, which you can enable in the options (Alt-B). With the new systems, you need to use the proper targeting system, depending on the type of weapon. For the HARM, you need to turn on the RWR (in the modules tab of the weapon manager window).

Nothing showed up in the output log. I just remembered that I'm using the 64-bit workaround on Windows- that might have something to do with it. I'll give it a shot with regular KSP and see what happens. Also it's kinda hard to turn on the RWR when the weapon manager window doesn't work :sticktongue:

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I started my PC after being on holiday for a week, remembered that there was an update for BDArmory, installed it, and started KSP. Into the SPH I went, clicked on the "BD" icon and sat there and gawped. Then I went into some sort of happiness fit and started smacking my lips and jumping up and down in my chair:confused:.

Now I'm going to spend half the night blowing stuff up. :)

This mod is amazing beyond words, thank you BahamutoD!!

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How far do the cannon shells travel before despawning? With the targeting pod you can slave the howitzer turret to it and make it fire at things VERY far away. It was targeting the mountains west of KSC and the shell looked like it was going to hit, but I never saw it hit on the camera. The arc of the shell made it look like it would have made it, but I guess it despawned before it got there.

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How far do the cannon shells travel before despawning?

Assuming they work like regular bullets, and I think* they do, they can go up to 5km. I just sent a fix to BahamutoD, so you'll probably be able to tweak that via the config file in the next release, or if you're really impatient you can download the source from github and recompile the .dll yourself. :)

*Edit: I checked, and looks like I was correct. So 5km range for now (or your physics range, if it's shorter), configurable later on.

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For those interested I wrote a Tweakscale (free scale) MM patch for a good portion of the parts. Not every part is in the file. But you get the idea and can expand on what I started if you so wish.

//BD Armory Tweakscale Patch

type = free

type = free

type = free

type = free

type = free

type = free

type = free

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type = free

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type = free

type = free

type = free

type = free

type = free

type = free

type = free

what about stealth panels? like covering a plane with them to make it stealthier?

Oh here is a thought..... A Tweakable with "Stealth" the more "Stealth" you add the heavier the plane becomes. If you want to be invisible to radar it will affect its maneuverability to avoid the defenses it is hiding from. That would be cool.

Edited by V8jester
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Hey Baha so I tried putting the radar portion of the cfg file into a different cockpit like you said and it still doesn't seem to work. More specifically it doesn't show up as an option in the bs HUD when in game with the cockpit just being coded for it. Any ideas? Thanks in advance and awesome work so far!

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And fixed :D

It was a legacy targeting issue - one else if had turned into an if, and as a result the missile was trying to use a non-existent radar instead of the old automagical target lock system. I'll send you another pull request with the fix.

EDIT: Right, I sent you a pull request with the legacy missile fix, and another that added RCS missiles to SwitchToAirMissile() to make guard mode use them. It feels a bit silly adding vaccuum missiles to an air missile function, but I wasn't sure if you wanted to separate them. Shouldn't make any real difference, so I opted for the single line fix for now.

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