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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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Hey Baha so I tried putting the radar portion of the cfg file into a different cockpit like you said and it still doesn't seem to work. More specifically it doesn't show up as an option in the bs HUD when in game with the cockpit just being coded for it. Any ideas? Thanks in advance and awesome work so far!

I had that problem too. To get it to work, I had to make sure it was the first Module listed in the file for some reason. Then it worked like a champ.

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Didn't have time to Air to Air test today. But I made this. I didn't think it could be done.


And thanks baha for making the jammer toggle-able. My stealth doors can work perfectly now. In other news I got a real person job today, so I can buy a new pc. Means better streaming and recording, more kerbal instead of job apps, and I can start making parts again.

Edited by clown_baby
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For those interested I wrote a Tweakscale (free scale) MM patch for a good portion of the parts.


Looks great! Just an idea, if the abl laser has a configurable ec usage (not sure if it does) then that could be scaled along with the damage it causes. Not sure if this is possible though as I don't have much experience with tweakscale/modulemanager.

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So does anyone know how the new turret codes work or, is there a link to a place describing them? I have a friend with significant Blender knowledge compared to me, helping me create a LAV-AD 20mm Vulcan turret and I'm going to code it with turret values and stuff, but of course I need the new turret code or tutorials. So anyway what I need is a little help from the community so we can have some pretty legit parts in the future, if at all possible!

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So does anyone know how the new turret codes work or, is there a link to a place describing them? I have a friend with significant Blender knowledge compared to me, helping me create a LAV-AD 20mm Vulcan turret and I'm going to code it with turret values and stuff, but of course I need the new turret code or tutorials. So anyway what I need is a little help from the community so we can have some pretty legit parts in the future, if at all possible!

Actually yeah... I've been working on a pack these past couple of days and I've been holding off a few different turrets I want to make simply because I have no clue how they work.

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Actually yeah... I've been working on a pack these past couple of days and I've been holding off a few different turrets I want to make simply because I have no clue how they work.

Bummer, I guess i'll have to postpone my progress too then :(

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It is (i think) possible to fire from outside of physics range, you just have to switch to the missile. Then once the missile gets in range the other craft will load and then boom. :)

Now you can use every bit of a cruise missiles range. :D

Can confirm, have been bombarding island runway bases from the launchpad. I have my range at 25 km, but as you know the hardcoded limit for landed stuff is 11 km. Then, if absolute destruction is not achieved, just switch back to the launcher and fire another!

Also, if you fire them close enough you can make a whole swarm of cruise missiles. Very effective if CIWS is stopping them one by one.

Also, on unrelated note, how the heck do you get the BDArmory part category to appear. It's gone for me.

(If it's any help I had made a custom category before, for Weapons.) Everything is in utilities.

EDIT: I seem to have found it. Installing Infernal Robotics via CKAN fixed it. May be a conflict because of improperly installed mod (However the heck you're supposed to do it, I followed instructions manually, but it was horrifically broken)

Edited by Aerolfos
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Actually yeah... I've been working on a pack these past couple of days and I've been holding off a few different turrets I want to make simply because I have no clue how they work.

I've started making WW2 fixed guns, i have a .303 and Vickers S made and working with recoil animations. But the Hispanio seem's to have a fundamental flaw i'm still working on. It's set up the same as the others, but it doesn't fire and the retcicle is stuck on one spot on the runway.

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If you want to aim ground vehicle guns in style, with zoom, target tracking and nightvision then I know how to do it. :P



Just attach it so that only cylindrical part sticks out and it is perfectly centered.

Baha, can you actualy add 360 degree periscopic camera like the real one has?

Also, can you add a transform to the targeting pod? Or what is the name of transform that its camera uses? We can use it with RPM to partially integrate mods - it would allow us to draw picture from pod on RPM display with the help of small module added to cgf.

Edited by sashan
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Is there an FAQ or tutorial on how the damage system operates?

I understand that it works based on heat and perhaps something to do with impact tolerance, but there's a few different types of weapons here. We've got missiles, lasers, ballistic guns and cannons. Which weapons use which kind of damage modelling? Lasers clearly use heat, but do cannon shells use both heat and impact? And is there any way to tell (roughly) how much heat or impact damage any paritcular weapon will do?

The reason for my question is that I'm trying to build some mechs using BD Armory weapons and I want them to be "balanced". I can tweak varioius different parts of the config, thermal mass multiplier and impact tolerance being the obvious ones. But I'm not sure what to tweak or how much. Some rough quantative guides would be sufficient, I don't need extreme accuracy. But I also need more than "it uses heat". Something like "cannon shells auto destroy anything below X impact tolerance" (if that's how it works). "If you multiply bullet mass by the square of the velocity that equals the applied heat in degrees". etc.

Relative info would also be fine. For example, if I know that "cannon damage of 10 is equivalent to 10 seconds of laser at power 1, which is equivalent to a baillistic weapon of mass 1 moving at speed 1000", then I can experiment with one part and then balance the rest around that. But if I have to balance every weapon individually it will take... rather a long time hehe.

It may be important or it may not, but one thing I cannot tweak about the mechs is absolute mass. The mass of the mechs has to be very small to work with infernal robotics.

Edited by allmhuran
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I'm updating my pack right now and am trying to get the guns/turrets to work. However, the fixed gun I'm updating right now (and the first to be updated as well) doesn't fire how it should. The aiming reticle are where they should be but the gun only fires when I'm looking at the plane from the side and pull the trigger. I also have to click inside a specific area.


I copied the modules from the 50cal turret, overwrote the old BahaTurret module in the part.cfg with them and adjusted the values.

UPDATE: Apparently some transform has to be reorientated. Doesn't seem to be as the turret fires in the correct direction but the aiming direction is 90 degress to the left.

Edited by Spooglecraft
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You can make a hollow model just fine, as long as the collider is convex. You can just have a separate mesh for the collider and remove any mesh filter or renderer components so you're only left with the mesh collider.

Err, I should have clarified that better: when I originally made the hollow cone it had an opening animation but when I closed it outside of the SPH all sorts of crazyness would happen, from the camera shaking uncontrollably to the front of the plane rapidly disassembling. Turns out the solution was to just make the collision mesh for the radar part only cover the fuselage section rather than the fuselage and the dish. Except that revealed another issue, which was if there was a part that clipped the base of the nose or if the nose was set back a little too far into the part it was connected to it started acting up. Apparently if I want an opening nosecone I have to do a fair bit of fiddling around with the collision mesh and give it a margin for player error. I've got a working version that has a smaller collider so players who clip landing gear or guns into it don't send parts flying, but I still have to tweak it to make sure future accidents don't happen.

Or I could just not bother. I don't think people really care if their nosecone swings open or not.

For the stealth part - I haven't tested it since I don't have any parts that use it, but the implementation is like this:

The "jammer" module has a value called rcsReductionFactor. This value is averaged among all rcs reduction parts on the craft (rcsAve), and the total mass of the stealthy parts are added up (rcsrTotalMass).

Then I get a value by doing massFraction = rcsrTotalMass/vesselTotalMass.

Then the final rcs multiplier is 1-(rcsrAve * massFraction).

The idea is that the higher the rcsReductionFactor of the part the better, and the higher the ratio of stealth parts to non-stealth parts (by mass) the better

That's useful to know. Is the calculation based on the dry mass of the vehicle? Or do our planes get stealthier as fuel is drained?

Speaking of fuel... while I was being a complete rtard trying to kluge engineModule into a missile because I was too stupid to realize that I just had to uncheck a stupid box in unity in the particle emitter to get what I wanted, I figured out a couple of possible solutions for missile fuel consumption that takes into account both boost and sustain phases:

missileISP = some number, 250ish is KSP standard for SRBs

fuelMassPerKN = 1/(missileISP*9.81)

then you just subtract fuelMassPerKN from the mass of the missile for every KN (or fraction thereof) of thrust expended over time...

Or we could say "to Heck with that!" and just create a new resource called KNSeconds for missiles to eat. Then we just make missiles like an SRB, with Isp traits and fuel mass.

There's a few holes in the concept, but I'm sure they could be worked out easily enough.

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Can confirm, have been bombarding island runway bases from the launchpad. I have my range at 25 km, but as you know the hardcoded limit for landed stuff is 11 km. Then, if absolute destruction is not achieved, just switch back to the launcher and fire another!

Also, if you fire them close enough you can make a whole swarm of cruise missiles. Very effective if CIWS is stopping them one by one.

Also, on unrelated note, how the heck do you get the BDArmory part category to appear. It's gone for me.

(If it's any help I had made a custom category before, for Weapons.) Everything is in utilities.

EDIT: I seem to have found it. Installing Infernal Robotics via CKAN fixed it. May be a conflict because of improperly installed mod (However the heck you're supposed to do it, I followed instructions manually, but it was horrifically broken)

Parts that have BDarmory modules on them show up in the tab sp if it has a turret or missile module etc

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If you want to aim ground vehicle guns in style, with zoom, target tracking and nightvision then I know how to do it. :P



Just attach it so that only cylindrical part sticks out and it is perfectly centered.

Baha, can you actualy add 360 degree periscopic camera like the real one has?

Also, can you add a transform to the targeting pod? Or what is the name of transform that its camera uses? We can use it with RPM to partially integrate mods - it would allow us to draw picture from pod on RPM display with the help of small module added to cgf.

What mod is the Hull from? ME WANTS!

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OPT spaceplane. I've actually ripped the idea from their frontpage (end of imgur album), but my one is smaller because I've pruned largest fuselage system from that mod - damned ram issues...

THe craft is very fun to drive and fight with. I can post it if you want, you'll need some (good) mods tho.

EDIT: Oh wait, that was the post about Abrams. Already answered. It isn't updated, but hulls are just structural parts that you can use. They have no textures and weird colliders that make surface attaching a pain, so be warned... But it is worth the hassle.

I thought you are talking about this craft:


By the way, how to shoot moving targets with cruise missiles? THat craft on the pic is impossible to destroy when it is circling at 5 km from you, on water.

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Hey everyone, maybe someone could make/recommend some armor plates for building tanks. I've been using the 1x1 and 2x2 vanilla plates and tweak their max temp in cfg to withstand machine gun fire but not missiles and cannons. Maybe some modders could think of a way of making an armor that acts like a heatshield that degrades when shot at. That would be awesome.

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I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here... but I can't seem to get any missiles to work. They launch just fine but I guess they aren't getting a lock on the target because they just sail off into the distance. Is there a good tutorial for this? Or perhaps someone could explain exactly how this is done... please.

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I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here... but I can't seem to get any missiles to work. They launch just fine but I guess they aren't getting a lock on the target because they just sail off into the distance. Is there a good tutorial for this? Or perhaps someone could explain exactly how this is done... please.

Try using the radome for the radar guided missiles e.g. the AMRAAM. Airborne targets will show up as a 'blip' on the radar screen, which you can then click to lock on to and then launch. I am not sure about IR missiles though.

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