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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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Just tried launching RBS-15's and then shooting them down with PAC-3s from the same ship. The PAC chases the target, explodes a few meters behind it, and then nothing happens. Pressed f11 - RBS's temperature is still same. I had close to 100% kill ration in previous version with same combination. What's wrong?
When enabling debug lines it seems that PAC-3 aims for a point 5 meters behind the target.

Also, why don't RBS-15 boosters produce smoke?

Edited by sashan
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4 hours ago, War Eagle 1 said:

I think the idea is if you want to have a group set up at a certain position you send them to one area. Then for the attack one you can have them break off away from you. 
For example if you say got to position. They go there and wait so you can form up with them. Then say you got two enemy ground units 10km apart you can tell the ai to attack one unit while you attack another.
Im still learning it myself so i may be wrong

AFAIK, Fly to pos makes the wingmen fly to and orbit a selected coordinate. I believe Attack pos means they fire at craft or anything around the selected position, dive bombing etc. 

@BahamutoD please allow the coordinate selection to work in map view! :) I think it would be really handy to carry out longer, furthur flights so you don't have to sit there and fly the thing manually.

An airliner autopilot system wouldn't be bad either. Add waypoints along a route and have the AI pilot fly to those points and orbit the last one. The AI has a lot of potential for non-military aircraft as well. 


Love be the new wingmen system too! Awesome...

Happy Flying


Edited by YargJay9991
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8 hours ago, BahamutoD said:


Try either naming the parent transform "missileTransform" in Unity, or make a new empty game object, put the whole missile as a child of it, and run the PartTools exporter on that new parent.  I think the structure your missiles use are confusing the missile turret.


Yeah, apparently a bunch of damage balancing needs to be done.

Okay, I'm going to try it.

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When Val's Hot on your Six...

...There's not a Whole Lot You Can Do.


Thanks BD for this awesome mod. 2v2 AI battle with 50 cals and KAX prop planes... is a blast to watch everytime. Video soon.

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5 minutes ago, TUKE said:

So still no anti friendly fire? I got TK'ed by my followers, then the corpse of P-40B crashed, then the Bf-110 who TK'ed me plus another Bf-110 crashed into the ground behind me :l

Sure you and they have the same team selected in weapon manager?

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On 2016/1/31 at 1:00 AM, BahamutoD said:


Try either naming the parent transform "missileTransform" in Unity, or make a new empty game object, put the whole missile as a child of it, and run the PartTools exporter on that new parent.  I think the structure your missiles use are confusing the missile turret.


Yeah, apparently a bunch of damage balancing needs to be done.

Thank you

Edited by BF2_Pilot
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5 minutes ago, sashan said:

Sure you and they have the same team selected in weapon manager?

Ye, it went to shoot at something in-front of me and got me instead. I had them flying with the Wing Commander.

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17 hours ago, Combatsmithen said:

I know this is off topic but what is project genesis? I'm curious

It was my attempt at making a private company back when you could do that. Failed miserably but the name stuck so when i play ksp i play as my company per say.

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Baha, while there are probably a lot of things on your to-do list, would you consider adding a radar-guided anti-surface-missile? Practically, the Hellfire apparently got the AGM-114L "Longbow Hellfire" variant, which is radar guided and otherwise nearly identical in weight, warhead and range. And ofc appearance.



On another note, is there some way to make the AI use the current air-to-surface missiles as surface-to-surface missile? With enough ground clearrance (or slightly angeled turrets) Sidewinders, AMRAAMs and even PAC3's are e.g. fine ship vs ship missiles, but the AI of course won't use them that way. I think atm only unguided missile turrets are used by the AI against ground targets?

Edited by Temeter
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20 minutes ago, Temeter said:

a radar-guided anti-surface-missile

I've just cloned RBS-15 and made radar-guided anti-ship missile out of it. Worked perfectly. Also, AI used it happily, fired from another ship.

Edited by sashan
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7 minutes ago, sashan said:

I've just cloned RBS-15 and made radar-guided anti-ship missile out of it. Worked perfectly.

Neat idea, but my main issue is the AI, which doesn't yet seem to be able to handle ground to ground missiles turrets. Well, guided missile turrets, unguided turrets work wonderfully.

edit: Nice ship! Mine are mostly armed fueltanks, for now. :D

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I have a small problem with BDarmory :/

I have a separate patriot missle system with a radar mounted on another vehicle i data linked them set the weaponmanager (guardmode) but nothing happens :/

the turrents/missiles (evrything I put) wont even lock on to me or change to the missiles (from none to lets say the PAC-3) 

I tried mixing with the settings (you know range/FOV/interval) nothing works :/

I can only have fun with myself :D

And even if I fire missiles my self they wont even get cloers then 1km to the target and explode mid-air :/

Edited by Konradbd
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Hey, i know that this might be complicated, but would it be possible to add some sort of command module which links all vessels together and allow the player to command their weapons vie a screen. Sort of like a combat operation guidance module? 

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For everybody having problems with overpowered weapons, on the BDArmory folder open the file settings.cfg and set "DMG_MULTIPLIER = 100"
If they are still too strong reduce that value, but 100 is probably what is going to be used after a rebalance.

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1 hour ago, tetryds said:

For everybody having problems with overpowered weapons, on the BDArmory folder open the file settings.cfg and set "DMG_MULTIPLIER = 100"
If they are still too strong reduce that value, but 100 is probably what is going to be used after a rebalance.

Does that still make incoming missiles blow up after one CIWS hit? Because that's how it happens IRL, the components inside are so densely packed that one hole is enough to make it fail. Not explode probably, but at least fail to hit the target.
Now that I wrote that, it would be awesome to have missile just shut down its engine and guidance based on random chance after slight damage.

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3 hours ago, Konradbd said:

I have a small problem with BDarmory :/

I have a separate patriot missle system with a radar mounted on another vehicle i data linked them set the weaponmanager (guardmode) but nothing happens :/

the turrents/missiles (evrything I put) wont even lock on to me or change to the missiles (from none to lets say the PAC-3) 

I tried mixing with the settings (you know range/FOV/interval) nothing works :/

I can only have fun with myself :D

And even if I fire missiles my self they wont even get cloers then 1km to the target and explode mid-air :/

How far were you from the PAC launcher?  They've been configured to have a minimum launch range of 2km.  


6 hours ago, BF2_Pilot said:

Thank you ,about the Torpedo?

What torpedo?


38 minutes ago, sashan said:

Does that still make incoming missiles blow up after one CIWS hit? Because that's how it happens IRL, the components inside are so densely packed that one hole is enough to make it fail. Not explode probably, but at least fail to hit the target.
Now that I wrote that, it would be awesome to have missile just shut down its engine and guidance based on random chance after slight damage.

Right now all of the explosive 30mm guns are very underpowered.  We're working on balancing damage.


I'll be releasing a small update with some fixes for the reported bugs soon.

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26 minutes ago, BahamutoD said:


I'll be releasing a small update with some fixes for the reported bugs soon.

Have you notice strange aero issues with the Hellfire? If it's fired at a long distance or simply blind fired at nothing. It will run on it's rocket motor perfectly. But once the rocket motor burns out. It will decelerate very quickly and seem to hang in the air at almost 0m/s. I've actually flown past a hellfire as it sat in the air while I was at a 0 degree inclination. As long as it's fired at a reasonable distance to a target it hits just fine. But it's also running on it's rocket motor almost all the way to the target.


The new bullet shader looks great by the way! Much more realistic.

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49 minutes ago, BahamutoD said:

How far were you from the PAC launcher?  They've been configured to have a minimum launch range of 2km.

Yes, IIRC real PAC-3 needs 9 seconds to arm. It's a medium to long range missile.

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51 minutes ago, BahamutoD said:

How far were you from the PAC launcher?  They've been configured to have a minimum launch range of 2km.  


I forgot to mention not only the PAC-3 but other missiles/launchers

started from 500 to about 5 km because I think that the phys range thingy does not work with me :/

I will try to reinstall this mod again but this time will try to check some files maybe it is a problem with my pc :/

Edited by Konradbd
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44 minutes ago, Konradbd said:


I forgot to mention not only the PAC-3 but other missiles/launchers

started from 500 to about 5 km because I think that the phys range thingy does not work with me :/

I will try to reinstall this mod again but this time will try to check some files maybe it is a problem with my pc :/

AI does not use missiles inside their gun range, even if they don't have guns. It's intentional I guess, there may be another unit with gun nearby, leave close enemies to him.

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