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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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1 minute ago, CaptainCreeper56 said:

Anyone else have a issue when cruise missiles either spin out of control or fall sideways/not flying towards target?

Sure you're on latest version?
RBS-15 is working fine for me. Not sure about AGM-86 

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13 minutes ago, CaptainCreeper56 said:

Anyone else have a issue when cruise missiles either spin out of control or fall sideways/not flying towards target?

Are you using the proper guidance for a given missile? Or simply just use "Legacy targeting" if that works better for you.

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I've released GAP 1.2 (see link in my sig) - which has one contract for BDArmory and KAX: Operation: Manley Freedom - Liberate Scott Kerman from the Hackstream Brigade who have taken over KSC Island, and reclaim the Island for KSC.


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7 hours ago, V8jester said:

think it is just an animated part no? I added an awacs radar to a kerbal using Eva manager for BD FPS through a MM patch.

No, BDarmory rotates radar antenna itself - and its orientation matches direction of scanning beam on radar screen.

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On 3/20/2016 at 5:53 PM, EPICNINJA2 said:

i have the same problem :(

Can anyone help? I built a awesome tank but it doesn't work :( :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

While trying to find out why my b9 wasn't working, i accidentally found a cure for this. it may or may not work for you. have you installed the mod correctly? apparently(I didn't know this either) you're supposed to, instead of putting the whole mod folder in your ksp gamedata folder, put the bd armory gamedata folder in the ksp gamedata folder, without the rest of it. if that makes sense, and that works, you can thank me. if it doesn't oh well. 


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On 23. 3. 2016 at 4:42 AM, inigma said:

I've released GAP 1.2 (see link in my sig) - which has one contract for BDArmory and KAX: Operation: Manley Freedom - Liberate Scott Kerman from the Hackstream Brigade who have taken over KSC Island, and reclaim the Island for KSC.


Great job! Really, you can for sure do whole campaign against hackstream Brigade :D or war missions like breaking hole throught front line, attack their bases :D....

But that's minor thing. Because I need help guys. I can't figure out how to setup autopilot at my plane. I'm trying it for long time and still autopilot get to major stall and just crash into ground after maaany spins. Pilot flew great, until he activate afterburner, then plane will get unstable and get into spin....when I fly with it, afterburner is good, but AI is AI....any ideas? I can give you craft file for tests..or photos...ideas?


EDIT: One more thing, how much must be jammer strong to jam a radar lock? Or it can only jam locking of missiles? Because standard jammer have 1200 jamming power, and basic TWS Lock radar have minSignalThreshold = 120 minLockedSignalThreshold = 180. Can we read from it how much jamming power is needed for full jam?

Edited by Toonu
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5 hours ago, Toonu said:

...But that's minor thing. Because I need help guys. I can't figure out how to setup autopilot at my plane. I'm trying it for long time and still autopilot get to major stall and just crash into ground after maaany spins. Pilot flew great, until he activate afterburner, then plane will get unstable and get into spin....when I fly with it, afterburner is good, but AI is AI....any ideas? I can give you craft file for tests..or photos...ideas?...

If you can give a link to download the craft and whatever mods you might be using I will try it out, from your description it seems that you might just need to modify your jet a bit to get proper ratios and control. If you're using any mods that change how aerodynamics work then also just see if it works with these mods disabled.

The AI is also actually surprisingly good, I've had is successfully fly jets with one wing and land aircraft with 90% of their parts blown off in a battle, but then again I've also had it nosedive jets into the ground at mach 2 and faster.

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2 hours ago, Wraith977 said:

If you can give a link to download the craft and whatever mods you might be using I will try it out, from your description it seems that you might just need to modify your jet a bit to get proper ratios and control. If you're using any mods that change how aerodynamics work then also just see if it works with these mods disabled.

The AI is also actually surprisingly good, I've had is successfully fly jets with one wing and land aircraft with 90% of their parts blown off in a battle, but then again I've also had it nosedive jets into the ground at mach 2 and faster.

wait the AI can land aircraft aswell


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43 minutes ago, dark jam said:

wait the AI can land aircraft aswell


When I say land I really mean successfully glide to the ground and come to a standstill without destroying any other parts after losing all engine power, beyond that I don't think the AI actually has a 'land' command and I can't see anything in the wing commander menu. Would definitely be a cool feature though.:(

That being said... If you shut down the engines on your craft the AI will not automatically reactivate them and it will flatten out the craft and lower it's gears when below a certain altitude. It therefore can with a bit of luck, proper engineering and the manual shutdown of engines essentially land an aircraft. This is somewhat dangerous though, I make no promises that your kerbals, or especially the rear-end of your aircraft will survive. Don't expect it to line up with a runway or anything either.

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Just now, Wraith977 said:

When I say land I really mean successfully glide to the ground and come to a standstill without destroying any other parts after losing all engine power, beyond that I don't think the AI actually has a 'land' command and I can't see anything in the wing commander menu. Would definitely be a cool feature though.:(

ok i thought i was missing out on something big

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10 hours ago, Wraith977 said:

If you can give a link to download the craft and whatever mods you might be using I will try it out, from your description it seems that you might just need to modify your jet a bit to get proper ratios and control. If you're using any mods that change how aerodynamics work then also just see if it works with these mods disabled.

I use for aerodynamics only FAR, not RealEngines or AdvJetEngines. I use B9ProcWings and some other mods, some parts from B9, but mainly stock+B9ProcWings. The craft is very good at flying. I can turn in it at 15G at Mach 1+ without problems. I can fly with it very good, but as I said autopilot have problems with afterburner. I don't think I need to modify the jet, just modify autopilot slightly.



It's F-22A made for my Empire Air Forces :D

First model F-22A is armed with 8x AIM-120 and 2x Paveway IV

Second model F-22S is stealh and have only 4x AIM-120 covered in bays




And craft file.....

I give u the F-22A


Mods used:


B9/B9PWings(I'm not sure about B9, maybe I have on it only PWings)

BDA of course, with BDMk22Cockpits, RedvsBlue bay, 



TweakScale (but idk if I changed size of smth)

And my own rockets for RvB bay, because AIM-120 don't get there good, I've take one rocket from RvB and change config to AIM-120 characteristic, it just have wrong size. But real plane can have in bay AIM-120 or paveway IV....... I removed them from file...


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Further investigation has revealed more info on the problem with physicsless parts. Observe what happens when a physicsless decoupler is subject to heat: All of the heat (plus, apparently, a whole bunch of extra ghost heat) is transferred to the girder, which has normal physics.

This problem also affects bd armory weapons if they hit physicsless parts. But interestingly, and for reasons I do not at all understand, lasers work fine, even when firing at physicsless parts.


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5 hours ago, Toonu said:

I use for aerodynamics only FAR, not RealEngines or AdvJetEngines. I use B9ProcWings and some other mods, some parts from B9, but mainly stock+B9ProcWings. The craft is very good at flying. I can turn in it at 15G at Mach 1+ without problems. I can fly with it very good, but as I said autopilot have problems with afterburner. I don't think I need to modify the jet, just modify autopilot slightly.


  Reveal hidden contents

It's F-22A made for my Empire Air Forces :D

First model F-22A is armed with 8x AIM-120 and 2x Paveway IV

Second model F-22S is stealh and have only 4x AIM-120 covered in bays




And craft file.....

I give u the F-22A


Mods used:


B9/B9PWings(I'm not sure about B9, maybe I have on it only PWings)

BDA of course, with BDMk22Cockpits, RedvsBlue bay, 



TweakScale (but idk if I changed size of smth)

And my own rockets for RvB bay, because AIM-120 don't get there good, I've take one rocket from RvB and change config to AIM-120 characteristic, it just have wrong size. But real plane can have in bay AIM-120 or paveway IV....... I removed them from file...


You have a few more mods than that in use (and working versions of bd mk22 cockpits and red vs blue are almost impossible to find) but nonetheless I was able to track everything down. Testing without the autopilot showed a couple of problems that may or may not have to do with the autopilot crashing your jet. 1- you don't seem to have enough air intake, the right engine flames out whenever pulling hard manoeuvres and causes stability issues, especially when using engines with that kind of vectoring. 2- at what altitude are you flying at? at high altitudes ~6km everything works exactly as it should (most of the time), at lower altitudes however it seems to be extremely prone to stalls and flat spins unless you know how to bring it under control (pretty easy for a human - just tone down the manoeuvre and correct the roll angle - but the AI is focused on facing the enemy)

After testing it with the AI... I see your problem (Long story short FAR doesn't like manoeuvrable jets), I was able to get a configuration where the jet flew stably but the solution I got was to basically make it less manoeuvrable, therefore less effective in combat. You can change the values to make them a bit higher than I did but the most important thing is to disable the vectoring on the engines, the reason you say it loses control when the afterburners activate is because of the added manoeuvrability the engines suddenly give.



Other than reducing the AI manoeuvrability there's not much else I can suggest other than removing FAR, with stock aerodynamics this jet would fly perfectly.

Also, not sure if you are aware of this but your radar module appears to be pointing backwards.

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17 minutes ago, Wraith977 said:

You have a few more mods than that in use (and working versions of bd mk22 cockpits and red vs blue are almost impossible to find) but nonetheless I was able to track everything down. Testing without the autopilot showed a couple of problems that may or may not have to do with the autopilot crashing your jet. 1- you don't seem to have enough air intake, the right engine flames out whenever pulling hard manoeuvres and causes stability issues, especially when using engines with that kind of vectoring. 2- at what altitude are you flying at? at high altitudes ~6km everything works exactly as it should (most of the time), at lower altitudes however it seems to be extremely prone to stalls and flat spins unless you know how to bring it under control (pretty easy for a human - just tone down the manoeuvre and correct the roll angle - but the AI is focused on facing the enemy)

After testing it with the AI... I see your problem (Long story short FAR doesn't like manoeuvrable jets), I was able to get a configuration where the jet flew stably but the solution I got was to basically make it less manoeuvrable, therefore less effective in combat. You can change the values to make them a bit higher than I did but the most important thing is to disable the vectoring on the engines, the reason you say it loses control when the afterburners activate is because of the added manoeuvrability the engines suddenly give.

Other than reducing the AI manoeuvrability there's not much else I can suggest other than removing FAR, with stock aerodynamics this jet would fly perfectly.

Also, not sure if you are aware of this but your radar module appears to be pointing backwards.

Thans a lot! I have slightly upgraded mk22 cockpits(very old version, but have some cgfs for autopilot module in cockpit, etc...). Your right engine flame out? I haven't this issue ever, maybe other version of mods..? I'm flying at 4-12km without problems, lower altitudes is very good too, but you must fly at max Mach 2. I'll try disable vectoring and take you values for AIP. Thanks again for it. I was really unable to keep it stable. Radar is again, as I said upgraded mk22 cockpit. I have one radar back and one front(in cockpit.. :D) So I'll try it and probably get some nice AI flight. :D I don't care now if it isn'T maneuverable as it can be. I'm glad it fly.


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I think I've found a bug.

So I was playing around with a Jernas turret launching PAC-3s at some incoming HARMs. But after 3 or 4 shots from the Jernas, whenever it comes into the camera's field of view, I get a massive FPS drop and end up looking at a slideshow :(

Anyone else having this issue?

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