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Whackjob-sanity: Gigantic rockets and you!

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  parameciumkid said:
That would have to be the time I tried out NovaPunch.

...Or perhaps the time I imported a ship from Space Engine:

*Double snip*

Good geeping kraken, man. That is crazy.

For myself, I never really built too many gigantic monstrosities, but I do have fun seeing just how much you can do by keeping thrust stabilized over your craft... even breaking the confinements of the VAB by doing so.




I have to try attaching one of these arrays to an actual ship someday.

Edited by Xacktar
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I decided to deflect an asteroid from hitting Kerbin using bombs made from decouplers. This was my ship, the Nobel 1. It's not on the same sheer scale as Whackjob's builds, heck it's not even my bulkiest or most massive ship, but in terms of both part count and sheer audacious insanity it blows away anything else I've done.

13974438834_6bef0c23ab_o.pngOn the launchpad by cantab314, on Flickr

941 parts on the pad, 700 or so once I got into LKO. Each of the four "bombs" has 57 stack separators mounted on 57 small fuel tanks, along with a few ancilliaries, so that's over 450 parts already, and add on a fair few for the core ship. And then I stuck the thing on my Saturn-V analogue launcher, which was not built with part count in mind, making matters even worse. It didn't quite reach slideshow level, but I was running at below 20% normal speed in the launch, up to maybe 30% normal once in space.

Then I had to ditch two of those bombs I'd spent so long getting so far when I realised I otherwise wouldn't have the delta-V to match speeds with the target asteroid. That was a wrench.

If you want to know if it worked, you'll have to see the full mission album to find out: https://www.flickr.com/photos/52548818@N05/sets/72157644216243082/ ;)

(Or I could just tell you.

It did.


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Sooo basically this is all about gigantic rocket ?

Fine! Here is my contribution, the DC - Steel Hell :




You get the objective of such a big thing : put in one launch and at 1000 circular, beautiful star refuel station.

Am I in? ;)

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