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KSP Community CubeSat


Ultimate Mission?  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. Ultimate Mission?

    • LEO Only - Keep it safe
    • Sun-Earth L1
    • Sun-Earth L2
    • Venus Capture
    • Mars Capture
    • Phobos Mission
    • Jupiter Moons Mission
    • Saturn Moons Mission
    • Interstellar Space

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I'm back! Screenshots imbound in a few minutes!

Here they are! Keep in mind that lots of things on here are going to change. This is the website, as of now. With about an hours time put into it.



I cropped the second image so it would connect with the first one, hopefully seamlessly. :) If not, oh well.

Darn it! Having some issues with microsoft paint. (yes i know. horrible) Its close enough though.

Edited by Endersmens
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Suggestion: make it a bit more "spacey". Like an indigo gradient. Also, needs more explosions (though that might be offputting to donators).

Wait, 1810 days since project launch?

It's a generic template, so all that info is filled with nonsense. I've changed the launch date to today, and will change it later when we actually launch.

And yes, I want to do that. Still figuring out how. :)

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Try putting a kerbal in there somewhere, coz this has to have something to do with KSP somehow, but apart from that, it's awesome!

Careful with that. We don't know how Squad feel about all of this, and fair use only goes so far. The fact that none of this is for profit makes a lot of legal hoops that much more manageable, but they can still claim damages.

As a KSP community, we can get away with referring to this as a KSP-related project, so long as all of the disclaimers of non-affiliation are in place. But use of trademarks and IP, such as KSP logo and Kerbals, is a very shaky ground.

And that's just based on US law. I don't want to even think of what sort of copyright gremlins Brazilian law might be hiding.

Better stay safe for the moment, and keep any KSP stuff to the minimum.

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Whoa fellas. Slow down.

I love your enthusiasm and think it's invaluable, but I'm sure the dev's are aware of this project, however they have their own things to do and don't need a premature letter from us.

What would it even say? "Hey we've got some players in here that want to launch a satellite... umm that is all." We have a lot of nothing so far. Get some concrete steps completed, or even define the stepping process, before we go pestering the devs who are busy with many things, not just KSP.

This is going to be a loooooong process, that may amount to nothing, but your enthusiasm will be required to sustain us.

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Try putting a kerbal in there somewhere, coz this has to have something to do with KSP somehow, but apart from that, it's awesome!

Thanks. :) I'm having a problem with the background though. It doesn't fit the page just right, so I have to make it strech to fit the page, or else it repeats and there's seams. Problem is when it stretches it looses quality. Hopefully i'll find a better background soon.

also, for the 'go now' buttons, as there any way to make them not have white borders?

Um, I think I can do that. I'll copy the picture, edit it with photoshop, and try copying and pasting it onto the site. That might work.

Careful with that. We don't know how Squad feel about all of this, and fair use only goes so far. The fact that none of this is for profit makes a lot of legal hoops that much more manageable, but they can still claim damages.

As a KSP community, we can get away with referring to this as a KSP-related project, so long as all of the disclaimers of non-affiliation are in place. But use of trademarks and IP, such as KSP logo and Kerbals, is a very shaky ground.

And that's just based on US law. I don't want to even think of what sort of copyright gremlins Brazilian law might be hiding.

Better stay safe for the moment, and keep any KSP stuff to the minimum.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. although this goes along with the "what to put on the site" and now "what not to put on the site"

Also, and yes, I know it's VERY early, I still think it looks good Endersmens.

Thanks. :)

Do you guys like the color schemes of the body area and sidebars? I'm very limted with the colors i can choose right now. I'm thinking I can look up a color code chart though, and get custom colors. (like colors have names. It's like 6 digits long and random.)

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That's a nice start Enders. Good work!

Space looks kinda empty though. Needs a ship or a galaxy or something.

Thanks! I've only worked on it for about two hours now. But as for the space, there is a galaxy. It's hidden by the body. :( But that's not the final background for sure. The quality is way to low. So that is definitely highly subjet to change.

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Also, tough yes, I have said it ∞ times, should we make another thread which has a poll for what the CubeSat should be named? Or should we just come up with something our selves and agree upon it, like I say we name it KerbSat.

Naming the CubeSat should probably occur when the funding occurs as it will act as a good source of publicity. I'm not sure, I'm new here.

This is a great idea and I look forward to contributing some how.

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Oh, and if you don't know what our CubeSat will do, it is a 1U CubeSat with 1 half of it having a pressurized area with some moss, and the other half will have all the systems. (MPUs, batteries, hard drives, etc.) But, it will also spin, creating sub-artificial gravity. I say sub because it will not spin to the point it creates 1G, but will instead create gravities of The Moon and Mars, to study how plants behave and react in those environments.

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Was kinda out of the picture for a long time and I see that we , mmh, how to put it ? Didn't moved of a inch.

The space ... gecko actually gave us some hint :

- we need either redundancy (in an 1u, it's hard (we can still use the lamp as temporary heater but ...)

- Or we need stuff that can survive without sun. Without heater.

Wich mean that tropical moss isn't going to do the trick. (Except if we can put together a translucid material + keep the room at 10 to 30 ° passively. Wich is kinda out of our reach I think (I may be wrong)).

Thus we need to look unto plant that have no problem, even when freezing( probably an algua so we can have statistical info. http://eol.org/pages/926003/overview red (easy to see) adapted to uv. Adapted to frost. What else, do we need ? And (that's the more important) a stuff that can live under ice might survive on mars with no problem :)

So that would be 'Could that stuff survive in mars ?'

Now, we just need someone to get some and test tham on martian ice like stuff. And thus that test would principaly be about radiation and UV. Thus we need a window wich could mitigate lumens and radiation like mars does. (wich isn't really hard to build (probably need pro, tough).

And finally we would have jeb on a bloodlike ice laughinging maniacelly in space and that's definitely worth the try.

EDIT : oh, yeah, look http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC141035/


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I hate to be a pain, but can I get some feedback on the website? So far someone said the space background seemed empty, which will change, and someone told me to change the boreders on the "go now" buttons. Any other feedback besides "awesome?"

are the color schemes ok? Should I change the title or information?

I'm still in the process of adding information, redirecting links, and creating new pages. So far, on the "things to do" page, there is only one tasks, and that is to find and compile a list of all the hardware necesary, what we can build, and what we need to buy, and LordQ is responsible for that. Well. He volunteered for it.

EDIT: Woo! 700 posts!

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Oh and also guys, if you want to check the website out on your own, it's actually already public. I can't figure out how to make it not public. :blush:

Just search "KSP community cubesat"

The first result will be this thread, and the website will be right under it.

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It looks very good, I'm impressed with how quickly you came up with that. I'm not very good with design or being articulate with design, but I will try. The background seems distracting/makes it difficult for my eyes to focus on the content/text. I feel if it was darker or maybe semi-transparent with a black background behind the space background, that would better. Or perhaps make the border between the content and the background a bit sharper or bolder. I'm not entirely sure, which is why I started this post with "I'm not very goo with design..."

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What is the current destination for the cubesat? (Sorry if I missed it in the OP).

Low Earth Orbit with a scientific payload of a bit of moss whose reaction to low gravity (gravity will be simulated by rotation) will be researched. It's not in the OP yet, as far as I know.

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