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[1.1.3] Surface Experiment Pack - EVA science for KIS/KAS (v1.4.2 6/30/2016) *Now with less explosions*


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  Dunrana said:
I shouldn’t spoil the surprise, but I (the quality control department of Albert Kerman Industries) just played with a new version. It looks pretty promising.

Now off to test its compatibility with the Outer Planets mod.

You didn't. By five seconds.:P

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  Dunrana said:
I shouldn’t spoil the surprise, but I (the quality control department of albertkerman industries) just played with a new version. It looks pretty promising.

Now off to test its compatibility with the Outer Planets mod.

You were watching my screen again!

- - - Updated - - -

There is a new procedure for running the experiments, and I think you’ll all like it.

Add the experiments to your scientist’s inventory

Have him plant them on the ground

Run the experiment just like you would a stock one!

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  Dunrana said:

There is a new procedure for running the experiments, and I think you’ll all like it.

  1. Add the experiments to your scientist’s inventory
  2. Have him plant them on the ground
  3. Run the experiment just like you would a stock one!

There is an alternate procedure, which consists of-

  1. Land on planet
  2. Equp experiment and run it
  3. Unequp experiment
  4. Return to Kerbin.
  5. Enjoy extra Science!

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This mod looks like fun - always felt that field science wasn't getting enough weighting, but this adds reasons to send manned/return missions. Shall give it a go whenever I (finally) spin up a post-1.0 career :)

Are the experiments for just moons/vacuum bodies, or would they also work on Duna, Laythe, etc?

Edited by eddiew
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Awesome idea, making a golf club an actual experiment!

I assume you're aware that the KIS Fun Pack includes an equippable golf club? I think they say you can use those to make other fun stuff.

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There is still some blowing-up occurring occasionally. This is can sometimes be avoided by NOT equipping the experiment before deploying it.

what mods are you using, and what planet are you deploying the experiment on?

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  Dunrana said:
There is still some blowing-up occurring occasionally. This is can sometimes be avoided by NOT equipping the experiment before deploying it.

what mods are you using, and what planet are you deploying the experiment on?

More like NOT blowing up occasionally...

I'm using it on Mun and Minmus (career save), on various surfaces and biomes (including Minmus' flats).

Mods - there are various part packs, but nothing that possibly interferes with KIS.

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  biohazard15 said:
More like NOT blowing up occasionally...

I'm using it on Mun and Minmus (career save), on various surfaces and biomes (including Minmus' flats).

Mods - there are various part packs, but nothing that possibly interferes with KIS.

I must say, your phrasing is probably more appropriate than Dunrana's.:) Explosions have been the bane of this mod from day one!

However, you can get around the bug by simply not ground attaching. I know, it's a - less than admirable way of solving the bug:blush:. But all my testing says that simply running the experiments, un-equipping them, and returning to Kerbin with them in your inventory will successfully return the science, leaving the explosions quite bewildered as to where their next unfortunate victim went.

Well, at least until I can figure out what's causing the explosions this time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  AlbertKermin said:
I had planed to release version 5 yesterday, but I kind of encounterd a bug.


Doh! Hope that get fixed. Kinda funny looking bug. Have been messing around with the exploding problem. The experiments work fine but I like testing things that explode. :sticktongue:

This is a known KIS issue. See https://github.com/KospY/KIS/wiki/Known-issues. Found that dropping items onto another part works quite well. They don't need to be attached just dropped in place. An engineer attaching a ground block gives the best platform to drop the experiments on. Curious behavior that can perhaps be exploited in later versions perhaps.

So far this mod has been lots of fun and has been a bit more realistic in collecting science. Makes surface EVA meaningful. I hope when you do get this next version out it will be listed on CKAN again as 1.0.4 compatible.

Edited by nobodyhasthis
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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a bit of a muck about, and the following patch seems to work (only tested near the launchpad so far). It allows anybody to attach/detach the experiments from the ground without any tools (use the H key for this). Still need a Scientist to actually run the experiments.

Couldn't get them to explode on the launchpad just dropping them, but they did make nice fireworks on Minmus.

Actually attaching the parts instead of just dropping them fixes the explosions. Now they are still exploding on drop, but work nicely when attaching.

diff -Naur MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage/Parts/InteriorHeatProbe/part.cfg MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage.mw/Parts/InteriorHeatProbe/part.cfg

--- MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage/Parts/InteriorHeatProbe/part.cfg 2015-06-11 14:33:00.000000000 +0100

+++ MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage.mw/Parts/InteriorHeatProbe/part.cfg 2015-07-27 22:08:35.327243120 +0100

@@ -55,26 +55,18 @@



- name = ModuleKISItem

- shortcutKeyAction = drop

- usableFromEva = false

- usableFromContainer = false

- usableFromPod = false

- usableFromEditor = false

- stackable = false

- volumeOverride = 50

- editorItemsCategory = true

- moveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove

- equipable = true

- equipMode = part

- equipSlot = leftHand

- equipTrait =

- equipRemoveHelmet = false

+ name = ModuleKISItem

+ volumeOverride = 50

+ equipable = true

+ equipMode = part

+ equipSlot = leftHand

+ equipTrait =

equipMeshName = body01

equipBoneName = bn_l_mid_a01

equipPos = (0,-0.04,0)

equipDir = (80,0,0)

- allowAttachOnStatic = true

+ allowPartAttach = 0

+ allowStaticAttach = 1

+ staticAttachBreakForce = 0.1




\ No newline at end of file

diff -Naur MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage/Parts/IonDetector/part.cfg MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage.mw/Parts/IonDetector/part.cfg

--- MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage/Parts/IonDetector/part.cfg 2015-06-11 14:33:12.000000000 +0100

+++ MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage.mw/Parts/IonDetector/part.cfg 2015-07-27 22:08:34.339232325 +0100

@@ -57,25 +57,18 @@



- name = ModuleKISItem

- shortcutKeyAction = drop

- usableFromEva = false

- usableFromContainer = false

- usableFromPod = false

- usableFromEditor = false

- stackable = false

- volumeOverride = 100

- editorItemsCategory = true

- moveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove

- equipable = true

- equipMode = part

+ name = ModuleKISItem

+ volumeOverride = 100

+ equipable = true

+ equipMode = part

equipSlot = jetpack

- equipTrait =

- equipRemoveHelmet = false

+ equipTrait =

equipMeshName = jetpack_base01

equipBoneName = bn_jetpack01

equipPos = (0,-0.15,-0.12)

equipDir = (10,90,10)

- allowAttachOnStatic = true

+ allowPartAttach = 0

+ allowStaticAttach = 1

+ staticAttachBreakForce = 0.2



\ No newline at end of file

diff -Naur MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage/Parts/RetroReflector/part.cfg MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage.mw/Parts/RetroReflector/part.cfg

--- MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage/Parts/RetroReflector/part.cfg 2015-06-11 14:33:24.000000000 +0100

+++ MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage.mw/Parts/RetroReflector/part.cfg 2015-07-27 22:08:33.539223583 +0100

@@ -55,26 +55,18 @@



- name = ModuleKISItem

- shortcutKeyAction = drop

- usableFromEva = false

- usableFromContainer = false

- usableFromPod = false

- usableFromEditor = false

- stackable = false

- volumeOverride = 100

- editorItemsCategory = true

- moveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove

- equipable = true

- equipMode = part

+ name = ModuleKISItem

+ volumeOverride = 100

+ equipable = true

+ equipMode = part

equipSlot = jetpack

- equipTrait =

- equipRemoveHelmet = false

+ equipTrait =

equipMeshName = jetpack_base01

equipBoneName = bn_jetpack01

equipPos = (0,0.21,-0.05)

equipDir = (280,0,0)

- allowAttachOnStatic = true

+ allowPartAttach = 0

+ allowStaticAttach = 1

+ staticAttachBreakForce = 1




\ No newline at end of file

diff -Naur MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage/Parts/SolarWindSpectrometer/part.cfg MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage.mw/Parts/SolarWindSpectrometer/part.cfg

--- MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage/Parts/SolarWindSpectrometer/part.cfg 2015-06-11 14:33:52.000000000 +0100

+++ MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage.mw/Parts/SolarWindSpectrometer/part.cfg 2015-07-27 22:08:31.939206102 +0100

@@ -55,26 +55,18 @@



- name = ModuleKISItem

- shortcutKeyAction = drop

- usableFromEva = false

- usableFromContainer = false

- usableFromPod = false

- usableFromEditor = false

- stackable = false

- volumeOverride = 100

- editorItemsCategory = true

- moveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove

- equipable = true

- equipMode = part

+ name = ModuleKISItem

+ volumeOverride = 100

+ equipable = true

+ equipMode = part

equipSlot = jetpack

- equipTrait =

- equipRemoveHelmet = false

+ equipTrait =

equipMeshName = jetpack_base01

equipBoneName = bn_jetpack01

equipPos = (0,0.0,0.01)

equipDir = (280,0,0)

- allowAttachOnStatic = true

+ allowPartAttach = 0

+ allowStaticAttach = 1

+ staticAttachBreakForce = 0.1




\ No newline at end of file

PS. Couldn't find a GitHub (or similar) repo, so not sure how else to send you the patch.

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  • 1 month later...
  davidy12 said:
This is exactly what I wanted. Except if falls beneath the surface...

- - - Updated - - -

PS: For the file above do I make it a .cfg file?

That's a Git patch file. Basically, if a line starts with a minus, remove it, and if it starts with a plus, add it (and if it doesn't start with either of those, it's part of the original file, so leave it). There are automated ways to do this, but for such a small patch, it's probably easier to make the changes manually.

Some of those lines are unnecessary, like something gets removed and then added back -- micha, it might be easier to make it into a Module Manager patch that can be put in a post and then more easily used by individual users.

EDIT: Y'know what, I've already got a patch on my installs for doing just that:

-allowAttachOnStatic = outdated
allowPartAttach = 0
allowStaticAttach = 1
staticAttachBreakForce = 0.1

Edited by Kerbas_ad_astra
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  davidy12 said:
So do I make it a CFG file? Or can someone send me their KIS fix on Dropbox?

You can copy that text from the "CODE" block and paste it into a new "something.cfg" file in your GameData folder. I'd suggest calling it something meaningful, like "MSEP_KIS_hotfix.cfg", and putting it somewhere that it won't be forgotten (e.g. create a folder just of unofficial patches) but even that's not strictly necessary.

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  Kerbas_ad_astra said:
-- micha, it might be easier to make it into a Module Manager patch that can be put in a post and then more easily used by individual users.

EDIT: Y'know what, I've already got a patch on my installs for doing just that:

Eh, it was aimed at the author, not at end users :) Thanks for posting your MM patch! Hopefully AK will be back soon to make a proper release.

EDIT: As for lines being removed, then re-added, that's just the way diff works sometimes, depending on the changes. It's not meant to be used directly by a human for editing files!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a handy tip for anybody having issues with the experiments exploding is to try and do this:

When you have the item out ready to be placed, instead of trying to attach it to the ground or just dropping it, instead raise it (using B IIRC) some way above the surface so that the entire experiment is above the surface. Then, drop it. It'll drop but shouldn't explode, and depending on the gravity of the place you're in it should just plop down, bounce a little and come to a rest.

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