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[1.2] Impossible Innovations


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recompile the code think it would not be enough because the mod in INTAL Monthly Newsletter 1.1.3 with problems in this converters (and serious problems) and without them I do not see difference between these engines and motors and normal liquid fuel, it's a shame because with this mod was possible to create complex ships with takeoff and landing without nessecidade of stages, but now, pardon the word, screwed up the nearest mod would kpsie but he did not come close to impossible innovations, the way now will be to settle on making giant ships 50 stages that hardly reach the moon ....

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Ok guys, I finally found myself with enough free time to work on this mod. Here is what I have done so far:

  • Code has been recompiled to KSP v1.2
  • Increased hydrogen tank capacity from 2000 to 3000
  • Implemented rough compatibility with the Community Tech Tree
  • Fixed some parts not showing up in tech tree/not loading into the game at all in 1.2
  • Re-assigned part VAB categories to use the awesome new KSP 1.2 ones
  • Fixed TweakScale configs for the CL-20 Flea Engine and the Dead Weight

Here are some things I found out concerning the Hydrogen Converters:

  • They do in fact work, but you have to use action groups to operate them because they have no collision meshes or something
  • They have no collision meshes or something. Something screwy is going on with the hydrogen tank and hydrogen converter that makes it impossible to right-click on them. They also fall through the ground.

This means I will need to get new models for the hydrogen tanks and converters. To avoid breaking ships, I think I will make the new models with the same dimensions as the current ones. The texture might be different, but I'll choose something similar.

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you guys. An update should be available soon! If you guys want, I could just release the update now. There are lots of great little fixes, but the converters are still non-right-clickable. At least we have a temporary solution the that problem now. Tell me what you guys think!


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Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

My preference would be to wait until you have redone the converters.  It will be awhile before I upgrade to 1.2.  I have learned that after new versions are released, it takes several months for all my mods to be compatible, so no hurry.

Once again, thank you for a wonderful mod.


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  On 10/25/2016 at 8:07 PM, Refax said:

i've detected a bug which depletes whole deuterium just after 1 second from start in every fusion engine


I appreciate the gesture and I know you are trying to be helpful, but you have to give me more details than that. Based on this report, I can't do anything about it since I cannot replicate the issue. I don't know anything about your game install. I would ask more questions like what mods you have installed and what version of KSP you are running, but an update is on the way. If you are still experiencing problems after I update this mod, then I will do my best to help you. Until then, I cannot do anything to fix the issue, especially if you are running Impossible Innovations on KSP 1.2 / have other mods installed with it.

If you want a "progress report" of sorts on the status of the new version, just scroll a few replies up and you will find one. I'm working on it, but I have other more important things to do outside of this mod.

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  On 10/25/2016 at 8:42 PM, jandcando said:

I appreciate the gesture and I know you are trying to be helpful, but you have to give me more details than that. Based on this report, I can't do anything about it since I cannot replicate the issue. I don't know anything about your game install. I would ask more questions like what mods you have installed and what version of KSP you are running, but an update is on the way. If you are still experiencing problems after I update this mod, then I will do my best to help you. Until then, I cannot do anything to fix the issue, especially if you are running Impossible Innovations on KSP 1.2 / have other mods installed with it.

If you want a "progress report" of sorts on the status of the new version, just scroll a few replies up and you will find one. I'm working on it, but I have other more important things to do outside of this mod.


I have version of this mod and most likely the mechanics used in your mod are not compatible with the new KSP 1.2 fuel system, i have many other mods and i was using this mod as well with them together on 1.1.3 :)

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  On 11/2/2016 at 12:46 AM, rbrgames said:


Hello Jandicando, send what you already did for us to go testing and reporting, I'd love to help as you can.


It is looking like I won't have an opportunity to work on the new models any time soon, so I guess I should upload what I have. I'll do that when I get back home today, but just remember that the converters do work, just only through action groups.

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Version 8.7.6 is out now! Here is the changelog:
    Updated depended mods in package for those who aren't using CKAN
    Recompiled code for KSP version 1.2
    Increased hydrogen tank capacity from 2000 to 3000
    Implemented a rough compatibility with the Community Tech Tree
    Fixed some parts not loading in KSP 1.2
    Re-assigned part VAB categories to make them easier to find in 1.2
    Fixed TweakScale configs for the CL-20 Flea engine
    Fixed TweakScale configs for the Dead Weight

At this stage, the hydrogen converters and tanks are still broken. To use the converter, you must operate it though action groups as there is no collision mesh to click on. This is being worked on.

I have no idea if this works in 1.2.1, but I know it works in 1.2. I just don't have the time to look into that at this moment.

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Hey guys I thought I'd let you know about another workaround for the problem of not being able to right-click the hydrogen converter. I found this on accident while testing:

You can still right-click on the converter if you do it while in normal time warp (on rails). I have no idea why this is the case, but it should make some of your lives easier.

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Hello good night guys, just to inform you that the mod works in ksp 1.2.1. But a bug happens that when the propulsion is boosted, it consumes the 4000 fuel of the tank in 1 second. Is there anyone else there? Six that the mod is not for 1.2.1, just sharing ....

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  On 11/15/2016 at 12:02 AM, rbrgames said:


Hi Jandicando, would it be possible to do a recompiler for 1.2.1, to eliminate the bug in the instant fuel consumption? Because in version 1.2.1 the mod works but with this bug


Recompiling the code won't solve an issue like that, since engines don't rely on any of the plugins I have wrote. I have not been able to reproduce the issue you speak of, anyway. I would guess that you have another mod installed that has its own deuterium resource or something. 

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