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[1.12.x] USI Exploration Pack - Small parts, big adventure! [v 0.6.0]


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Does the "Evacuate" action available on the DERP inflatible excape pod currently work? Maybe I'm using it incorrectly or is there a known mod to interfere with this process? My only other guess is that the "Evacuate" action is from the (old?) USI survivability pack when I should only be looking at the USI exploration download where it might not be available? Not sure as I can't find where to view the exploration source code.

In testing, I'm using 3 parts;
Mk1 Command pod (containing a Kerbal)
DERP Service ring mounted to the top node of the pod (so there is something to decouple)
DERP Pod mounted directly on top of the service ring.

I linked the DERP Pod action Evacuate to the "Gear" action group and when loaded to the launchpad, hit "g". The debug menu gives three lines upon using Evacuate:

Could not find any crew to move

Looking at the code on the SrvPack Github repository (SrvPack/Lifeboat/LifeBoat.cs) I found the line that evaluates to no crew. Is someone who knows the API better than I able to advise why this ends up as null?

var source = vessel.Parts.First(x => x != part
	&& !x.Modules.Contains("LifeBoat")
    	&& x.protoModuleCrew.Count > 0);

Let me know if you want me to log a GH issue and I'll do that. Just wanting to run the prob via the forum is case it's just user error.

Edited by wile1411
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I found a closed 2014 Github Issue #6 for this exact issue. Should I lodge a new issue or add the above comments to that issue?

Issue #78 lodged under the survivability pack


Issue #116 lodged under the Exploration pack

I've honestly confused which repository I should of lodged that against. Survivability has the code but I've seen that it's combined into Exploration. But Exploration is where it gets released.


Sorry for the duplicate issues. Does anyone know where I should of lodged this so I can close the unnecessary extras? I don't want to add extra work for @RoverDude just to keep Github issue list clean because of my lack of understanding.

Edited by wile1411
Github misunderstanding
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hm, let me know specifically what's off?  Sub pack had no changed, but bear in mind USITools got a post-patch update so you can nab that individually (for now).  There will be another constellation update likely next week to handle anything other issues found in the releases.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 2/24/2017 at 5:07 PM, OversizedIsBestSize said:

What exactly is the HERP pod intended to be used for? it seems pointless since its either a DERP that cant be inflated or and AES that is bigger and less useful imo...


What, you can't think of a use for an orbital one-person pod?  :wink:  Here's a recent one of mine:


In general it's good for small space-tugs and such.  (Vs. the AES which is better suited for ground operations.)

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  On 2/24/2017 at 5:15 PM, DStaal said:

What, you can't think of a use for an orbital one-person pod?  :wink:  Here's a recent one of mine:


In general it's good for small space-tugs and such.  (Vs. the AES which is better suited for ground operations.)


Buddy, thats a nice rocket! thanks for response.

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  On 2/25/2017 at 8:54 PM, OversizedIsBestSize said:

Buddy, thats a nice rocket! thanks for response.


No problem.  It's part of my current grand-ambitions mission: To fully explore OPM.  That can land, refuel, and takeoff on any airless world in OPM - provided of course that you can get enough Karbonite in the few days your Kerbals can stand being cooped up in those pods.  Really, it's designed for light-gravity worlds: Land, collect science, refuel if possible, then take off and return to the mothership.  On anything about Mun-sized or smaller it should be able to hit several biomes that way before having to worry about hitting a good refuel point.

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  On 4/4/2017 at 9:41 PM, Murdabenne said:

@RoverDude FYI 7.4 is failing to update from 7.3 for those using CKAN

USI-EXP is failing to update because the install instructions appear to have problems:

Could not find UmbraSpaceIndustries/SubPack entry in zipfile to install

@RoverDude Bug report #129 opened on GitHub.  Also FP needs an update here that the Otter (Sub) etc have been rolled into it.  Instructions to delete if installed before updating might be good, and CKAN might need to mark 0.7.4 incompatible with Otter and anything else it absorbed, much like the Karibou that got rolled into MKS.  Also the Thread title need and update that current is 0.7.4 vice 0.6.0 to tidy things up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The micro fans not working was discussed a bit last page, but did anyone actually solve it beyond just "it's KRnD"? I don't have KRnD and it still doesn't work.

EDIT: I went through all the mods, looks like this is a bug within the mod or FS itself.

EDIT 2: Having successfully 'repaired' it by substituting its model with a downscaled model of the Medium Ductfan from FTT in the cfg, I guess it might be an issue with the model not actually having an air intake built into it.

Edited by voicey99
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I'm going to install this, but I don't want the whole load of new jobs the Kerbals get from USI Core - so, can anyone suggest which folder or file I have to delete to have everything working, but with no new jobs?


My previous experience with using USI Core resulted in the corruption of my very first career save when I uninstalled it...

So, yeah... that's why I'm looking to delete those files.

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  On 5/16/2017 at 7:34 AM, NISSKEPCSIM said:

I'm going to install this, but I don't want the whole load of new jobs the Kerbals get from USI Core - so, can anyone suggest which folder or file I have to delete to have everything working, but with no new jobs?


My previous experience with using USI Core resulted in the corruption of my very first career save when I uninstalled it...

So, yeah... that's why I'm looking to delete those files.


The jobs should be in MKS, not USI-Core, so it shouldn't be a problem if you just want this mod.

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Is there any reason why the micro-ducted engines got such a huge nerf in terms of power usage? It's rendered a bunch of my previous hovercraft virtually useless for me, and even trying to make light craft with decent solar panels only results in a few seconds of flight before the battery completely drains.

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cant speak for the real reasons, but i assume this was the exact reason.  i have made some solar powered hover craft like this before and thought it was a bit OP.  so even if it was possible i stopped doing it, and make sure all my hovers use reactors, or some sort of fuel cell setup, for power any way.  not sure what this nerf will mean for them however, as i have not tried them out recently

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  On 5/28/2017 at 2:49 PM, RoverDude said:

KSP 1.3 compatible version is up :)


Hi, just here to report some installation bug. It seems that somehow there is a bad connection between CKAN and USItools. The good versions appears in the CKAN viewer (last version on github), you can install it without any glitch BUT when you try installing others usi mods it keeps saying :

"Module USItools has not been found, this may be because it's not compatible with the current version of KSP". and if you install USI tools alone before it say that the version needed by USIcore is not the same as USItools. (it mark it as red highlight for incompatibility)


Well, just to let you know :wink:

Edited by msnbcorp
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  On 5/28/2017 at 4:33 PM, msnbcorp said:

Hi, just here to report some installation bug. It seems that somehow there is a bad connection between CKAN and USItools. The good versions appears in the CKAN viewer (last version on github), you can install it without any glitch BUT when you try installing others usi mods it keeps saying :

"Module USItools has not been found, this may be because it's not compatible with the current version of KSP". and if you install USI tools alone before it say that the version needed by USIcore is not the same as USItools. (it mark it as red highlight for incompatibility)


Well, just to let you know :wink:


I was having the same issue aswell. Was trying to install SoundingRockets! and it gave me the error related to USITools. Using CKAN

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  On 5/28/2017 at 6:19 PM, tsaukn said:

I was having the same issue aswell. Was trying to install SoundingRockets! and it gave me the error related to USITools. Using CKAN


I have tried to debug it by checking netkan etc... didn't see where is the error... the name appear to be OK. Just wait and see ^^.

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Yeah i know, but i prefer waiting rather melting down my CKAN install. With a lot of mod installing and keeping tings clear manually are just awfull. Beside, i have to keep manually installed some experimental mods in beta like planetshine, EVE, Scatterer. Really don't want to expand the list :P 


I think it is going to be fixed in the week ^^. During this time i just report the bugs ^^


Beside, may be it's a bug on your side, because it don't happen with a lot of mods (only three reported from now) . Maybe an error in a name somewhere, or in the upgrading of netkan infos.


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  On 5/28/2017 at 4:33 PM, msnbcorp said:

Hi, just here to report some installation bug. It seems that somehow there is a bad connection between CKAN and USItools. The good versions appears in the CKAN viewer (last version on github), you can install it without any glitch BUT when you try installing others usi mods it keeps saying :

"Module USItools has not been found, this may be because it's not compatible with the current version of KSP". and if you install USI tools alone before it say that the version needed by USIcore is not the same as USItools. (it mark it as red highlight for incompatibility)


Well, just to let you know :wink:


Ah, I see what's gone wrong, there. USITools min_version is "v0.9.0.0" in USI-Core, but there are no "v"s in the USITools version numbers.  https://github.com/BobPalmer/CKAN/pull/26 should fix it.

Edited by politas
Replaced with better PR
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