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[0.24] StarSystems v0.2


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  OvenProofMars said:
I've started collaborating with fastwings. He's already modularized the code and made it more object based. We're going to start working on a non ram intensive way of creating planets, and make it more procedural compared to PF:CE.

Thank you for this. This would help tremendously.

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  OvenProofMars said:
I've started collaborating with fastwings. He's already modularized the code and made it more object based. We're going to start working on a non ram intensive way of creating planets, and make it more procedural compared to PF:CE.

You know what would be the most awesome thing ever?

Once you have multiple working star systems in place, allowing the player to pick in which of them he wants to start. Each system would have one life-supporting planet with a space centre. Even without multiplayer that would be very convenient for players looking for a different starter experience than Kerbin, but in multiplayer it could be used to simulate multiple competing species trying to make contact and/or colonize each other!

Of course, this suggestion probably won't even be relevant until at least 2015, as far as I expect, but hey - a player can dream :)

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  DeepOdyssey said:
Yep, the suns don't have the emissive properties. Don't expect light spectrum to match the star color.

Blue and red stars still give off mostly white light as far as I know, although slightly shifted towards their respective color spectrum. The reason I chose not to change thelight color is that in real life our eyes would adapt very quickly and persieve this shifted light as white.

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  DaveStrider said:
how do these stars respond to the more in-depth features of KSPI? i mean, do solar sails and antimatter harvesters work around the new stars?

I have yet to test all features. I suspect solar sails will work, and I believe someone said that antimatter collectors don't work.

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  Megalodon 720 said:
If you get that planet editor done will you still need me to make planets? I can't at the moment due to an endless stream of bugs.

The bugs might be related due to the timing at which the planets are created and the way each script searches for reference bodies. What I could do is write a temporary plugin that would move the planets created by PF:CE to a new star (I understood that spawning them around the sun/black hole worked right). That way you can all enjoy planets until we find a good way to make them. I will then take all planet ideas in consideration and add them in our mod. Do you like that idea?

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  Streetwind said:
You know what would be the most awesome thing ever?

Once you have multiple working star systems in place, allowing the player to pick in which of them he wants to start. Each system would have one life-supporting planet with a space centre. Even without multiplayer that would be very convenient for players looking for a different starter experience than Kerbin, but in multiplayer it could be used to simulate multiple competing species trying to make contact and/or colonize each other!

Of course, this suggestion probably won't even be relevant until at least 2015, as far as I expect, but hey - a player can dream :)

I like the idea :D I'll look into the possibilities

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  Megalodon 720 said:
The star 'fuzzes' at various levels of zoom, this is the only problem I could find, it works perfectly as a star.

Here are pics:




Hmm, this is probably due to my very rudamentry way to scale the mesh (since for some reason .localscale keeps getting overwritten). I'll keep it in mind and put "build better scaler" on the list.

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  Megalodon 720 said:
Okay, it's only a minor annoyance.

Yeah true, but I also noticed that the octagonal mesh overlay of Kethane is not rendering right, which I suspect is related to the same issue. So it merits an other look soon.

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Why do ships accelerate when getting close to the black hole? Also I thoroughly enjoyed breaking the game by setting the black hole to 4 million solar masses and going around it at 100km from the "surface". Ah happens with any insanely massive object/at very high speeds.

This mod has a lot of promise. In combination with a launch site chooser, we can potentially have both RSS and Kerbol in the same save.

Edited by AndreyATGB
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  OvenProofMars said:
I've started collaborating with fastwings. He's already modularized the code and made it more object based. We're going to start working on a non ram intensive way of creating planets, and make it more procedural compared to PF:CE.

Are you going to use PF:CE's terribly inefficient way of generating planets or the proper way using your own PSystem?

I described the correct process at: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65401-WIP-PlanetFactory-CE?p=1294503&viewfull=1#post1294503

If you guys need help with the planet part, just shoot me a PM and I'll do my best to assist ^^

Edited by aftokinito
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I'm having 2 issues; one is gamebreaking, the other is minor.

The gamebreaking bug is that occasionally the celestial bodies stop orbiting their parent completely. Fiddling with time warp seems to fix it, but I usually realize the issue when it's too late.

The minor bug is that sometimes in the map screen, the Kerbin system appears at the center of the galaxy where the black hole should be. Zooming in on Kerbol seems to fix it.

The orbiting problem is enough of a gamebreaker that I had to uninstall it. I'll be eager to reinstall once these issues are fixed.

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Wow! This is really neat. I love the idea of having stars orbit some other object (Galaxy core, great attractor, maybe other stars/ star clusters?)

If I may suggest something when it comes to your distribution chanel:

You should really not include the .zip file in the repository but rather use the "releases" page. Like this: https://github.com/SpaceKookie/Poke/releases

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