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[24.2] Karbonite Ongoing Dev and Discussion


Which logo style by Alexustas (on page 2) do you like best?  

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  1. 1. Which logo style by Alexustas (on page 2) do you like best?

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  Akira_R said:
Hey RoverDude just a little something I found while playing the other night, I was playing in science sandbox and opened up the debug window and noticed allot of red spam in the log, it all was saying something about not being able to load texture Kerbin_Karbonite while I was at Kerbin, same thing for Mun_Karbonite while there. From what I know usually this is fixed by adding a keepLoaded comand pointing at the folder the texture file is in to texture replacer, but of course you already have that, I checked it just to make sure there were no spelling issues or something silly like that and didn't notice anything.

Now this didn't seem to cause any issues or anything while I was playing, however I wasn't trying to scan for Karbonite or mine it or anything.

I do have allot of mods installed but I don't think I've ever seen this caused by conflicting mods. I'm running KSP 32bit on windows with Karbonite 0.1.1, sorry I don't have more detailed info about what the log was saying, I don't have internet at the house atm and I'm writting this from work and can't exactly fire up KSP right now as much as I would like to lol. I have not tried a clean install with no other mods yet.

If this is already known or something then please disregard and keep the awesomeness coming.

  Shad0wCatcher said:
I found my issue with textures not being readable. Culprit wasn't TextureReplacer at all. Just threw a TR error >.> It was however an incorrectly set config in ActiveTextureManagement. For anyone having severe framerate issues stemming from error log spam talking about resource textures not being readable; check to see if there's an ATM config for that mod and ensure that the textures it's looking for are in the exclusion list for being made not readable. In my case it was KSP-I experimental. ORS (the culprit I thought was responsible, apologies again Rover! though it was ultimately responsible! haha :P) kept trying to reload the configuration files when it couldn't read KSPI's planetresourcedata textures since ATM had them set to not readable, throwing the TR error and causing ORS to try and reload all its configuration files over and over and over and rover..err. Any rate the rate of it reloading caused enough of a slowdown that the game in the flight scene was completely unplayable (seconds per frame). So let that be a lesson! I don't know what kind of lesson but I'm sure there's one there somewhere.
  Olympic1 said:
ATM is more problematic than TR, that's the reason I switched over to TR

For people having issues with the unreadable textures, you need to have a file similar to the following, anywhere in GameData, as a .cfg file

I call mine ATM_USI.cfg and leave it in UmbraSpaceIndustries\

folder = UmbraSpaceIndustries
enabled = true
make_not_readable = false
mipmaps = false
compress = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = false
mipmaps = false
compress = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0

It sets a appropriate set of options for handling the maps (readable from main memory, no mipmaps, full resolution). Works for me, your delta-v may vary ;)

@RoverDude, it might be worth adding this to the Karbonite and MKS/OKS zips?


  Arkyknight said:
Can someone please tell me how to install the Karbonite mod? Also will it work with the B9 aerospace mod?

Well, given that Karbonite only works with 0.24.2, and that B9 doesn't work (properly) with 0.24.2, then the answer is that there is nothing in Karbonite that will conflict with B9 in any way, you you will have to apply some fixes to B9 to get it to operate in a game version that supports Karbonite.

Edited by Crater
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  Crater said:
For people having issues with the unreadable textures, you need to have a file similar to the following, anywhere in GameData, as a .cfg file

I call mine ATM_USI.cfg and leave it in UmbraSpaceIndustries\

folder = UmbraSpaceIndustries
enabled = true
make_not_readable = false
mipmaps = false
compress = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = false
mipmaps = false
compress = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0

It sets a appropriate set of options for handling the maps (readable from main memory, no mipmaps, full resolution). Works for me, your delta-v may vary ;)

@RoverDude, it might be worth adding this to the Karbonite and MKS/OKS zips?


Well, given that Karbonite only works with 0.24.2, and that B9 doesn't work (properly) with 0.24.2, then the answer is that there is nothing in Karbonite that will conflict with B9 in any way, you you will have to apply some fixes to B9 to get it to operate in a game version that supports Karbonite.

Thanks for the config! Any chance I can bribe you into a pull request?

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  RoverDude said:
Thanks for the config! Any chance I can bribe you into a pull request?

*mutter mutter learn Git mutter install GitHub mutter fork mutter pull mutter mutter*

Certainly, just sent you two - one each for MKS/OKS and Karbonite, since both need it.

At least, I -think- I've juse sent two pull requests.... if you recieve three overripe melons and a golf ball, it means that I got my GitFu wrong, so just point, laugh, and let me know :)

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  Crater said:
*mutter mutter learn Git mutter install GitHub mutter fork mutter pull mutter mutter*

Certainly, just sent you two - one each for MKS/OKS and Karbonite, since both need it.

At least, I -think- I've juse sent two pull requests.... if you recieve three overripe melons and a golf ball, it means that I got my GitFu wrong, so just point, laugh, and let me know :)

Thank you sir for being awesome and making my life easier

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Hi, I think you have seen the lag-related bug report before but I figure it won't hurt to have another bug data for you to dig out.

Here's screenshot with long list of index and null errors, making my computer cry:


And a output log (22MB) too:


1) What I was doing when the null and index errors appear:

I was landing a test Karbonite craft on a nearby west mountain, launched from KSC, and the framerate falls as the radar altitude decreased from 3km or so. The framerate becames 1-2 when the altitude is below 500m.

2) Mods:

[ModuleManager] compiling list of loaded mods...

Mod DLLs found:

Assembly-CSharp v1.0.0.0

ModuleManager.2.2.1 v2.2.1.0

DeadlyReentry v5.1.5319.31493

EnhancedNavBall v1.3.2.0

Firespitter v7.0.5320.35444

KerbalEngineer v1.0.3.0

LitJson v0.7.0.0

OpenResourceSystem_1_1_0 v1.1.0.0

KSPAPIExtensions v1.7.0.0

ProceduralFairings v0.0.0.0

RealRoster v1.0.0.0

RemoteTech2 v1.0.0.0

Romfarer v1.0.0.0

SCANsat v1.0.6.0

KerbalAlarmClock v2.7.8.2

KSPAlternateResourcePanel v2.5.1.0

Karbonite v1.0.0.0

USITools v1.0.0.0

Non-DLL mods added:

Mods by directory (subdirs of GameData):








3) KSP 0.24.2 32-bit on 64-bit Windows 7 with 8GB RAM

If requested, I am willing to reproduce this with a stock separate KSP. Let me know if you have some questions (but unavailable as it's bedtime for next day work :-p)

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  Dire_Squid said:
Hey Roverdude, I recall a while ago you were making a smaller drill... but I realized something easier and more accessible:

Tweakscale the radial drill!

THAT WAY (once I can get a new version of KAS, or a license-friendly substitute) we can change the size of that drill, and (with KAS or a substitute) connect it to things.

Just a thought. :)

Adding tweak scale too all the parts would be great, that way we don't need duplicates of every part in several sizes

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  TaxiService said:
Hi, I think you have seen the lag-related bug report before but I figure it won't hurt to have another bug data for you to dig out.

Here's screenshot with long list of index and null errors, making my computer cry:


And a output log (22MB) too:


1) What I was doing when the null and index errors appear:

I was landing a test Karbonite craft on a nearby west mountain, launched from KSC, and the framerate falls as the radar altitude decreased from 3km or so. The framerate becames 1-2 when the altitude is below 500m.

2) Mods:

[ModuleManager] compiling list of loaded mods...

Mod DLLs found:

Assembly-CSharp v1.0.0.0

ModuleManager.2.2.1 v2.2.1.0

DeadlyReentry v5.1.5319.31493

EnhancedNavBall v1.3.2.0

Firespitter v7.0.5320.35444

KerbalEngineer v1.0.3.0

LitJson v0.7.0.0

OpenResourceSystem_1_1_0 v1.1.0.0

KSPAPIExtensions v1.7.0.0

ProceduralFairings v0.0.0.0

RealRoster v1.0.0.0

RemoteTech2 v1.0.0.0

Romfarer v1.0.0.0

SCANsat v1.0.6.0

KerbalAlarmClock v2.7.8.2

KSPAlternateResourcePanel v2.5.1.0

Karbonite v1.0.0.0

USITools v1.0.0.0

Non-DLL mods added:

Mods by directory (subdirs of GameData):








3) KSP 0.24.2 32-bit on 64-bit Windows 7 with 8GB RAM

If requested, I am willing to reproduce this with a stock separate KSP. Let me know if you have some questions (but unavailable as it's bedtime for next day work :-p)

Delete out UmbraSpaceIndustries and OpenResourceSystem, and reinstall any USI mods from scratch. Remove Texture Replacer. Let me know of those two things help.

  mostlydave said:
Adding tweak scale too all the parts would be great, that way we don't need duplicates of every part in several sizes

Some have this, feel free to toss a pull request. I will say we do want to deprecate tweakscale in favor of unique models however, given the high model quality that we have right now.

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  Crater said:
For people having issues with the unreadable textures, you need to have a file similar to the following, anywhere in GameData, as a .cfg file

I call mine ATM_USI.cfg and leave it in UmbraSpaceIndustries\

folder = UmbraSpaceIndustries
enabled = true
make_not_readable = false
mipmaps = false
compress = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = false
mipmaps = false
compress = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0

It sets a appropriate set of options for handling the maps (readable from main memory, no mipmaps, full resolution). Works for me, your delta-v may vary ;)

Darn you beat me to it, just discovered this fix last night after looking at the ATM config file for WarpPlugin, and rewrote my USI ATM config. :P

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  Angel-125 said:
How low an orbit is needed for the particle collectors to work around kerbin? I want to set up a fuel depot but thus far I haven't gotten any karbonite to flow. I have a collector directly attached to a karbonite tank.

Max altitude + 10%, so just under 76K for Kerbin.

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I thought of something, again :) : as Karbonite is community made mod, it would be great to have (if not already the case) a mod pack including a standard colour palette, so we can hope everyone making parts for it will use consistent colour scheme, as opposite to (some) stock parts for example (the JB64 is quite alone on its own, the lonely only orange tank :D the same for the small gold donut).

What do you think guys ?

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  Justin Kerbice said:
I thought of something, again :) : as Karbonite is community made mod, it would be great to have (if not already the case) a mod pack including a standard colour palette, so we can hope everyone making parts for it will use consistent colour scheme, as opposite to (some) stock parts for example (the JB64 is quite alone on its own, the lonely only orange tank :D the same for the small gold donut).

What do you think guys ?

I love this idea, I will make this happen.

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I personally found myself bummed by the texturework in Karbonite. I heard this is an open project, are the current textures available somewhere? I'd like to give a palette edit a try if it is.

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  Rassa Farlander said:
I love this! Everything is such a high quality!!! :D No just one question, is there a tutorial somewhere so I can figure out how to mine this stuff? :D lol

check Main release thread 2nd post. RoverDude made a tutorial video.

- - - Updated - - -

Haven't sold myself on the colors yet. But it's a start.


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I would do narrower strips of warning stripes along the edge of the doors where they open instead of on the legs themselves. The warning stripes are a bit too large and intense I think. Other than that it looks fantastic! It will look nice when the textures are finished and the paint is weathered.

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  Oicani said:
I personally found myself bummed by the texturework in Karbonite. I heard this is an open project, are the current textures available somewhere? I'd like to give a palette edit a try if it is.

I'm kinda partial to them ;) That being said, all of the art is there in the download - go to town. Although if it's a color choice thing, that's something that will not change in the official package, though if someone wants to release an alternate texture pack, go for it (heck, someone could release a Hello Kitty themed pack if they were so inclined). Better yet, feel free to make your own parts - we'd love to have them!

  SpeedyB said:
I updated the Karbonite intake. It matches the other parts much better now.



  nli2work said:
check Main release thread 2nd post. RoverDude made a tutorial video.

- - - Updated - - -

Haven't sold myself on the colors yet. But it's a start.


Very nice! Let me know if you want me to spin out 3x and 4x symmetry versions of just the fairing cage (if so, I can rotate the 4x one by 45 degrees so the drill doors do not clip).

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  SpeedyB said:
I would do narrower strips of warning stripes along the edge of the doors where they open instead of on the legs themselves. The warning stripes are a bit too large and intense I think. Other than that it looks fantastic! It will look nice when the textures are finished and the paint is weathered.

and put the arrow on the doors, when they are closed. When the legs come out you dont need to know anymore where down is. But in VAB you need :D

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  Ringkeeper said:
and put the arrow on the doors, when they are closed. When the legs come out you dont need to know anymore where down is. But in VAB you need :D

Very good idea, I always have to extend ladders since the 0.23.5 update to be sure of the orientation :).

@nil2work: they really looks like LEGO parts, so loovveeelllyyy ;). Good job.

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