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[WIP] KERES - Stockalike launch vehicle and spacecraft mod


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  Bomoo said:
Hey, dude, nice to see you back! Was hoping my favourite WIP mod wasn't dead, and hurray!

I've got a request for you, however. And you may very well be doing this already, but if not, I'd like to request that you consider making the spacecraft parts (service module, pod, lander cabin, etc.) as modular and interchangeable with others as possible. That'll really make this mod huge and universally useful, I think - the ability to mix parts to make something other than a few limited prefabs. SDHI service module falls into the prefab trap a little bit with its service module, and KSO is almost nothing but prefabs, to give two examples. I'd also argue it makes it easier for you to work on in the long run, as all you have to do is make, for example, a few ATV payload module parts, stick them onto the existing service module, and poof, cargo vehicle. Wouldn't need to make a completely separate prefab service module just for the cargo vehicle, I mean, and it cuts down on memory footprint.

And solar panels - would you really need to work on these? There's already mods that have precisely the solar panels you intend to make, like Tantares (PPTS/Soyuz) and NearFuture (Orion/ATV). I think you could save some work there by referring users to those mods, but I absolutely understand if you wanted to make yours self-contained and craft the parts yourself.

Cheers, man, and, once again welcome back.

I don't think its a bad idea about solar panels, both Tantares and Near Future are quite large mods and installing them for a single part? I think it's a waste of RAM and less flexibility.

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  Niemand303 said:
I don't think its a bad idea about solar panels, both Tantares and Near Future are quite large mods and installing them for a single part? I think it's a waste of RAM and less flexibility.

Well, Near Future comes in several modular packs, so if they don't want to install the whole mod, you can just refer them to Near Future Solar.

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Since the thrusters look like the ATV, will there be space for a docking port (either standard or junior), so that multiple of them can be docked together or a propulsion section be attached? The craft could even be used as a temporary space station.

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Thank you Cpt. Kipard!

  Niemand303 said:
It's awesome! The capsule reminds me a bit the Indian one, although it's more Dragon-ish. For the solar panels, I'd vote for more Dragon-styled ones, since the PPTS is equipped with Soyuz panels. :)

Thanks! I opted for custom panels in the end, but they are Dragon-like in size and shape.

  RobotsAndSpaceships said:
I sorta liked the silhouette of the capsule with the smaller service module, better, than the renders you showed us. Not to say that I don't like the current capsule of course. I especially like the four thruster layout.

You mean the silhouette in the OP? My bad; it's not meant to be 100% representative, I just took an image of the PPTS and made an outline out of it. If you ask Beale nicely maybe he'll make a replica for Tantares. I'm trying to make some sort of realistic/stockalike fusion thing with my own spin on it, not replicas. Sorry for the confusion!

  Bomoo said:
Hey, dude, nice to see you back! Was hoping my favourite WIP mod wasn't dead, and hurray!

I've got a request for you, however. And you may very well be doing this already, but if not, I'd like to request that you consider making the spacecraft parts (service module, pod, lander cabin, etc.) as modular and interchangeable with others as possible. That'll really make this mod huge and universally useful, I think - the ability to mix parts to make something other than a few limited prefabs. SDHI service module falls into the prefab trap a little bit with its service module, and KSO is almost nothing but prefabs, to give two examples. I'd also argue it makes it easier for you to work on in the long run, as all you have to do is make, for example, a few ATV payload module parts, stick them onto the existing service module, and poof, cargo vehicle. Wouldn't need to make a completely separate prefab service module just for the cargo vehicle, I mean, and it cuts down on memory footprint.

And solar panels - would you really need to work on these? There's already mods that have precisely the solar panels you intend to make, like Tantares (PPTS/Soyuz) and NearFuture (Orion/ATV). I think you could save some work there by referring users to those mods, but I absolutely understand if you wanted to make yours self-contained and craft the parts yourself.

Cheers, man, and, once again welcome back.

Thanks a lot Bomoo!

As for your request, well, I've tried to make it as modular and interchangeable with stock and other mods as possible. For example, the pod should be compatible with the SDHI service module and stock parts. The service module on the other hand, is a more unique part (or rather, two parts). It will probably fit well with other pods, but it's not exactly a flat 2.5m fuel tank. That said, there will be a decoupler adapter so you can stick the service module onto any standard 2.5m part if you want. I'll definitely try to do the same for all the other spacecraft parts (if I ever get around to making them). It'll be more like SDHI than KSO for sure. The solar panels, well, I want to make them partly because - as you mentioned - it'll be self-contained, but also because I like to create 3d models, and I want to have them fit into the launch abort and fairing system I'm making.

I appreciate your continued feedback :)

  wasmic said:
Since the thrusters look like the ATV, will there be space for a docking port (either standard or junior), so that multiple of them can be docked together or a propulsion section be attached? The craft could even be used as a temporary space station.

Nope, the only docking port is on the top of the crew capsule. Check out Tantares, it has exactly what you're looking for.

  Camacha said:
I would request the engines to be separate from the tanks they are attached to. Squad did this with the NASA pack, but I feel it strongly detracts from the flexibility of it all.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this.


Did some more work on the service module on pod, minor detail work here and there, plus a new solar panel design.



The solar panels unfolding:


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Maybe add some slight delay between the servos in the solar panels. The stock solar panels that unfold sort of like that have a delay, so if you want to go stock-a-like yours probably should too.

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  Borklund said:
As for your request, well, I've tried to make it as modular and interchangeable with stock and other mods as possible. For example, the pod should be compatible with the SDHI service module and stock parts. The service module on the other hand, is a more unique part (or rather, two parts). It will probably fit well with other pods, but it's not exactly a flat 2.5m fuel tank. That said, there will be a decoupler adapter so you can stick the service module onto any standard 2.5m part if you want. I'll definitely try to do the same for all the other spacecraft parts (if I ever get around to making them). It'll be more like SDHI than KSO for sure. The solar panels, well, I want to make them partly because - as you mentioned - it'll be self-contained, but also because I like to create 3d models, and I want to have them fit into the launch abort and fairing system I'm making.

Sounds perfect!

  Borklund said:
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this.

I think he's suggesting the orbital engine cluster be a part separate from the service module fuel tank - something squad missed the opportunity to do with that new prefab NASA liquid booster, and I think I gotta back him up. I'd love the flexibility to use another 2.5m motor, maybe double stack the service module for extra range/battery capacity/SAS, or use your orbital motor with a stock fuel tank on another craft, to offer a few examples.

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Thanks RobotsAndSpaceships!

  Fox62 said:
Maybe add some slight delay between the servos in the solar panels. The stock solar panels that unfold sort of like that have a delay, so if you want to go stock-a-like yours probably should too.

Yeah, absolutely. It's still a work in progress, eventually I want to add a more mechanical, less smooth unfolding motion. That'll come later.

  Bomoo said:
I think he's suggesting the orbital engine cluster be a part separate from the service module fuel tank - something squad missed the opportunity to do with that new prefab NASA liquid booster, and I think I gotta back him up. I'd love the flexibility to use another 2.5m motor, maybe double stack the service module for extra range/battery capacity/SAS, or use your orbital motor with a stock fuel tank on another craft, to offer a few examples.

The engine cluster, the radiator panels - everything below the capsule excluding the solar panels - is all one part, but I think I can accommodate you. I have mocked up a 2.5m service module decoupler (seen in blue below) which you can use to stack service modules on top of eachother. The red cylinder is 2.5m in diameter and can be anything - a fuel tank, another pod, a stock decoupler with other things on top etc.


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  Borklund said:
The engine cluster, the radiator panels - everything below the capsule excluding the solar panels - is all one part, but I think I can accommodate you. I have mocked up a 2.5m service module decoupler (seen in blue below) which you can use to stack service modules on top of eachother. The red cylinder is 2.5m in diameter and can be anything - a fuel tank, another pod, a stock decoupler with other things on top etc.


Considering how small the engine nozzles are, yeah, I could see that working without the need for separating the fuel tank and engine cluster. What I mean is that it'd be a different story if you had to carry something like a poodle or a skipper around as dead weight. But this looks good!

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  AppleDavidJeans said:
Good ol' fashioned bump.

Any news yet?

Given Borklund's history of disappearing, then reappearing later, I would say that it probably isn't dead. I'd be surprised if much had happened in the meantime, though, as prolonged absence from these forums tend to be because of real life issues (or losing interest in the game). Anyway, I want to give you my encouragement, Borklund! Your stuff looks really great (that must be the fourth time I've said that).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  awsumindyman said:
I did. I also payed attention to the dates: at least a month of inactivity (not to be a stalker/ creeper or anything).

He has a history of disappearing and reappearing with awesome stuff. Give him a chance, if you like paying attention to dates you will also notice that this mod has been in production since July of 2014. So your patience will be rewarded. That being said some sort of update would be nice but I don't think thats how he works.

Finally, I have gotten the sense that mod makers who have stuff WIP are waiting for 1.0 because alot is going to be changed it will require some mods to be overhauled or completely changed. So instead of finalizing a project just to have it start over again would be foolish. So that being said I think once 1.0 comes out, you will see alot of stalled WIP stuff finally get released.

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  sp1989 said:
He has a history of disappearing and reappearing with awesome stuff. Give him a chance, if you like paying attention to dates you will also notice that this mod has been in production since July of 2014. So your patience will be rewarded. That being said some sort of update would be nice but I don't think thats how he works.

Finally, I have gotten the sense that mod makers who have stuff WIP are waiting for 1.0 because alot is going to be changed it will require some mods to be overhauled or completely changed. So instead of finalizing a project just to have it start over again would be foolish. So that being said I think once 1.0 comes out, you will see alot of stalled WIP stuff finally get released.

Hence why I'm waiting until 1.0 to (potentially) make my own mod(s).

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