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[0.90] Kerbsplosions Pre-Alpha 3.3.1


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Rewrite in progress!

Hello! Kerbsplosions is a mod with the aim of creating easy to use, reasonably realistic explosions. In its current form, it has few features, but that shall soon change!

Current Features

  • Easily added and configured explosive capabilities!
  • Modified Cubic Octagonal Strut (called the Boom-Strut) that goes BOOOOM!
  • Many more features to be added soon! (Keep in mind, Pre-Alpha. Check out the To-Do)


  • Blast shadowing! (ability for armor to actually block explosions) -- Mostly done!
  • Fancy custom explosion graphics! -- 0.25 scaled down our original ideas, so this is on the backburner a bit
  • Fuel tanks leaking and making a smoke trail if in atmosphere!
  • Leaky fuel tanks exploding if both fuel and oxidizer tanks are ruptured!
  • Fancy math leading to realistic explosions depending on atmosphere and pressure!
  • Github! (so the community can help!)
  • A few more things I forgot! (don't look at me like that >.>)

Warning and how to help test

Keep in mind that this is a Pre-Alpha, as in the earliest release humanly possible, so crashing, bugs, and other similar baddies are always a possibility.

If you want to help test, try out various combinations of integrity, explosionForce, and explosionRadius, and relay to us how they change things.

Download from Kerbal Stuff

How to Use

Kerbsplosions works by making configured parts do some fancy code when they get destroyed, causing them to go "boom". This mod comes with one part, the Cubic Octagonal Boom-Strut, which is supposed to serve as a example of how to make/modifiy parts for Kerbsplosions. I would recommend that you set a modified parts crash tolerance to be very low, so it explodes easier. The example should be easy to follow, but if not, here's a quick guideline for what you need to do to modify a part to work:

  1. Open the config file (.cfg)
  2. Near the top, where it says module, replace part with "KerbsplosionsPart"
  3. Modify the vanilla stats however you like
  4. Before the curly brace ("}") at the end, type "MODULE" followed on the next line by an opening curly brace, then two lines below that, a closing curly brace
  5. Between the two curly braces, put "name = KerbsplosionsModule" followed by "explosionForce = ", "explosionRadius = ", and "integrity = " on separate lines
  6. After the equals signs, put the values you want, radius is in meters, force is in kilonewtons per ray, and integrity is measured in how many kilonewtons the part can withstand (5 for explosionForce is STRONG)
  7. Save the config, and you're done!
  8. If you need an example, check out the included "Boom-Strut" test part


Primary development: Matrixmage (me!) and CaptainLeviathan.

Special Thanks: #kspmodders


Non legalese version avalible on tl;dr legal: https://tldrlegal.com/license/mit-license

Kerbsplosions by Matrixmage and CaptainLeviathan is licensed under the MIT license:

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in

all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Edited by Matrixmage
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  rabidninjawombat said:
Nice :) Prettier splosions are good! Some preview pics would be nice if possible

Well... nicer explosions aren't in yet (definitely will have pictures when they are), but I'm pretty sure they will be the next thing in, so that means in the next few days.

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Better explosions are something I'd definitely like to see in the game :)

That being said, I'm not too keen on the replacing of module = Part with module = KerbsplosionsMain - how much work would be required to design the plugin to retain module = Part, and rely on ModuleManager patches rather than manual file edits?

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  sumghai said:
Better explosions are something I'd definitely like to see in the game :)

That being said, I'm not too keen on the replacing of module = Part with module = KerbsplosionsMain - how much work would be required to design the plugin to retain module = Part, and rely on ModuleManager patches rather than manual file edits?

We haven't looked at ModuleManager at all, but to add custom explosion behaviour, we need to override onPartDestroy, which is in part. Basically, we have to override Part unless ModuleManager allows some really interesting stuff...

EDIT: I quickly looked at ModuleManager, and it seems like it could be of help. We'll try to implement its usage ASAP.

Edited by Matrixmage
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  Tommygun said:
Would this mod be able to reproduce one of these old style "Spider" explosions?

My co-dev CaptainLeviathan is focusing on the visuals (while I focus on the code), but from what he's showed me, it will look much more like that then the current one.

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  Justin Kerbice said:
This is something which may help or tease you :)

(it comes from smokescreen plug-in talks I think)

Wow, that looks amazing, I'll have to show it to my co-dev, although I'm not sure if he'll use it, he's pretty in love with the KSP particle emitter at the moment...

(If you didn't read my earlier posts, my co-dev is focusing on the graphics, and I'm focusing on the coding)

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Wow this is amazing, I was looking for un mod like that only a couple of days ago ! Did you read my mind ?

I really really hope you'll get to have realistic explosions, I mean on the physics side (I don't really care about the graphics). It really bothers me when a staged SRB hits the main engine, and it just goes poof, leaving its fuel tanks intact, perfectly sealed. I wanted to see it explode ! So the next tank explodes too ! And the one after that ! And the entire rocket ! Anyway the launch was failed the moment the SRB touched the engine, so might as well go with a huge blast :)

Edited by Maxwell Fern
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  Maxwell Fern said:
I really really hope you'll get to have realistic explosions, I mean on the physics side (I don't really care about the graphics). It really bothers me when a staged SRB hits the main engine, and it just goes poof, leaving its fuel tanks intact, perfectly sealed. I wanted to see it explode ! So the next tank explodes too ! And the one after that ! And the entire rocket ! Anyway the launch was failed the moment the SRB touched the engine, so might as well go with a huge blast :)

One of our biggest goals is to have physically realistic explosions, in the To-Do I mentioned how we're looking into a system allowing fuel tanks to "leak" and subsequently explode, and we're even looking into proper physics equations for an explosions force based on the density of the gas its in :D

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  Matrixmage said:
One of our biggest goals is to have physically realistic explosions, in the To-Do I mentioned how we're looking into a system allowing fuel tanks to "leak" and subsequently explode, and we're even looking into proper physics equations for an explosions force based on the density of the gas its in :D

Are you guys planning to add this type of function to every type of tank, even mod tanks, with a ModuleManager cfg?

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  tygoo7 said:
Are you guys planning to add this type of function to every type of tank, even mod tanks, with a ModuleManager cfg?

On a case-by-case basis it may be different, but for the most part, hopefully.

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Would this mod also go into providing the awesome launch steam real launches have?
  Tommygun said:
That would be a really nice function if it could do this.

While this isn't really the express point of the mod, I wouldn't put it past us to look into something like this. If we did, it would probably be as a separate mod that also overhauled the particle effects of engines... Just some food for thought :wink:

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  Matrixmage said:
We haven't looked at ModuleManager at all, but to add custom explosion behaviour, we need to override onPartDestroy, which is in part. Basically, we have to override Part unless ModuleManager allows some really interesting stuff...

EDIT: I quickly looked at ModuleManager, and it seems like it could be of help. We'll try to implement its usage ASAP.

Just so the details are here for anyone seeing this conversation, ModuleManager can target a part's module= line. An example from FAR:

@module = Part

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  undercoveryankee said:
Just so the details are here for anyone seeing this conversation, ModuleManager can target a part's module= line. An example from FAR:

@module = Part

Oh thanks! You know, I've been wondering how Ferram has been doing this, I could have sworn I heard he used a batch file to overwrite the files... I guess this is a bit more practical though... :D

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Would this mod also go into providing the awesome launch steam real launches have?

If you take a look at the most recent update to Hotrockets, I think it will go some way towards what you want :).

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There was a mod that simulated a Project Orion-style nuclear pulse detonation drive. Do you suppose it would be possible to have realistic small-scale nuke airbursts/spacebursts? Nukes look different blowing up in space, by the way. There was a series of tests run by USA where they detonated nuclear bombs in space. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Dominic

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