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favorite game other than KSP

war shepherds

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I would say Portal, I've never had as much fun playing anything as I had playing Portal 2, however, it has a low replay value. Once you know how to do everything, it becomes somewhat boring.

I think my favourite is Mirror's Edge, because even though the levels are quite linear, there's still a lot of ways to go through it. You can gun down everything that moves and you can, with a bit of luck, get through it without much blood. I think there are only maybe 10 or so enemies that you have to kill, but I'm unsure about most of them, I could be completely wrong.

Then again, I haven't had a joystick in a long time, I would really like to play Falcon F4.0 AF again. And Lock On. And Il2 Sturmovik. And War Thunder on Realistic. And many other flight simulators which I could probably play all day. I don't know if I'd like any of these more, but I probably would.

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War Thunder, Civilization V, Mount and Blade: Warband, Far Cry 3, Battlefield 3 & 4, Red Orchestra 2, Sniper Elite V2, Bioshock Infinite, and Chivalry.

I'd really like to get Space Engineers as well. Kingdom Come: Deliverance looks amazing and I can't wait for that.

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GTA V. No question. I'm not even at level 10 in Online, but I always play SP. Trevor's fighter jet is the best thing I have flown in a GTA game. Hopefully, they add in a Space DLC, where for $50,000,000, you can buy your own SLS.

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  Sun said:
GTA V. No question. I'm not even at level 10 in Online, but I always play SP. Trevor's fighter jet is the best thing I have flown in a GTA game. Hopefully, they add in a Space DLC, where for $50,000,000, you can buy your own SLS.


Damn kids nowadays with their new-fangled SLS's and dragons with fancy computers inside. Back in my day we had Geminis and Saturns with almost nonexistant computers and dialed gauges, and by god we were happy! Kids today oughta try gettin' to the Moon with only a little bit of those computers they got now and only usin' the dialed gauges we loved for so many years, that oughta set 'em straight!


Seriously, if I did have GTA V, I'd wanna pilot a Mercury, Gemini, Or Saturn a heck of a lot more than an SLS.

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