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[WEB] Visual RemoteTech Planner for MOD RemoteTech


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  S-Gate said:
Can you add a second line to the next satellite out, when you have more than four satellites in orbit?

Thank you for your idea, it'll be implemented soon.

I said that the development is halted in previous post, but catch up with the mod or small updates would go if there is time, I hope it.

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Release 1.2 is available.

- Faster loading of the page.

- Auto-save last calculation.

This update may clear your manual-input bodies, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

If you really want to keep your data, please edit the cookie of this website.

The cookie seems: <name>=<data>; <name>=<data>; ...(repeat)

Find and change the name from userbody to userBody.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I agree with Tellion. I wasn't aware this was still actively being developed when I'd stumbled on this a couple weeks ago; it definitely saved me time!

I have two suggestions, though:

- Resonant orbit calculation in an (n-1)/n way, where n is the number of satellites to put up. You can save fuel and time by doing only a single launch, placing your launch vehicle in a proper resonant orbit, and individually circularizing the satellites. I end up using this web planner to determine the best altitude for satellites and how much battery storage is needed, but work out the resonant orbit instead of using parking orbits and such.

- Listing stats for RSS planets at the bottom of the existing list. Just because, of course :P

Feel free to veto these suggestions, they're definitely not necessary and I think that being able to select multiple antennas is a more important addition than them anyway! ;P

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Thank you for your posts!

Yes, support for multiple antennas is important for me too.

Calculation for multi-deploy launcher sounds great.

I'll get to work on it after the above feature.

Stock data for RSS seems useful for considerable number of users, so it will be also added to my queue.

PS: I forgot to announce the latest minor release.

Release 1.4 is available.

- Add remaining four dishes.

Edited by ryohpops
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  • 3 weeks later...
  ryohpops said:
Please make sure that your browser's cookie is enabled because your data will be saved there.

If the setting is correct, try to delete cookie of ryohpops.github.io to reset the planner.

Ok I checked and the cookies are set to "Expire when the session browsing ends".

I know that sometimes Chrome doesn't necessarily expire the cookie immediately, but the data was gone after I rebooted.

Can you change the code to have the cookies not expire?

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  westamastaflash said:
Ok I checked and the cookies are set to "Expire when the session browsing ends".

The config is superior than my code. It means Chrome ignores developer's setting of cookie and any other browser storages and clear them on close.

There are some other methods to keep data, but they will be deleted as I say, so allowing Chrome to have it's data permanently is the best solution.

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  ryohpops said:
The config is superior than my code. It means Chrome ignores developer's setting of cookie and any other browser storages and clear them on close.

There are some other methods to keep data, but they will be deleted as I say, so allowing Chrome to have it's data permanently is the best solution.

I have "allow local data to be set" turned on. It seems Angular's $cookieStore only stores session cookies, not persistent cookies. Could you replace it with the angular local storage module instead (in the save() method of the bodyStorageService and antennaStorageServce), to use local storage (which falls back to persistent cookies in browsers that don't support local storage https://github.com/grevory/angular-local-storage . I love this tool, by the way :-)

Edited by westamastaflash
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I could reproduce your problem with IE, thank you for your report.

I looked into the code of ngCookies in angular project and now I'm wondering why Chrome does as I wish :-/

  westamastaflash said:
Could you replace it with the angular local storage module instead (in the save() method of the bodyStorageService and antennaStorageServce), to use local storage (which falls back to persistent cookies in browsers that don't support local storage https://github.com/grevory/angular-local-storage .

I will fix this problem in the next update with your detailed information, thanks!

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Release 1.5 is available.

* Support multiple pair of antenna and quantity.

* Fix autosave feature with local storage. Last input and user's bodies/antennas will be saved and restored automatically. (westamastaflash)

Edited by ryohpops
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Before version 1.5, I had to use different tools to calculate orbital parameters, battery requirements and darkness times, now it is all in one place and really visually pleasing. Thanks for this tool!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Just discovered this today, nice!

One small request: I often deploy large networks by having a comsat 'carrier' with multiple satellites aboard and putting it in a resonant orbit such that all's I need to do is deploy a comsat and have it circularize at Ap (occasionally at Pe instead) every time the carrier orbits. It's an easy way to get spacing right and is particularly useful on networks at planets other than Kerbin.

Any idea that we could add the heights of the appropriate resonant orbits to a later release? (For instance, 4 sats in a circular orbit requires either a 3/4 orbit (with the same apoapsis) or 5/4 resonant orbit (with the same periapsis) for this method.)

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The delta V budget is calculated wrong. I assume it is a hohmann transfer calculation and for going from 80 km to 777 km it gives me now 3513 m/s required dV. That is more then a you would need for a mun landing and return. So i guess an updated messed it up.

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