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SM_Utility 1.2 Rockolight and Rockopanel adaptors NOW available

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The RokoLite adapter a standard Rockomax tapered adapter fitted with two powerful spotlights, unlike other items of similar type the lighting is not tied to the deployment so fully deployed the lights can be either on or off. The unit also carries a small rechargeable battery unit to ensure constant lighting performance.


A new introduction that seems to be needed the RockoPanel, Just like a standard RockoMax adapter only much more useful this one is complete with twin suntracking solar panels, everything else is pure rockomax so no problems in use are expected although panel output may need tweaking to suit certain tastes and feedback.



Download from Spacedock

Emergency dl should Spacedock be unavailable









License: CC BY-SA 2.0



Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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Hi adding the IR modules is extremely easy, Its very fussy with it's hierarchy and the fixed mesh HAS to be the base object or things get really weird. Both the rotating module and the traversing module suit being used for many other things very well. Such as the example below with rotation instead, which because of the new location for the wheel colliders can still drive in this position, which is great for getting unstuck.

Oh ps just posted the unity diy wheel package in my other wheels thread

PPS the octagonal base parts are part of a very old mod called magnetic modules that i have kept and updated with IVA's etc for personal use


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Mate, so glad you're releasing stuff again! You're more than welcome to bundle in my steering and suspension tweakable plugin if you like? I'll compile you a standalone version you can distribute with the parts.

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@ lofi, cheers buddy that'd be cool although I'm quite happy to wait until it's ready, let them wait for ultra cool, the can put up with cool for now:)

@ sirkut Thanks lots, none of them would have been possible without the help I got from you and the chaps when I first started down the wiggly IR path, just running final tweaks on the rams, cranes and hydraulic forks I made a while back and i'll stick those in too

Definitely a lot more stuff to come, and my new beasty pc has just arrived oh happy day!!

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@ lofi, cheers buddy that'd be cool although I'm quite happy to wait until it's ready, let them wait for ultra cool, the can put up with cool for now:)

@ sirkut Thanks lots, none of them would have been possible without the help I got from you and the chaps when I first started down the wiggly IR path, just running final tweaks on the rams, cranes and hydraulic forks I made a while back and i'll stick those in too

Definitely a lot more stuff to come, and my new beasty pc has just arrived oh happy day!!

More parts? Wonderful! Posting link now.

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There's a major need for adjustable height gear bays. Aircraft and spaceplanes want the tail to be lower than the nose during takeoff; at the moment, people are having to resort to kludges like putting the front gear on cubic struts and the like.

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HI due to the way the IR part of the axle has to be laid out it can make positioning quite interesting, It is best achieved by selecting the axle from the menu, placing under the vehicle and rather than flipping left to right it should be rotated forward or backwards,.

Also once launched you will need to invert the steering on the last placed axle, combining wheels in this manner causes the wheel module to be unable to distinguish between front and rear units,

Another small issue , visually because of the weird effects produced by the tyre pattern the wheel appears to rotate backwards, it's really an optical illusion unless you do have them on backwards, perhaps a texture tweak to mark the front direction of the axle would help to make life easier?

Best performance with the forks is achieved by combining the forks with a stock IR hinge this enables the tilt, for full range add a sliding rail as well and you can enable side shift..

Glad the parts bring some enjoyment.

EDIT sometime later,

I've redone the texture on the beam axle to enable easy alignment, On the drive flange at front and rear of axle there are now colored spots, RED spot should always face forwards , and Yellow should always face to the rear. Hope this helps with the issues.


Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
update update
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Thanks, I tried them every way I could think of, I have them attached to the bottom with red dots forward and for some reason for me the wheels appear to rotate opposite to direction of travel still. It doesn't look like a framerate illusion but apart from that don't have a clue. It may not show up in the Youtube but there's a moment as it first moves when the right side wheel rotates correctly then a slight shudder and then all move the wrong way.

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I've had this before, though it's always been consistent. I can't see how this can end up affecting you and not everyone else, but the fix is easy. In the part.cfg, find the WHEEL section.


wheelName = wheel
wheelColliderName = wheelCollider
suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse
suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint

rotateX = 1
rotateY = 0
rotateZ = 0


wheelName = wheel
wheelColliderName = wheelCollider
suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse
suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint

rotateX = -1
rotateY = 0
rotateZ = 0

In other words, just invert the value on line which specifies which axis to rotate the wheel GameObject in.

It's to do with the way the part named in wheelName is orientated/positioned relative to something else, though I've never really got to the bottom of it with the stock module.

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Thanks, I tried that and now I get right side wheels normal and left side rotate backwards. Perhaps I've broken my KSP, I'll try a new one :)

Edit, No wait, ignore that. It's two wheels in one part, a smart person would change them both, cheers.

Edited by Darren9
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Ooh! One thing I just realised!

Mihara made a plugin called JSIPartUtilities. Originally made for KONQUEST to be able to switch between having landing gear or not, or having an airlock or a docking port, would it be possible to use that to switch between Rockomax adapters? One part in the editor and change whether it's lights, solar panels or whatever via tweakables? Here's what it's like:

I think it'd be really quite useful for the various adapters - instead of having several of the same part in the part list, it's just one. Link is here.

Relevant section:

JSIPartComponentToggle is a PartModule that can enable and disable parts of your model, together with colliders, on command from the user. Those other modules can also modify certain part parameters and enable/disable other modules (sometimes). This is useful when making complex animated objects, as well as for parts which have optional elements the user is meant to be able to toggle, parts for which multiple different configurations are desired, or hollow parts which need to have their insides accessible in the editor.

Sound like something worth looking into?

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