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0.25 Discussion thread


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That... Would actually be pretty awesome!

I too, endorse this hoped-for possibility.

It's very frustrating that I can't get a proper view of my best crashes because I was too busy trying to avoid them at the time. Having post-fireworks replays would be way cool, especially if you could still reposition the camera during them. It would only need to capture a few seconds either side of the bang; hopefully it's doable without overstressing RAM.

It would be useful for diagnosing problems, but mostly I just like to watch stuff blow up.

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Well the Kerbals aren't flying the ship's, the player is. I don't think there will be any changes based on Kerbal stats.

I got the impression by there being stats at all that Squad at some point is/was considering actually allowing the Kerbals to fly the ships themselves. That may be way off the mark, but it's not outside the realm of possibility if you're giving otherwise inert 'men', in a game where the player flies the rocket, personal stats. And it's not such a complex idea since the most popular mod of all time simulates exactly this, really.

edit: Of course I don't really like this idea, autopilot no matter how well included takes most of the fun out of the game, and Squad has gone on record in saying they weren't going to include an autopilot, but who knows. All wild speculation.

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So someone said in Devnotes that Maxmaps has a tendency to release extra information in bad puns and quoting Maxmaps, "You won't run in to it if you play really well" ... solid rocks and trees? XD idk

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You have to wonder what courage and stupidity are for (forgive me if this is old news, but I have no idea) other than deciding how to animate the faces during scary stuff (concern vs stupid glee). At some point you'd expect modifiers for something based on astronaut skill. Dunno what, though (getting more science based on lack of stupidity, per perhaps more in some dangerous missions based on courage?).

Extraplanetary Launchpads uses the stats to determine how fast you build ships.

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So someone said in Devnotes that Maxmaps has a tendency to release extra information in bad puns and quoting Maxmaps, "You won't run in to it if you play really well" ... solid rocks and trees? XD idk

Sounds like just a nod to the administration building, really.

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Regarding kerbals flying, I could see that for some sort of automated repeat missions at some point (we're talking larger, fully space-faring societies at this point with "scheduled service"). Like the player does the first run, and the kerbs replicate it (say piling up stuff in orbit someplace). I have no idea.

Maybe fixing stuff? Dunno, seems like the ratings should have some use :)

That said, their reactions alone are a legit use, and can be pretty funny.

Edited by tater
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So someone said in Devnotes that Maxmaps has a tendency to release extra information in bad puns and quoting Maxmaps, "You won't run in to it if you play really well" ... solid rocks and trees? XD idk

Hmmn...that's got me suspecting destroyable buildings at KSC. If they're adding the ability to add space centre buildings (which I think has been mentioned somewhere, but not sure) it'd make sense for there to be a way to subtract them as well.

Launch failures would be even more entertaining if the debris can smash the admin building...

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With 0.25, or any other future update, there only is only 2 things I actually want:

A proper mod API; any game that says it is mod-friendly should have this, as it simplifies modding the game, helps with a lot of issues, and helps promote what mods are available and what they can do. Pretty much any of the things I want in the game there is a mod for, so I wouldn't need to ask for it to be stock when there is a Mod API.

And a proper optimization update; I know there is some issue about multi-cores with Unity currently, but there is always something you can do to improve performance, be it from ditching redundant code or texture management. I know Squad have dabbled in this with previous updates, but I'd love a proper performance overhaul where they spend an entire update making the game run better; especially with the ship part count.

It's a sad day when I have to limit my imagination to 250 parts...

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Once upon a time, many forum reboots ago... HarvesteR actually said that kerbals taking over some piloting responsibilities was a planned feature.

Now this was (as mentioned) a long time ago, but I've never seen that it's been forgotten or taken off the table. I personally see this as a great way to implement autopilot and random failure without actually implementing autopilot and random failure. For one thing, I imagine that kerbals would only fly missions you specify (like mechjeb without the "cheaty" feeling some people get about it), but based on crew stats so that more trained/talented (read: more expensive) kerbals fly better and are less likely to crash than their less qualified comrades. Since this takes control away from the player and needs to be done willingly by the player, I think the risk of crashing would be implicit and so doesn't constitute a "true" random failure.

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According to the KSP Facebook page Maxmaps will have a downpour of 0.25 information on today's Twitch stream;

"Good ‘ol Maxmaps has been trickling 0.25 info on Squadcast over the last few weeks. Tomorrow’s episode appears to be less a trickle and more a downpour. Expect an “info dump,†in Max’s words, tomorrow on Squadcast. If you missed last Friday’s edition, it’s right here for your viewing pleasure."


Unfortunately I'm buried at work (with work), so could any of you fine fellow Kerbonauts help me out and post the things he mentions about 0.25? Thanks!!!

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The info better relate to air fresheners.

I'll let myself out.

I cringe even replying to that ;-)

Me too, I'm very short on time the coming weeks, so no room for thread-archaeology :)

Same here, a mod has alreayd posted here; you should be fine.

Can't wait for some new info and .25 and perhaps some cryptic messages toward the secret update?

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We may be starting the HypeTrain, depending on whether or not Experimentals is soon. Ideally, the HypeTrain won't start until after the media team publish their videos, like last time.

I have started storing all the HypeSteam in some large rocket fuselages so that when it's time to go we get a big boost. I still don't have my navigation computer, so I can't tell you how close we are to release. We'll need some KSP Streamers; the best HypeBuilding streamers are MatoroIgnika, Tanuki Chau, and Kofehy; to keep hype up in the hours or days before 0.25.

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With the new information, and the hints from Squad about the new 'mystery' feature, it sounds like it very well could be re-entry effects. I was skeptical that they would be implementing that anytime in the near future, but that hint makes it seem somewhat plausible I suppose. The Administration building features is no surprise, just more management-end stuff that I'll never use, at least until that whole mode is fleshed out.

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A summary of 0.25 here: http://www.pcgamesn.com/kerbal-space-program/heres-what-expect-kerbal-space-program-025

Looks like a full throttle key, like FloorIt!, is being implemented.

will be in 1st page soon , thanks

edit : also see ksp wiki ( http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/ )

its down maybe its being edited for next update:D

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