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There is nothing about fire arms, high explosives, or nukes in any holy book.

You might find the book of Ezekiel quite interesting. "13 The appearance of the living creatures was like burning coals of fire or like torches. Fire moved back and forth among the creatures; it was bright, and lightning flashed out of it. 14 The creatures sped back and forth like flashes of lightning."

Some have said that Ezekiel's visions could be of nuclear explosions or even space craft. Regardless of how one interprets the book of Ezekiel, it makes for some interesting if not down right frightening reading.

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I know that science should use the simplest, but does that mean that any interpretation of a physical system is valid (so long as you have built a model that is accurate)? Could one then build a model that explained QM in a fully deterministic way?

Technically, if you can get it to fit all the present data, you can have a valid theory.

In terms of things like the universe and the creation of the Earth, this is pretty much how it's done, since there's a very limited amount of observation we can perform.

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Technically, if you can get it to fit all the present data, you can have a valid theory.

That's not how science works. If it fits present data, you have a valid hypothesis. A valid theory must withstand attack by critical experiments.

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That's not how science works. If it fits present data, you have a valid hypothesis. A valid theory must withstand attack by critical experiments.

That's why I said "can" not "will."

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Ugh, I went those forums once and a part of me died a little inside..

Flatlanders* are not actually serious. Not most of them, anyway. There's still a few crackpots who indulge the conspiracy too far. I find the Flat Earth Society very cool, in the same way I find Minecraft cool. Fiction.

EDIT*: to be clear, I mean members of Flat Earth Society, not the 2D creatures which are even more intriguing to think about.

EDIT2: Now that I look on the forums, even with the knowledge that they're joking, I died a little.

Edited by GregroxMun
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You might find the book of Ezekiel quite interesting. "13 The appearance of the living creatures was like burning coals of fire or like torches. Fire moved back and forth among the creatures; it was bright, and lightning flashed out of it. 14 The creatures sped back and forth like flashes of lightning."

Some have said that Ezekiel's visions could be of nuclear explosions or even space craft. Regardless of how one interprets the book of Ezekiel, it makes for some interesting if not down right frightening reading.

It's all in the book.

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SpaceX are promising an even more stupid flight of fancy. They are promising to repopulate other planets!

I mean, imagine that! We haven't even found another flat planet yet. Could you imagine trying to live on a giant ball? Its ludicrous.

Just went there. Got a good laught with this.

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Hello everyone, I have been entertaining myself on the Flat Earth society forums and It got me thinking, Could one construct a complex enough mathematical system to describe a flat earth universe?

One that gave results, with their own interpretation of course, similar to those of heliocentric models, even taking relativity into account. There is only a finite ammount of observations we can perform, and therefore infinte functions that can satisfy the mesurements acquired from those observations, at some point it would probably break down and need to be fixed, but could you with enough time construct such a model? Anyways, thanks a lot, sorry if this question is sort of stupid but I just wanted to know what you guys thought.

Ie. Trolling Flat Earth Society forums... we all do it.

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