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That Moment When...


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I'm not censoring what I said, by the way. I'm a teacher AND a parent, so I have very finely tuned automatic bowdlerisation routines built into my speech processing unit. :)

"Gosh darn it to heck" is what I really say, much to the amusement of the kids at school . . .

Lmao ;)

Anyway, this thread needs a little bump. There!

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That moment when you mission ends, and everything went wrong for your mission. You barely achieved orbit. You forgot extra batteries. You miscalculated your entry and had to use more dV than you wanted. You come down in a bad area and have to make a split second, improvised burn. You aren't sure you can make it back to Kerbin with the fuel you have.

And then you land, with your Kerbalnauts unharmed. Everything you did wrong, none of that matters, because your crew survived. The Apollo 13 moment. Sometimes it feels better than a mission where everything went perfectly.

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That moment when you are moving in real life and realize you are using the same skills you use when building a ship to pack a Uhaul truck, and the same skills as when docking when you try to back said 26' truck up to your new front door.
The RCS on Uhaul trucks is woefully unbalanced. :)

Whenever I drive anywhere it always strikes me as weird that the engine keeps on running even after I finish my acceleration burn up to highway speed, and I always feel like putting on the brakes too hard will use up a lot of fuel. Guess I need to fly more spaceplanes.

It also frustrates me to no end when I'm trying to park between two cars and I can't move laterally without also moving forward or backward. No kidding about the unbalanced RCS. :P

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When you're in a lecture about NASA missions, trying desperately to put KSP out of your mind to avoid making any dumb assumptions about how things are run in real life, and then your friend who doesn't even play KSP raises his hand and asks the lecturer, "Have you ever heard of Kerbal Space Program?"

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That moment when you decouple your lander from your satellite assembly, only to realize there's no probe body on the lander...

Similar situation: When you decouple station modules, only to not have any sort of control point, either probe or manned on one section(just a hitchhiker module), and you had just transferred all the fuel to that section.

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you go EVA around the mun and then discover that to your shock, you exited the ship retrograde and now it's 4km away from you.

also when you catch up to your ship, then discover that you weren't in fact moving 1.2m/s relative to it, but 12.0, then bounce off and get deorbited, as well as pushing the ship into Munar exit velocities

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That moment when you go to remove a mod and accidentally Shift-Delete your entire Gamedata directory. As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

Microsoft Flight Sim 9 owner checking in. The same thing happens there too.

Builders should be more careful about how they package their add-ons and where they get you to put things... but only you are responsible for your file system. I sympathise, it's horrible, but that's how it is.

Back up your stuff, (the fact that Steam makes that harder is probably a conversation outside the scope of this thread), and know what you need to keep.

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you go EVA around the mun and then discover that to your shock, you exited the ship retrograde and now it's 4km away from you.

also when you catch up to your ship, then discover that you weren't in fact moving 1.2m/s relative to it, but 12.0, then bounce off and get deorbited, as well as pushing the ship into Munar exit velocities

That's an impressively elastic collision! :0

Usually that kind of crash would just kill the kerbal, or at least just kind of go 'squish' and not bounce much / just cause a spin.

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That's an impressively elastic collision! :0

Usually that kind of crash would just kill the kerbal, or at least just kind of go 'squish' and not bounce much / just cause a spin.

I was surprised myself, he kinda just pinged off the side of the ship and slammed into the Mun, while the ship itself pinged off the kerbal and slammed into a bit of debris from my Space Station

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Thing I did multiple times to myself today: Get a ship into a perfect hover on NFT VASIMR engines over Minmus, then put Jeb on EVA and accidentally fly him through the exhaust beams. He survived getting blasted with hot hydrogen moving at 160 kilometers per second, but he also struck the surface of Minmus with a somewhat significant fraction of that speed. Good thing I quicksaved!

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