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[1.4.1] Kerbal Construction Time (2018-03-24) - Unrapid Planned Assembly


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No clue. You can post a log and I'll take a look to see if anything's in there that might at least confirm the incompatibility. Not sure why it'd be incompatible, but I've seen weirder things happen.

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Arg. Just started getting a horrible bug - clicking the VAB tab after a vessel finishes construction causes the whole KCT interface to break, and my log gets spammed full of

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ShipConstruction.GetPartCosts (.ConfigNode partNode, .AvailablePart aP, System.Single& dryCost, System.Single& fuelCost) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Utilities.GetPartCostFromNode (.ConfigNode part, Boolean includeFuel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Utilities.GetTotalVesselCost (.ConfigNode vessel, Boolean includeFuel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_BuildListVessel.GetTotalCost () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_MathParsing.ParseReconditioningFormula (KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_BuildListVessel vessel, Boolean isReconditioning) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Recon_Rollout..ctor (KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_BuildListVessel vessel, RolloutReconType type, System.String id, System.String launchSite) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_GUI.DrawBuildListWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced)

It's probably some sort of conflict, because I'm frankly running far too many mods, but I'd really appreciate it if you could at least point me to which sorts of thing are likely to cause something like that, or if there might be any potential work-arounds - really don't want to lose this career-mode save! I do have back-ups, so I can potentially do a fair bit of testing as to exactly when this starts occurring.

Will edit this post with logs when they finish uploading.

EDIT: Logs are https://www.dropbox.com/s/jabstqydf4aoo1v/output_log%20KCT%20interface%20issues.txt?dl=0 and https://www.dropbox.com/s/6tu97g4b5a1lx6d/output_log%20KCT%20interface%20issues%202.txt?dl=0 . Iirc, the first one features some other things breaking beforehand, but the second one I think is mainly just this bug

Also, turns out this only seems to affect the VAB tab but not the SPH bit...(although clicking the VAB tab breaks both until reloading).

Edited by baldamundo
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AHAHAHAHAHA, magico13, I found a way to build ships almost for free, it is using a simulation and if the game crashes or you are able to revert some how, it will be back on the launch pad ready to launch, except its no longer in simulation, i doubt you can fix this as it happens as a game crashes and it moves everything back to last save, it didn't show up in tracking station but you could click it in KSC view, perhaps its also possible to simulate in a certain orbit and then force quite the game (similar to crash) and have the craft built for simulation cost and already in orbit...

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It should be reloading from the previous state when loading the save, so I'll have to look into why that happened. If you load any other scene first, rather than clicking on the vessel icon, that won't happen, as it will recognize the broken state and load the saved state. Thus, you won't be able to trick your way into a free orbit ;)

I haven't gotten a chance to look at the logs posted previously. Family is visiting and I also got a 3D printer, so I've been distracted.

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Are any of your family members space nerds? And duuuude a 3d printer! That's awesome!

Unfortunately, no. It's actually my fiance's family this weekend and they're not very sciency. My family isn't too much either, my dad thinks science is cool and often reads news articles about it but doesn't actually understand a lot of it. The rest of my family doesn't really have an interest in science. I'm a bit of an oddball in that regard.

Here's the printer I bought, a Printrbot Play. Really small build area (4x4x5") but most of the things I'm probably going to print are small anyway. I'm hoping to print off the parts for a Prusa Mendel or a Prusa i3 with the Play and then build that once I move.

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3d printers are amazing machines... I was lucky enough to be able to print on one in my senior year of college. Was tempted to model the KSP logo ;).

On another note, I decided to make some high resolution KCT icons just for kicks (76x76 compared to standard of 38x38). Here are some previews:

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3d printers are amazing machines... I was lucky enough to be able to print on one in my senior year of college. Was tempted to model the KSP logo ;).

On another note, I decided to make some high resolution KCT icons just for kicks (76x76 compared to standard of 38x38). Here are some previews:


Yeah... I've been having problems with TextureReplacer, though. It seems to bork out when digesting textures (such as Toolbar icons like yours) that have resolutions that are not even powers of 2. so 2x2, 4x4, 8x8 would work, but not 76x76. :(

Also, separate question -- is anyone else getting some weird issues with craft bouncing off the Launchpad on a real-launch load, but NOT on simulation loads? The fact that this symptom specifically targets real launches and not simulated launches is what brought me here, but for some reason I also suspect KJR as a culprit, since it seems to have to do with the physics load delay, and KJR messes with that.

I was recording, and couldn't get a real launch off the pad. Stuff would either burrow tail first into the unupgraded launchpad terrain (very early career on a new save) or, more likely, I'd bounce about 10m into the air and land rocket-nozzle first, explodifying my SRB (like I said, VERY early career). I tried using tailfins and a FASA Redstone clamp, no visible difference in symptoms. Once physics had loaded, I could manually right-click into the SRB's context menu and activate it (if it didn't explode first from the drop) but spacebar doesn't seem to wanna cooperate. Note that with the FASA clamp, I was able to click-activate my SRB but with the clamp submerged, I couldn't decouple, and I don't think my SRB was generating subterranean thrust anyway. :(

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I've seen that with Kopernicus mods that move Kerbin. The fix in that instance is to switch to the Tracking Station and then back to the Space Center to launch. You might try doing that. It only happens when you timewarp in the Space Center scene and then launch.

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I've seen that with Kopernicus mods that move Kerbin. The fix in that instance is to switch to the Tracking Station and then back to the Space Center to launch. You might try doing that. It only happens when you timewarp in the Space Center scene and then launch.

You're saying that the bounce-on-flight-scene-load problem is a Kopernicus problem? Cuz someone else in another thread just suggested to me that Kopernicus's reparenting of Kerbin resulted in KSC-scene daylight problems (daylight levels are static and to change them I have to reload it through the Tracking Station.)

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Yeah... I've been having problems with TextureReplacer, though. It seems to bork out when digesting textures (such as Toolbar icons like yours) that have resolutions that are not even powers of 2. so 2x2, 4x4, 8x8 would work, but not 76x76. :(

Also, separate question -- is anyone else getting some weird issues with craft bouncing off the Launchpad on a real-launch load, but NOT on simulation loads? The fact that this symptom specifically targets real launches and not simulated launches is what brought me here, but for some reason I also suspect KJR as a culprit, since it seems to have to do with the physics load delay, and KJR messes with that.

I was recording, and couldn't get a real launch off the pad. Stuff would either burrow tail first into the unupgraded launchpad terrain (very early career on a new save) or, more likely, I'd bounce about 10m into the air and land rocket-nozzle first, explodifying my SRB (like I said, VERY early career). I tried using tailfins and a FASA Redstone clamp, no visible difference in symptoms. Once physics had loaded, I could manually right-click into the SRB's context menu and activate it (if it didn't explode first from the drop) but spacebar doesn't seem to wanna cooperate. Note that with the FASA clamp, I was able to click-activate my SRB but with the clamp submerged, I couldn't decouple, and I don't think my SRB was generating subterranean thrust anyway. :(

I didn't know you can replace icons outside of stock with TR... heh. I just delete and replace the icon textures. It saves a ton of memory.

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You're saying that the bounce-on-flight-scene-load problem is a Kopernicus problem? Cuz someone else in another thread just suggested to me that Kopernicus's reparenting of Kerbin resulted in KSC-scene daylight problems (daylight levels are static and to change them I have to reload it through the Tracking Station.)

If you're using a Kopernicus mod that reparents Kerbin, then it is 100% a Kopernicus problem (reported and confirmed here). It might ultimately be a stock problem, but it only appears with reparented Kerbin, which only happens with Kopernicus.

Do your timewarping in the Tracking Station and then switch to the Space Center to launch and it should be fine. Anytime you timewarp for long enough in the space center you'll get terrain glitches and huge position errors on launch.

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If you're using a Kopernicus mod that reparents Kerbin, then it is 100% a Kopernicus problem (reported and confirmed here). It might ultimately be a stock problem, but it only appears with reparented Kerbin, which only happens with Kopernicus.

Do your timewarping in the Tracking Station and then switch to the Space Center to launch and it should be fine. Anytime you timewarp for long enough in the space center you'll get terrain glitches and huge position errors on launch.

THIS IS AWESOME! Thank you. Do you think that timewarping at KSC can be done if I briefly visit the Tracking Station first before launch? Or would you suggest I do all timewarping in the Tracking Station? (And let's be clear: with KCT, there's a lot of timewarping.)

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THIS IS AWESOME! Thank you. Do you think that timewarping at KSC can be done if I briefly visit the Tracking Station first before launch? Or would you suggest I do all timewarping in the Tracking Station? (And let's be clear: with KCT, there's a lot of timewarping.)

Any sort of scene change is all that's needed to fix it, so that includes going into the VAB, SPH, Tracking Station, or Space Center from another scene (or main menu works too). So yeah, you can timewarp in the space center and then switch to the tracking station, then go back. It might be easier to switch to the VAB/SPH after everything's been rolled out since you should be able to launch then. Just so long as there's a scene change you should be ok.

R&D, Astronaut Complex, Administration, and the Contracts building aren't scene changes, so those won't work. If the screen doesn't go black and you don't see the spinning planets, then it's probably not a scene change.

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Hm... hearing this talk about time warp, I'm imagining integration of your editor time mod to be able to design a craft in the VAB, and then time warp to it's launch time without changing scenes. - You'd probably have to integrate some form of the stock time warp bar though. Could be an interesting feature if not included atm.

EDIT: Maybe even with some form of LightsOut so the day/night cycle is actually present.

Just scheming ideas over here ;P. Besides, anything involving UI will change greatly when 1.1 drops so it would most likely be pointless to add now.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Hm... hearing this talk about time warp, I'm imagining integration of your editor time mod to be able to design a craft in the VAB, and then time warp to it's launch time without changing scenes. - You'd probably have to integrate some form of the stock time warp bar though. Could be an interesting feature if not included atm.

EDIT: Maybe even with some form of LightsOut so the day/night cycle is actually present.

Just scheming ideas over here ;P. Besides, anything involving UI will change greatly when 1.1 drops so it would most likely be pointless to add now.

Do you mean for simulations? That is already implemented if so. Just not through time warp.

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Do you mean for simulations? That is already implemented if so. Just not through time warp.

No not for simulations. As in an option for time to run even while in the VAB/SPH and have a widget to control time just like in space center view. Possibly even using LightsOff to actually create a day/night cycle in buildings too. Might be an interesting feature though I'm not sure how possible it would be. :>

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NO, sometimes i like to take time building very detailed ships, especially when i use procedural tanks to make sure i have exactly the right amount of fuel, i wouldn't want a satellite colliding into the a planet during SOI change while i am building, i like the fact that the game pauses while in VAB, it gives some time to think, just exit the building and time warp a few minutes. i personally don't want a time warper in VAB or SPH

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Certainly possible. Not totally sure about the LightsOut aspect (obviously possible, the mod exists) since I don't know exactly how to do that. But I definitely could add timewarp to the editor.

I was thinking maybe you two work together? I certainly hope you don't re-code lights out XD. Also his mod only toggles between full lights or no lights. You couldn't really work with that if time is constantly simulated. If that isn't possible it probably wouldn't be worth adding a day/night cycle. Only time warp options.

NO, sometimes i like to take time building very detailed ships, especially when i use procedural tanks to make sure i have exactly the right amount of fuel, i wouldn't want a satellite colliding into the a planet during SOI change while i am building, i like the fact that the game pauses while in VAB, it gives some time to think, just exit the building and time warp a few minutes. i personally don't want a time warper in VAB or SPH

Maybe make it an option to either enable or disable when setting up your save? In all respect though I take ages building perfecting and testing my own craft and I wouldn't be upset at all if my other craft already out where simulated. Difference of opinions. :rolleyes:

Well then I vote keep it to a seperate mod i.e. editor time, and keep this thread on topic :)

Well I wouldn't call this off topic as it does pertain to KCT. Btw nice IVA prop pack!

ALL the quotes! :D

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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IF I were to add it into default KCT, rather than as an integration with Editor Time, it's be a timewarp with a 0x option that would be enabled by default. In the settings you'd be able to change it to 1x or 10x or whatever by default, but the 0x option would always be there. Most people probably wouldn't notice it or care about it, but it would provide the ability to timewarp while in the editor which would cut out a scene change or two for some people. I'll add it to the maybe list, since it's not a big priority, but at the same time it being implemented wouldn't hurt anybody.

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Arg. Just started getting a horrible bug - clicking the VAB tab after a vessel finishes construction causes the whole KCT interface to break, and my log gets spammed full of
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ShipConstruction.GetPartCosts (.ConfigNode partNode, .AvailablePart aP, System.Single& dryCost, System.Single& fuelCost) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Utilities.GetPartCostFromNode (.ConfigNode part, Boolean includeFuel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Utilities.GetTotalVesselCost (.ConfigNode vessel, Boolean includeFuel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_BuildListVessel.GetTotalCost () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_MathParsing.ParseReconditioningFormula (KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_BuildListVessel vessel, Boolean isReconditioning) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Recon_Rollout..ctor (KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_BuildListVessel vessel, RolloutReconType type, System.String id, System.String launchSite) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_GUI.DrawBuildListWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced)

It's probably some sort of conflict, because I'm frankly running far too many mods, but I'd really appreciate it if you could at least point me to which sorts of thing are likely to cause something like that, or if there might be any potential work-arounds - really don't want to lose this career-mode save! I do have back-ups, so I can potentially do a fair bit of testing as to exactly when this starts occurring.

Will edit this post with logs when they finish uploading.

EDIT: Logs are https://www.dropbox.com/s/jabstqydf4aoo1v/output_log%20KCT%20interface%20issues.txt?dl=0 and https://www.dropbox.com/s/6tu97g4b5a1lx6d/output_log%20KCT%20interface%20issues%202.txt?dl=0 . Iirc, the first one features some other things breaking beforehand, but the second one I think is mainly just this bug

Also, turns out this only seems to affect the VAB tab but not the SPH bit...(although clicking the VAB tab breaks both until reloading).

So after a bit of experimentation, it seems like disabling Launchpad Reconditioning in the KCT settings menu fixes this bug

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a timewarp with a 0x option that would be enabled by default. In the settings you'd be able to change it to 1x or 10x or whatever by default, but the 0x option would always be there.
This I wouldn't mind, and actually thinking about it, i would probably warp time in VAB sometimes, while waiting for parts and also knowing I don't have a SOI change.

Maybe integrate it so if there is a SOI change it warps you down to x0

Edit: If you are adding x0 what about doing it for the normal game play? i don't know if thats possible but imagine pausing the game mid reentry and checking all the stats before continuing?

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