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[1.4.1] Kerbal Construction Time (2018-03-24) - Unrapid Planned Assembly


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I'm getting a really weird and annoying bug with the latest CKAN KCT (1.3.0) on KSP 1.0.5 on a Debian 8 x86_64:

Whenever I want to launch a vehicle that I have run a sim with, the terrain has these weird "waves" that clip through the KSC and tilt the surrounding land. The craft then spawns 10-30 meters above the launch pad and falls to its demise. I have to revert to VAB and launch it again to resolve this. It is nothing game breaking as it can be worked around, though.

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2 minutes ago, skYman said:

the terrain has these weird "waves" that clip through the KSC and tilt the surrounding land.

I'm guessing you're running Kopernicus and either New Horizons, Alternis Kerbol, or some other planet pack that "reparents" Kerbin to be around another planet. It's a known Kopernicus bug that KCT exasperates. It happens whenever you timewarp for a fairly long time prior to launch, which happens frequently with KCT and almost never with stock. The "fix" is to do a scene change before launch, after you've finished timewarping. Either pop into the Tracking Station to do your timewarping and then pop back out to launch, or timewarp in the space center and then go into the VAB to launch. As long as the scene changes before you launch and not much time passes afterward (less than an hour or so), you won't see any issues (scene changes include: tracking station, flight, space center, VAB, SPH. R&D, Astronaut Complex, Mission Control, aren't scene changes.)

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3 minutes ago, magico13 said:

I'm guessing you're running Kopernicus and either New Horizons, Alternis Kerbol, or some other planet pack that "reparents" Kerbin to be around another planet.

You are right, I'm running OPM, NH and OtherWorlds :D

Thank you for the quick reply! I knew I had read about it somewhere before but I couldn't remember.

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Version 1.3.1 released

It's a fairly small bugfix update to fix some of the bugs that have been mentioned since the release. One of the notable fixes is that broken symmetry parts should no longer break things when you recover ships to storage (like if you break off a wing on a plane). The full changelog is below.


v1.3.1.0 (01/13/16)
 - Fix for errors caused when recovering craft to storage with missing symmetry counterparts
 - Fix for launchpads being stuck at level zero when adding to new save
 - Fix for lingering recon/rollout when associated craft doesn't exist
 - Always stop warp when the "warp to" item finishes

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When I'm using KCT 1.3.1 and the KCT RP-0 configs whenever I finish my first ship I cannot roll it out or even view them, the KCT screen minimizes to a very small size.

I tried reverting to 1.3 and 1.2.3 but the same thing happens. I also have pics for it:

Edited by legoclone09
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4 hours ago, legoclone09 said:

I started it in 1.3, but I have it fixed now. I had to rename the preset, not sure why that fixed it.

I was having this issue with my RP-0 install, ended up changing to another preset. Just tried to rename it but it didn't work for me, By renaming it did you just mean to click the save as new preset button and give it another name?


Log is being spammed with this as soon as something has finished building, the KCT window collapses so you cannot click the rollout. Also it causes the game to lockup if you try to click anything outside the KCT window.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Cannot be negative.
Parameter name: length
  at System.String.Substring (Int32 startIndex, Int32 length) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_MathParsing.ParseMath (System.String input, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 variables) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_MathParsing.ParseMath (System.String input, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 variables) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_MathParsing.ParseMath (System.String input, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 variables) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_MathParsing.GetStandardFormulaValue (System.String formulaName, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 variables) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_MathParsing.ParseReconditioningFormula (KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_BuildListVessel vessel, Boolean isReconditioning) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Recon_Rollout..ctor (KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_BuildListVessel vessel, RolloutReconType type, System.String id, System.String launchSite) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_GUI.DrawBuildListWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
(Filename:  Line: -1)

GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced)
(Filename:  Line: 398)

Edited by Torih
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Hey, when did I miss the update that added the ability to build new launchpads? That's awesome!

I now wish (and thats just wishful stinking, I seriously doubt the engine will allow you that) you could click on a piece of land and tell KCT to build it there

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27 minutes ago, Torih said:

I was having this issue with my RP-0 install, ended up changing to another preset. Just tried to rename it but it didn't work for me, By renaming it did you just mean to click the save as new preset button and give it another name?

I think it's an issue with the RP-0 Preset not having all of the formulas that are used in KCT v1.3 (the launchpad formula specifically). It should use the default in that case, but something seems to have gotten messed up. I'll look into it, but in the meantime using this Preset instead of the RP-0 one should work.



13 minutes ago, monstah said:

Hey, when did I miss the update that added the ability to build new launchpads? That's awesome!

I now wish (and thats just wishful stinking, I seriously doubt the engine will allow you that) you could click on a piece of land and tell KCT to build it there

It was just added in 1.3, so you didn't miss it by much! I too would love to have a physical second launchpad, but unfortunately that'd require a whole lot of extra work (if I could even get it to work at all). I do play around with the idea of using Kerbal Konstructs to do just that, but I don't want to require a separate mod just for one feature that can be emulated without it. Kerbal Konstructs is supported though, so you can rollout to any launchpad separately (but KK launchpads aren't upgradeable and aren't destructible)

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1 hour ago, magico13 said:

I think it's an issue with the RP-0 Preset not having all of the formulas that are used in KCT v1.3 (the launchpad formula specifically). It should use the default in that case, but something seems to have gotten messed up. I'll look into it, but in the meantime using this Preset instead of the RP-0 one should work.

Thanks for the quick reply, that preset was just the same unfortunately.

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Yeah, I've played with KK, but it was too much for me, specially since it already came with many predefined launch sites. 

I preferr mods with no added models and textures, just lines of code and configuration files. If I'm spending my memory on extras, if rather have sound files (Chatterer, ShipEffects, etc)

As it is, KCT is right up my alley :)

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on returning to the VAB after choosing "return to editor" from a sim run, i'm greeted with a blank parts list about 50% of the time.. no visible errors in the log window. is this a known issue?

cycling the VAB repopulates the parts list..

Edited by speedwaystar
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Hello everyone. I've encountered an error with KCT + KSPx64(community workaround) and can't find anything about such exact issue neither in this thread nor in google.

Right after starting new game in career mod I'm getting "An error while KCT loading data occurred". Switching back to x32 resolves the issue, but according to this thread it looks like KCT should work well in x64, more or less at least. Reproduced even on fresh KSP install and with no other mods but KCT.

[KCT] OnLoad Started
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

[KCT] Counting 0 tech nodes.
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at KerbalConstructionTime.KerbalConstructionTime.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
(Filename:  Line: -1)

... NullRef, NullRef, NullRef ...

Complete log -> dropbox

@magico13, big thank you for such a mod! After months of playing Aurora 4X KCT feels very native. :)

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@KvaNTy unfortunately KCT has been known to throw errors for no discernible reason with the 64bit community hack. I've unfortunately never figured out why since it works fine in 32 bit (and there's no code in KCT that cares about 32 bit vs 64 bit). I can't see why the log is throwing that error, it unfortunately doesn't say much :/ I'm sorry I can't be of more help at the moment. When 1.1 and the official 64 bit support is released I'll make sure it's working correctly (I'll be using the 64bit version as my primary as well at that time) but until then it seems to be one of those weird glitches that the community hack causes. I'll keep looking to see if I can find something, but no promises :(

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Thanks for reply, @magico13. I've never thought that forcing x86 assemblies to run in 64bit environment can cause so much trouble. Backwards can, but this. Strange.
But anyway I switched to 32bit KSP with OpenGL and as I can see it seems to had fixed all my problems. KCT works like a charm now. :)

One small KCT suggestion if I may. I thought it would be nice to be able to start construction of saved vessels from SC screen without entering VAB or SPH. So main KCT window in SC screen to be not just a building queue viewer but a standalone construction manager. It would be more, you know, logical and easy. For example when you launching several unmanned probes or building a vessel developed long ago and saved until transit window.
Or maybe KCT already have something like that but I'm looking in wrong direction?

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@KvaNTy that's something I want to add but haven't gotten around to yet. There are a couple workarounds for specific cases though. You can build more than one thing in the editor, just press the build button multiple times. If you're launching a bunch of different ships you can build one, then load the next and build it, and so forth, all while entering the VAB only once. If you want to build a copy of something you've already built and you still have it in storage/in the construction queue, there's a "Duplicate" button accessible through the "*" button that builds a new copy of that ship.


I do want to build a GUI to build and simulate any existing craft files, but it's kind of silly to do any GUI work right now because there's a chance it'll get wiped out by 1.1 and the move to Unity 5. GUI work is also my least favorite kind of work and I'm not very good at it. For an example of why GUI work sucks, here's the KCT Settings window (where you choose Presets). Now keep in mind that's just one GUI (and a few relevant functions) at just about 500 lines of code. Then look at the two other GUI files (the build list [1200 lines of code], all the other GUIs [roughly 2500 lines of code]). And when you write it you have no idea how it will look until you run KSP, and you have to exit KSP to make changes and then start KSP again to see them. GUIs suck.

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So making mods for KSP is more painful than I imagined. I hate messing with this timekiller called "UI" as well.
Well, lets hope devs will not only move to Unity 5, but also do a better GUI API.

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7 minutes ago, KvaNTy said:

Well, lets hope devs will not only move to Unity 5, but also do a better GUI API.

Mods use the Unity API for all GUI things. Unity 5 has a new API for UI which KSP is transitioning over to with 1.1 (that's why all the devnotes for the past few months have mentioned UI work as being the main focus). Mods don't get any special tools to work with though because we don't get to use the Unity editor, so we're stuck with doing it all in code. Added on to that we're restricted by KSP itself since trying to integrate anything new into KSP's UI is either very difficult or impossible.

The API that mods all use I believe is the one being deprecated in Unity 5, which means they should still work but probably won't work anymore in Unity 6, so we all have to transition over too at some point. Hopefully the new systems added in Unity 5 are simpler, but we're still stuck to doing everything in code.

At least we're not stuck with doing everything directly in OpenGL/DirectX. I've done UI work using SFML which is just one step above OpenGL and all you get there is pretty much the ability to draw text and shapes, all user input handling has to be written from scratch (ie, buttons aren't just "if (GUILayout.Button("button text")) { //do stuff }", instead you have to write all the code from scratch that makes buttons work in the first place).


My feelings toward GUIs are a little excessively strong. I'm just not that good at them to begin with and they're tough to work with, so they aren't fun for me, but since modding is something I do in my free time for fun I want to spend time on things I enjoy working on. I'll probably add that GUI in (or at least a watered down version) in the next update since it probably won't even take long to get a basic GUI for it done and it's a feature that really should exist.


Sorry for the rant :blush: Glad things are working properly in 32 bit! Once 1.1 is out you can be sure I'll work out any kinks that prevent it from working with the official 64 bit version.

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17 minutes ago, magico13 said:

I'll work out any kinks that prevent it from working with the official 64 bit version.

Unless it will work well by itself I hope. :)

So there is no any way to load specific scene or a least start KSP in some sort of lightweight dev-mode? Each time you want to move a button a bit you have to build mod, place it in the game, start and wait for whole game to load?

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3 minutes ago, KvaNTy said:

Unless it will work well by itself I hope. :)

So there is no any way to load specific scene or a least start KSP in some sort of lightweight dev-mode? Each time you want to move a button a bit you have to build mod, place it in the game, start and wait for whole game to load?

There are tricks you can do to speed it up and a few dev-helper mods that exist. First trick is to not have any other mods installed, since each mod (especially parts and things with a lot of module manager patches) adds to the load time. Second trick that I don't use too often anymore, but used to do in the past, is to cut out all the stock parts except a handful (one capsule/probe, one rocket engine, one fuel tank). There's a mod that will autoload a save file at start, and I think it can even autolaunch a ship, but I tend to need to start new games when I'm testing things (I also frequently corrupt save games during testing :P) so I don't use that mod. You can also set up a post-build script to copy the files and start KSP every time you build the mod, which I used to do for a while.

My computer is pretty fast, so load times are about 15 seconds to the main menu. Building and copying is (usually) fast; the mod itself builds in under a second and then I double click a batch script that copies the files into the right directory and starts KSP (I only have one for KCT though, my other mods requires a drag and drop into the right folder instead). The GUI uses relative positioning so I usually have a pretty good idea of where things will be in relation to each other just based on the code, but a typical dev session still involves restarting KSP every time I want to test any small changes (with each test lasting a few seconds, then making a small tweak and restarting to test it again).

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5 hours ago, minepagan said:

I have a small problem to report with KK compatibility:

the VAB does not recognize "other" launch-sites. This is a problem because multipurpose facilities, which can be used to launch rockets, are not available.

Last I heard KK didn't work at all with 1.0.5. Supposedly there are unofficial recompiles for 1.0.5, but those would have to be installed manually. If you're not running those, that's likely your issue, since KCT doesn't change anything about KK and the VAB.

You can change launch sites after you build the vessel though (assuming KK even works) by building the vessel, clicking the "*" button, and then clicking "Choose Launchsite". That's mostly implemented in KCT (though it does call a KK function), whereas all the launch site stuff in the VAB is implemented in KK.


I may also be misinterpreting you (I don't actually use Kerbal Konstructs myself so I'm not familiar with all of it). Do you mean launch sites marked as " other" rather than being marked as "launch pad"? If that's a thing that exists, please point me to an example so I can do some testing and get it implemented properly (I don't actually use KK, remember?) Thanks :)

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