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[1.2.2] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.2.1 (Old Thread)


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I have a problem when assembling this plane... This part here (the other adapters around it too) would be awesome with a hollow variant :D

Or maybe add a ramp on the S2 tail section (this would be a small one so maybe not the greatest of options)

Just use a cargobay section and don't open it.:cool:

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Hello i have noticed that the Structure_P_Standard-Frame (P4_Universal) maybe the other ones to, don't want to attach via the attachment nodes plez fix this!!!!!!!!GREAT MOD!!!!

Turn it, only 2 end nodes attach to parent parts, same as stock 6 way adapter, it's a restriction of the game, not the mod.

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Can i suggest a that VTOL engines should have the invert VTOL option in the SPH and such ? some engines just wont auto invert and you would have to right click invert everytime i launch planes that are using the VTOL engines and it would be nice to have those VTOL engine options in the building as well and not just out on the runway.

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I am having issues with the SABRE M Motor. When I reach speeds >900 m/s (usually in the upper atmosphere around 16km-24km) my game starts pausing on a frame and starting again. It will pause for half a second then play for 3 seconds, and the faster and higher I go the worse it gets, it gets to a point where the game plays normally for 1 second and pauses on a frame for 1 second. Turning down atmo effects doesnt help but speed up the framerate. Any advice on fixing this would be great. As a note the small SABRE does not have this problem only the medium size.

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ravenousjoe: they use the same module and code (both stock from the rapier engine) just different configurations, the M is in effect 4x S engines in one part, I can't see the cause for your problems, I'd need logs to go any further.

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Ok I will try a few different things before posting logs, as I noticed when I have 4 or more of the smalls it starts doing the same thing, but to less of an effect. Do I require the use of precoolers if I am using NEAR and not deadly reentry?

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Precoolers only have a function if you have KSPi (or at least it used to do patch in that functionality, haven't tried it recently).

Only thing I can think of is the particle count being too high? Smokescreen settings in the 000toolbar should let you set the particle count lower to try that.

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I used the search tool to avoid asking the same question twice, but i didn't find anything related to it... the question is... in the IVA one of the screens says autopilot software not installed, do i need a plugin to have that working? do i need mechjeb? is something that unlocks with the tech tree? or it's just a visual thing that doesn't work and won't work?????


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So i downloaded the lastest mj and works... the problem is it doesn't quite work as an autopilot should... I want an autopilot to mantain pitch, heading, and roll, aswell as altitude, now the mechjeb module that is closest to that is the "Spaceplane Guidance"... but that makes my plane wooble in all directions... with no aparent reason, as the airplane flies perfectly still with FAR's guidance... but FAR can't mantain a specific altitude, and triming is always +/- 5ms vertical speed, so without an autopilot i can't mantain a said altitude... I tried mj SP guidance with the FAR helpers, without them, and i can't make it work without woobling... Any ideas on how to solve this issue? Am i clear on what i'm asking? something that can hold attitude and altitude without woobling... or do you have any advice on how to make the ingame trimmer "softer" or with more midpoints (i changed the elevons angle to 30 so they have more distance to cover, so i guess with the current set up the elevons already have all the way up and down, as far as they can, and i believe that also counts for the trimmer)? Not sure what's the word in english... sorry about that, hope you guys understand what i mean...

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So i downloaded the lastest mj and works... the problem is it doesn't quite work as an autopilot should...

The problem is with what you class as autopilot here. Mechjeb has never really played nicely with FAR (even with the optional modules for it that currently aren't working) so spaceplane guidance isn't going to work that well with FAR planes at all, hence the wobbling. Mechjebs autpilot is based more around space flight than atmospheric flight anyway, as well.

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Spaceplane guidance is pretty useless from my experience, I prefer to use the "surf" feature to set a heading, pitch and roll say 90, 20, 0 You can use MJ's attitude adjustment to change how "vigorously" MJ adjusts your heading, the higher the number the "lazier" it is.

Adjust pitch to get the desired result (maintain altitude, slowly gain, etc) is how I usually fly my SSTOSPs.

And yeah MJ isn't ideal for planes in some ways, though surf does a decent job at keeping you pointed the right way, SAS has the downside of not being relative to kerbin so as you keep going away from KSC an angle you set with SAS will drop bellow the horizon at some point. Making the attitude adjustment slower than would be ideal for a rocket helps MJ fly planes without as much wobble.

The RPM integration of MJ isn't to my liking, it's missing a lot of stuff you'd want in there, I'm not sure what the solution is though.

Edited by K3|Chris
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I'm having a lot of cdt and, precisely when I press the button to return at Space Center, only when I remove B9 pack they won't happen anymore. I've tried with and without other mods installed.

No crash when I remove B9, but I need it... ;.;

Firesplitter and B9 are latest versions

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Hey :) I finally pushed myself and installed this mod today along with what it needs (my main reason not to was I was kind of intimidated by FAR or NEAR D:) but having played with it a while as well as NEAR, this is amazing :) I'm having so much fun with the cockpits :D

I have a question however, speaking of cockpits... Is there any way I can give a cockpit one of the IVAs of the cockpits provided by this mod? There are 2 new stock cockpits (can't recall their names, the pointy aerodynamic one and the one that's missing the pointy tip), and I would absolutely love for it to have one of these amazing IVAs... Is there a way for a newb like myself to do this? or would it require a monumental amount of work if at all possible? D:

Thanks a ton in advance!

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I'm a little bit proud of myself right now.

I found a bug in R5.2.6, tracked it down, and killed it (at least on my end).

Might not be totally accurate to call it a bug, because it doesn't (and probably can't) cause any problems, yet.

All of the command pods added to the B9 pack before KSP added reaction wheels has code in its part.cfg that is left over from before KSP added reaction wheels and changed how SAS worked. It doesn't cause any problems right now because the old SAS code is still in KSP, but at the same time it doesn't actually do anything useful that isn't being done by current code.

Here's the exact places in the part configs that I found problems, with the problem itself shown in bold:

All are found in GameData/B9_Aerospace/Parts


// --- general parameters ---
name = B9_Cockpit_D25
[B] module = CommandPod[/B]
author = bac9

The section in bold should be this: module = Part

The rest of the file is fine.


// --- general parameters ---
name = HL_Aero_Cockpit
[B] module = CommandPod[/B]
author = bac9, K3|Chris

Again, section in bold should be: module = Part

The rest of the file is fine.

The exact same bug shows up in several places, with the same fix each time

Cockpits I can confirm to have this bug:

Cockpit_D25/part.cfg (shown above)

Cockpit_HL/part.cfg (shown above)






This is not a huge bug, and it's not really causing any issues that I've noticed, so it's not something I expect to see a fix out for in the next few hours.

TBH, I think this is an easy thing to miss. The only thing that tipped me off to something being wrong was the fact that I saw TWO "Command pod" type modules on a single part in the right-click info popup in the VAB.

That, and I've seen nearly the same problem before on a different mod.

I seem to be unusually good at finding "spot the difference" kind of issues, even tho I'm not actually good at the actual "spot the difference" game itself. Stuff that's malfunctioning because it's out of place just seems to stick out like a sore thumb to me for some reason. Guess it runs in the family, my dad's an auto mechanic.

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Is there any way I can give a cockpit one of the IVAs of the cockpits provided by this mod? There are 2 new stock cockpits (can't recall their names, the pointy aerodynamic one and the one that's missing the pointy tip), and I would absolutely love for it to have one of these amazing IVAs... Is there a way for a newb like myself to do this? or would it require a monumental amount of work if at all possible? D:

Thanks a ton in advance!

Not at all:

@name = name_of_whatever_B9_internal_you_want_to_use_which_can_be_found_in_its_cfg

@name = name_of_whatever_B9_internal_you_want_to_use_which_can_be_found_in_its_cfg

Some things may not match up (like the window positioning), but at least you'll get those sweet MFDs.

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+ObsessedWithKSP: Thank you so much! @_@ Gonna test this right away! Those sweet MFDs cannot go to waste!

EDIT: W00t, I managed! :P Thanks again :) working great!

However there are 2 things to note, and maybe there is a way to work-around this? If not it's not really a big deal, but if it is possible I'd like to leave it all 100% working :D

1) When I type in a description for the vessel I can't see that information in the monitors, as if the vessel had no description whatsoever to it.

2) The cockpit I took the interior from (the B9 Mk2 Cockpit) already comes with a frontal camera built in, which is the one you can have the various flight information overlays through the monitors (by far the coolest camera :D), however with the tweaked interiors the Mk2 and Inline Mk2 cockpits don't have that camera by default. I imagine that camera is an object of sorts in the command module's model itself on the B9 cockpits or something, so I don't have very high hopes for a work-around for this :P

Both those tiny issues are of course only when using the SPP cockpits with the B9 Interiors.

Is there any way to gain those 2 things back? Perhaps a little more (hopefully) simple tweaking on the part files?

Thanks a ton in advance :) and no worries if it's not possible or would be too hard to achieve, I can live without those 2 things :P

EDIT 2: Ok so, I managed to get around the issue with the monitor not displaying the vessel's description by adding the following extra lines to the part file (I totally feel like an actual rocket scientist for having figured this out with how.. silly shall we say.. I am):

name = RasterPropMonitorComputer

Now I'm just left with the Internal camera not working, which again is not that big an issue, and I imagine it's something that's somehow embedded into the model itself. I'd appreciate any help you could provide though if it *can* be worked-around =D!

Thanks again in advance!

Edited by MonaBabii
Update on tests!
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