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[1.2.2] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.2.1 (Old Thread)


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Excellent. What about ResGen, Klockheed Martian, CrossFeedEnabler SmokeScreen, and KineTechAnimation?

ResGen is used for the B9 pressurized air I think, used in the air RCS nozzles

Klockheed is a plugin for all the engines to have gimbals that you can configure, not sure the engines work without it of if you just loose the gimbal settings.

CrossFeedEnabler is what it sounds like, allows fuel to feed around the ship in ways it normally wouldn't like surface attached parts etc.

SmokeScreen is used by the engine effects, pretty sure all the engines loose their effects without it.

KineTechAnimation, not sure, the documentation inside lists modules that animate things based on a long list of parameters, not sure what it's actually used for though, Tav could probably tell you.

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Can also use MJ's translatron, to hover or slowly ascend/descend in a controlled manner

Yep, had a blast with vtols in non-far ksp, got to the part where i was fine with (only) smart a.s.s and KER when lazy to do everything i want, and stock manual when in need for some increased heartrate. As a matter of fact building vtols and a bit "enhanced" spaceplanes (for my capabilities) resulted in the idea that maybe this experience and the fantastic new b9 & spaceplane parts will do the trick to get the hang of far.

This and some scott manley binges of course :)

Thanks again for this gradiose work!

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• q: I don't understand a thing in those iva displays, there are too many buttons and screens

Thank you to the whole b9 team, this is great!

I just wanted to point out that in your faq section section of the opening post, it looks like that link for the display manual broke somewhere along the line, try it out.

I believe this is the full link: https://bitbucket.org/Taverius/b9-aerospace/wiki/Multi%20Function%20Display%20Manual

Not a huge deal, just trying to help.

Thanks for the great work on this mod!

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Loving the plane parts vs the stale vanilla game, just wish there was a shorter MK2 tail and fuselage end, the wood/fiberglass or whatever doesn't look very robust beside an engine :) That and wish the panels would have lift

Edited by DanTheGamer11
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That and wish the panels would have lift

Simple - install NEAR or FAR.

Also, I would agree that VTOLs are easier in FAR/NEAR - in stock, if you go backwards a bit, you can easily lose control because of how the lifting model acts when you fly backwards. In FAR/NEAR, if you begin moving backwards a bit, nothing strange will happen since you're travelling at low speeds. This makes VTOLs much easier to fly.

People have complained about the engines being nerfed in FAR/NEAR, but I honestly haven't noticed much. They seem to be balanced for the less-soupy atmosphere and I can still easily build SSTOs and get up to high atmospheric speeds (2000+ m/s). However, I can't easily get my apoapsis out of the atmosphere like in stock, but perhaps that's just more realistic, and nonetheless I can easily fire my engines to boost it up out of the atmosphere.

Edited by Andrew Hansen
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I use it, just delete the B9 config in the tweakscale folder.

Make sure you remove any patches for older B9 versions also.

You'll also want to avoid tweaking the size of the switchable structural sections. Tweakscale doesn't understand that it needs to change the mass or fuel quantities of the alternate versions of the parts.

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Which parts will I lose if I replace the previous version of B9 with this one? Any of particular note?

By the way, this mod is absolutely compulsory IMO :D

None initially. All the old parts are marked deprecated allowing you to replace them as you can. It's best to do this sooner rather than later as the deprecated folder is just wasted computer resources. Most of these parts are to support the new switchable meshes. For example, fuel holding parts are combined into a single part and you can toggle between empty fuselage, liquid, LFO, or Monoprop. Therefore the old dedicated parts are deprecated and should be removed from your design. Likewise, things like the wheels can be switched between the heat shield and non heat shield versions, so the old heat shield version is deprecated, same for RCS nozzles.

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Which parts will I lose if I replace the previous version of B9 with this one? Any of particular note?

If you include the DEPRICATED folder in theory none, though it might not work for all your legacy craft, all the old parts are in the new version though might be a sub-type of another part.

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Congratulations ... this mod is quite possible the reason why i actually prepare for a switch to FAR in my game. *sigh*

VTOLS are easier in FAR, right? Right?? Riight???


VTOLs work fine in FAR with B9 parts.

Been making VTOLs for a LONG time with B9 parts and without in FAR.

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The thing is make sure you are going fast enough to transition to level flight or have a steep enough AoA to generate lift in level flight.

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Great job guys I love this update so much! So far using KW, FAR, Mechjeb,B9 (of course), Editor extensions, Hangar Extender, Nova Punch2, and also running 64 bit with no issues found yet! I'm amazed at the new Sci-Fi looking parts too and just love the new setup! Truly superb work guys! Now I can finally get back to work! :-) I wanna make my next KSP cinematic with mostly these new parts, wish me luck guys! :-)

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Woah. Is it just me or the HPD overheats within seconds at full thrust? I had to put the thrust limiter to at least 50% just for it to cool down.

I don't have that here no, do you have DRE or KSPi or similar that might mess with heat?

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Well I guess the answer's that it's just me, then. I have KSPI running.

It might mistake the HX-HDP for a SABRE/RAPIER or similar, it uses the same engine module those use though it switches between a chemical rocket and something between an Ion engine and NERVA, uses LF+Oxi still but also needs electrical power. KSPi might confuse it for a jet.

Edited by K3|Chris
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Simple - install NEAR or FAR.

Well with 0.24.2 you need to have FAR installed to use the B9 mod pack :) Today was the first time I used FAR so I didn't know about the changes to parts, I just relied on the info panel of the parts to tell me if they generate lift or not.

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It might mistake the HX-HDP for a SABRE/RAPIER or similar, it uses the same engine module those use though it switches between a chemical rocket and something between an Ion engine and NERVA, uses LF+Oxi still but also needs electrical power. KSPi might confuse it for a jet.

Yeah, that might be the case. I slapped in an engine precooler and it "magically" cooled the engine. (I was using the gravity hack in Kerbin since the ship was large)

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The precoolers only need to go after intakes btw, so you could put one intake somewhere with a precooler, could probably hide it inside or something, not a neat solution but should get around the problem until/if KSPi gets updated.

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I don't know that this has ANYTHING to do with B9, but I can't figure out what's wrong - when I'm playing around with B9 stuff in the hangar (not a clean install), I get huge logspam of:

Input is null

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

The game briefly pauses every now and then, and the frequency of the pauses increases over time until the whole thing crashes. I have no idea what's going on. Is it the tweakscale + B9 issues someoneorother mentioned?

Output_Log here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/output_log_Maybeb9ornot.txt

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It might mistake the HX-HDP for a SABRE/RAPIER or similar, it uses the same engine module those use though it switches between a chemical rocket and something between an Ion engine and NERVA, uses LF+Oxi still but also needs electrical power. KSPi might confuse it for a jet.

If i remember correctly, that's a deliberate feature of interstellar, but doesn't play well with B9 engines. I think that there was a b9 config file inside the interestelar folder (at least in the previous versions), and if you remove it minimizes the overheating effects.

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If i remember correctly, that's a deliberate feature of interstellar, but doesn't play well with B9 engines. I think that there was a b9 config file inside the interestelar folder (at least in the previous versions), and if you remove it minimizes the overheating effects.

Errm no, it's not a feature, it's a bug, it's a feature that it adds heating limitations to the SABREs, not the HX-HDP, the HX-HDP isn't an air breathing engine, it's a chemical rocket or magneto-plasma rocket.

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