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[1.2.2] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.2.1 (Old Thread)


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People its the same after every new release nothing works until all the plugins are updated this can take up to 10 days so dont bother playing with mods on 0.90 just go back to 0.25 until everything updates and this page will tell you what is compatible


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The resemblance is uncanny.

Well, it's not like the HL series is unconventional in any way. Basically 3.75m with the sides cut down, creating a shape very similar to the space shuttle's mid-section. Any different approach would sacrifice the ability to combine MK3 and conventional rockets.

Going by the picture, it seems like porkjet made the sides deliberately identical to the HL's form. Imo a good thing, since B9 and MK3 will be interchangable.

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You're back? How about a D12 update? :) The community kept it working, but an official update would be nice.

Also, Mk2 should be remade into stock shape for the next B9. IIRC, they said that somewhere in this thread.

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Now if only they could agree on a Mk2 standard...

That one bothers me too and is the reason why i'm already happy about the compatibility.

Then again to be fair, MK2 and S2 have distinctive differences. MK2 is symmetric on 2 axis, giving it a bit of a retro-future look. Compared, S2 reminds more of fighter planes with it's low underside and 'bulkier' top. An adapter for both parts would be kinda awesome, tho.

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Guys I've managed to get B9 working (along with several other mods including KW rockets and what not) with 0.90. Roverdude has uploaded a Hotfix for Firespitter, read over the last few posts on the Firespitter page to find the link and a few more details. Just install B9 as you normally would, then drag his hotfix in and overwrite. Haven't tested everything extensively yet but so far landing gear, engines, intakes, etc all seem to be working and animating.

Make sure to give your thanks.

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There is no great mystery that HL and Mk3 are the same shape, PorkJet asked us to do that and asked for a reference model, we agreed and supplied it, we knew about the Mk2 shape change and agreed with it before release, as said B9 will be updated to have the new shape.

Sadly both Bac9 and Tav haven't been around in quite a while (both vanish for days-months and come back, nothing new) and I've been busy with school as of late, done with that now for the year but I can't say how much time I'll have over the holidays to work on B9.

Highest priority at this point is Mk2 shape conversion and I'd like to supply both a "full" package of all current B9 stuff and sub-packs for each hull shape (mk2, S2, HL, HX) and one pack with some structural stuff, and one with wings etc, idea is that if you want all of B9 you can just download the main pack, but if you only wants bits and pieces you can download the "sub packs" you want. A way to get around KSP's increasing ram restrictions.

Inclusion of pWings and making the B9 gear adjustable using BahamutoD's plugin are also in the works.

I got a bit mixed feelings about Porkjet's new stock parts (Mk2 and Mk3) they're pretty nice and all but they're bound to eat into B9's install-base quite a lot.

Edited by K3|Chris
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I got a bit mixed feelings about Porkjet's new stock parts (Mk2 and Mk3) they're pretty nice and all but they're bound to eat into B9's install-base quite a lot.

B9 parts have an advantage of Firespitter texture/part type switcher module. That alone, at least for me, is a killer feature.

Edited by Konnor
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Imitation is a form of flattery, etc. I personally don't like Porkjet's texture style - the only part I really miss is the inline Mk2 cockpit which I was considering duplicating for the B9 system, but if you're redoing everything then I'll leave it :P The new Mk3 cockpit I don't really like, I have my own HL crewtank 60% done anyway - and the mesh switching is the killer app.

But yeah - HL are standard 3.75m tubes with a slice between two sets of side verts, not anything special about the shape.

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I'd like to supply both a "full" package of all current B9 stuff and sub-packs for each hull shape (mk2, S2, HL, HX) and one pack with some structural stuff, and one with wings etc, idea is that if you want all of B9 you can just download the main pack, but if you only wants bits and pieces you can download the "sub packs" you want.

That would make CKAN indexing for the mod an absolute breeze as well. You'd have the B9Aerospace package for the whole shebang, but there'd also be B9Aerospace-Mk2, B9Aerospace-S2, -HL and -HX, -Wings, -Structural, etc. I'm not sure what the standing is on CKAN meta-packages, but it ought to be doable within the time before a new B9 release. :)

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I got a bit mixed feelings about Porkjet's new stock parts (Mk2 and Mk3) they're pretty nice and all but they're bound to eat into B9's install-base quite a lot.

Dont worry. At least not in my case. Porkjet did an awesome job making parts which bridge between B9 and stock but B9 still has its own sleek slightly futuristic look.

And this is how i like my spaceplanes. They are cutting edge tech after all unlike those clod war era rockets we use for more mundane tasks.

I will use B9 as long as stock keeps its current style.

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Ok people, I know half of you wont read this but...


B9 uses the Firespitter.dll which is needed for some of the animations, if Firespitter hasn't been updated then several things will not work and may cause crashes. Be patient if you absolutely MUST play rollback your version if you are on Steam and play on, if not well hope you have a previous version saved. I am sure every mod will be updated in the next week or two, it is the hollidays and people have lives outside of this game.


All I want for Christmas is the updated Mk2 parts to match the "new" current mk2 parts in KSP. That is it.

Edited by Hodo
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Firespitter has been hotfixed btw, look above.

If you value playing with your mods always install a new KSP version in a different folder than your current install, keep playing the old version with your mods. Then move over when enough of the mods you like have been updated/confirmed working.

Updating the mk2 shape is pretty labor intensive work sadly, I can't find a good workflow to edit the models in bulk and load them into Unity/KSP, it's tedious as a word I can't use here to do them one at a time and do all the steps from modo to unity to KSP for each part.

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I got a bit mixed feelings about Porkjet's new stock parts (Mk2 and Mk3) they're pretty nice and all but they're bound to eat into B9's install-base quite a lot.

I don't think so. Ofc stock will now allow to build big and small planes, but there is a lot of unique stuff in b9 which makes stock look boring. Out of my head:

1. Cockpits. Which got even better with the RPM-inclusion, no comparision with stock.

2. Large and versatile wings (pwings inclusion sounds great). Frankly, i'm afraid of building big space-planes with stock wings.^^'

3. Big sized control surfaces, stabilisators, and winglets. Did you see how tiny the stock ones are? Oo

3. Engines. Quite a few great looking additions, especially the 2.5m Sabre is incredibly practical.

4. Utilities. Aerodynamic looking lights, floodlights, omni-lights, versatile RCS/tanks, landing gear, fuselage shaped SAS, etc...

Lots of indispensable stuff in b9. I mean, i like how versatile and practical the new stock wings are, but they really don't do a good job when trying to build bigger stuff.

Edited by Temeter
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B9 Will always be part of my mod inventory, it is almost as important as FAR, DRE, Real Chutes and Procedural Wings to me. It is mainly because of the better looking command cockpits for aircraft and the SABREs.

Without B9 craft like this would not be possible.


Edited by Hodo
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You're back? How about a D12 update? :) The community kept it working, but an official update would be nice.

Also, Mk2 should be remade into stock shape for the next B9. IIRC, they said that somewhere in this thread.

My "intensive" semester at Uni is over in about 3 days, so I can get back into this KSP thing again. It looks like B9 updated considerably since last I was here, and a lot of new modders have their own parts packs out which fill in the gaps I was going for previously. It'll take me a while to sort through it all to see what's missing and what is currently "needed" to fill in the gaps. I don't currently see any robust VTOL rotor stuff yet, and futuristic naval parts still haven't been done, but it looks like there's tons of cockpit, adapter, cargo, fuel tank, weaponry, and wing mods that have been released since I took a break. D12 was never meant to be in competition with anything, just to fill in missing pieces in the community meta parts list.

That being said, I'm more than happy to help out with B9 itself if their team would like. They've been more than helpful to me with giving access to their part sources and tips on style-matching in the past.

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