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[1.2.2] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.2.1 (Old Thread)


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Labels don't fit on the switches, I'll mull over alternatives, might have to put a label next to the switch

Yep, putting a label above each of the switches would allow you to do it without changing the buttons (AFAIK). Looking forward to it *nudge nudge*

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Also, does Tweakscale work with this mod? Just wondering. If not, are there any plans for partial integration down the road? (Oh Lord help us if we could make the HX parts BIGGER, I think my mind might explode XD)

I haven't tried it myself. I've had reports of issues though.

You're probably fine if you can make it so it doesn't get attached to B9 parts, but TweakScale doesn't currently (afaik) understand firespitter mesh/texture/tank switchers, and things are likely to become very strange if you try to rescale a part with such a module - and that's basically all the B9 fuselages, so you're kinda screwed there.

The rest of it should work? I've never used tweakscale, so I don't know if it proper scaling of SmokeScreen-based FX or anything else we use that's from a mod.

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Also, does Tweakscale work with this mod? Just wondering. If not, are there any plans for partial integration down the road? (Oh Lord help us if we could make the HX parts BIGGER, I think my mind might explode XD)

Tweakscale works to some extent already, but it has trouble with any part that you place a tank in, and may or may not have other issues. I have been using it, but have had a very gradual slowdown/memory hogging logspamming somethinorother occurring - it might have absolutely nothing to do with TS, posted about it a few pages back, don't know that it was seen. Sadly I lack the knowledge to decipher exactly what's going on.

EDIT: It does understand the mesh switching part (I think, though it may cause issues that aren't blatantly obvious), in that you can scale up and down a part that you've switched the mesh for without crashing or parts reverting their meshes or something like that. But tanks won't work correctly.

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It does understand the mesh switching part (I think, though it may cause issues that aren't blatantly obvious), in that you can scale up and down a part that you've switched the mesh for without crashing or parts reverting their meshes or something like that. But tanks won't work correctly.

Thanks for the details, I'll add them to the wiki.

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Is it just me or where there some additional command modules in the pre-release that are no longer present in the official?

No? Not sure what you're referring to, but we didn't remove any cockpits or probes.

Do you have any pointers for figuring out exactly which mod is causing the problems I'm having? I've looked through the (very many hundreds of pages long) log, but don't always know what I'm reading...

Take off everything but B9 and the stuff it provides, add mods back in one at a time until the problem presents itself :)

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My screens on IVA's dont work. It always says when I go to the launchpad "RasterPropMonitor: INITIALIZATION ERROR, CHECK CONFIGURATION" does anyone here know how to fix this?

You probably installed RasterPropMonitor after B9, install B9 again and everything should work.

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No? Not sure what you're referring to, but we didn't remove any cockpits or probes.

Take off everything but B9 and the stuff it provides, add mods back in one at a time until the problem presents itself :)

Bah, I hate doing that, even with the 50% at a time bit. :) Too bad the logs don't read "THISDLL.DLL DID A BAD THING: Input is null

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)"

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Bah, I hate doing that, even with the 50% at a time bit. :) Too bad the logs don't read "THISDLL.DLL DID A BAD THING: Input is null

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)"

Tell me about it, do you know how much time we spend going after illegible log errors? Or worse, silent failures?

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Tell me about it, do you know how much time we spend going after illegible log errors? Or worse, silent failures?

I can only imagine. I'd probably be having nightmares about NullReferenceExceptions if I were you. I will do my best to figure something out and report back if there's anything to report.

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Well I flew my first B9 SSTO and returned successfully in V5 today with DRE and FAR enabled. The only thing that blew up in re-entry was the nose mounted external camera. I didn't have any issues with DRE. As long as you don't try to rush re enter it's fine. Just do it in a few passes, use air brakes and flaps etc. In other words, be smart about it and don't come into the atmosphere re-entering at a screaming mach 10, then come crying your shuttle blew up lol! Great work guys.

The hatch on the MK2 crew tank 2m always reports for me "Hatch is obstructed, can't exit". Maybe that's just the way it is for now?

Same here, on the MKII crew cabin my kerbals can't enter or exit. This is surprising as this part was in B9 IVA extensions.

Edited by StevenJ
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Well, one thing to report at least. I am not positive, but I believe the errors I've been getting have to do specifically with parts whose nodes may be toggled on or off. Here's how I have been able to replicate the problem so far:

1. Place any part in the VAB or SPH whose nodes can be toggled on or off. Can be the root part of a craft or not, same things happen.

2. Upon placement, no errors are thrown.

3. Pick the part up, and do one of two things:

3.a. If it's the root, simply click to put the part back down, anywhere. Many "Input is null" errors thrown.

3.b. If it's not the root, place the part successfully in any configuration attached to another part - if it's set down and shaded red, meaning not placed successfully (or however you call it), errors won't occur.

Each time 3.a. or 3.b. happens, "Input is null" errors occur. The number of errors is equal to 2x the number of nodes that can be turned off or on.

Hope that's vaguely helpful.

EDIT: Also seems to occur when another part - possibly any part - is attached to one of the node-switching parts. Happened when I stuck a mechjeb box onto one of the 2x1 bays...

Also, I should clarify before, TweakScale does not correctly judge the mass of mesh-switching/mass-switching parts in real-time, but it may do that on reload, not sure. My ships seemed roughly as ludicrously massive as they ought to be, but that doesn't mean the masses were correct after reloading. In real-time, it does the same thing it does for tank-swapping parts: if you put the tank in or swap the mesh, THEN scale, the scaled values will appear correct. If you scale, THEN swap, it will revert to whatever the non-scaled mass or tank capacity is for whatever you just switched to.

EDIT AGAIN: This particular problem is not related to TweakScale; removed it and nothing changed. But it may be any of my other 9385492835 mods. Sigh.

Edited by AccidentalDisassembly
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CTD when u forget to put fuel type in tanks

In the SPH? I take it you mean leaving a part as the default structural?

I haven't seen a CTD in forever, & I'm running both... haven't tried the orbital logistics bit yet though - is this what's causing problems?

What platform & build?

Also, logs & concise repro steps would probably help in diagnosing this.

Edited by steve_v
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