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[1.2.2] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.2.1 (Old Thread)


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@gilfo: its a struggle to get things to attach to the nodes, you basically have to do it before you attach the docking bay to anything else...

So i have been trying to make an F-104 with the J79 turbojet. I think there is something wrong with the thrust i'm getting.

I am using FAR and B9, (obviously)

the model i have made is the correct weight (6000kg dry) and the J79 supposedly supply's the correct amount of thrust (79KN) However it just wont go fast enough, or climb...

On takeoff thrust reaches 62Kn


At very low altitude flying level, thrust reaches almost 70KN at about Mach 0.45


As soon as i initiate a gentle climb at 10deg or less, thrust rapidly falls of (along with airspeed)

You can see here, at a rate of climb of under 15m/s thrust has dropped to 40KN by 3000m


At this point i have to level out, or the thrust will continue to decrease to around 20KN, at which point i fall out of the sky.

Even after leveling out though, the thrust doesn't recover very fast, and i cant get airspeed above Mach 0.5... the plane eventualy runs out of fuel without thrust ever going over 50KN


Anyone know what is going on here? The plane should be able to hit Mach 1 with only 55KN of thrust. I thought these engines were balanced with FAR & realistic performance specifically in mind?

Is this a bug or a conflict? or some other issue?

EDIT: So i have made some progress by reducing the drag of the craft. in the photos above the cd was 0.058 now it is a 0.02 very close to the actual F-104 at 0.017

This allows the aircraft to get up to 100KN of thrust at sea level, which quickly pushes it to Mach 0.95, however as soon as i initiate a climb, the thrust drops massively, and i'm still stuck at the 3000m ceiling. where thrust drops to 40KN, and i either dive to regain thrust, or climb further and thrust drops below 20KN.

Edited by Wolf_rt
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So I'm not sure if this is still a thing (i'm using 0.25 still) but found that the S3 hypersonic front sections won't allow the option of "take data", just had to install ship manifest and use KAS to transfer science from a vessel that couldn't land to another one instead of just taking the pilot out, taking the data and flying him across to the other ship and boarding, other than that little panic attack though this is by far my favorite parts pack and has made making spaceplanes actually enjoyable for me :)

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@Wolf_rt: You are using AJE, in which thrust is completely different, so this question belongs in that thread. In the mean time here are a few things to take note about it:

1) I belive that static thrust is tuned using TPR=1.0, rather than the more realistic TPR=~85%, resulting in real thrust being lower than it should be. I've asked camlost about this but haven't gotten a response.

2) Thrust drops off with altitude (really static pressure) in AJE, so keep that in mind as you climb. The best indicator I've found is FAR's dynamic pressure indicator - if I'm trying to initiate supersonic flight, I try to keep it at about 40 kPa through the whole climb, though I don't think this is the only strategy which works.

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I'm having an issue with the MK2 Cargo Bay 2m. I've put a bunch of science equipment, some batteries, a Kerbal Engineer Redux Computer Flight Unit and an RT2 antenna inside the cargo bay. In the SPH, the cargo bay's context menu is telling me that the total number of parts shielded by the cargo bay is 20. However once I launch the plane, on the runway the same context menu is telling a different story: number of parts shielded is 3.

The real trouble begins after takeoff. Once I approach around 300ish m/s velocity, stuff starts exploding and the flight results screen is telling me that the connections between the parts inside the cargo bay and the cargo bay itself are failing due to aerodynamic stress. The plane remains operational, but I can't do experiments like this. I haven't tested any of the other cargo bays.

Here are some screenshots with the issue at hand:


Playing with FAR in KSP 0.90. All mods and their dependencies are up to date.

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The stock mk2 parts are not compatible with the B9 mk2 parts. Is it supposed to be like this?

When the SPP parts became stock the Mk2 shape changed, and the B9 parts haven't been updated. It may happen eventually, but for now you'll just have to use them separately.

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Is there any means to make the B9 aerospace cargo bay open on the belly? As pieces are not symmetrical I don't see how to do that, unless to attach all pieces upside down and also cockpit....

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There's something that has been bugging me constantly regarding the B9 Aerospace pack and CKAN integration is the very large number of bundled dependencies.

Some add-ons (such as the ones I've authored) will, inevitably require many dependencies. While I understand that a possible intention of bundling copies of dependencies simplifies installation by newbies, my issue is that because these copies often conflict with attempts by CKAN to update them to the latest version(s). (For instance, say someone already has the latest Firespitter and JSI RPM plugins, but the version bundled with B9 is often an older version, which overwrites the existing Firespitter / JSI RPM installs).

I'd like to propose two different possible solutions to the problem:

- Strip out all non-unique* dependencies from B9 and ask all users to install them manually themselves (or have CKAN automatically install those other dependencies separately). This is newbie-unfriendly, but would mean the B9 dev team only needs to maintain one download configuration

- Create an alternative ZIP archive containing only the non-unique* dependencies, and redirect the CKAN entry for B9 to use that instead in conjunction with the latest versions of other external dependencies. Newbies can continue to download the existing all-in-one package.

*KineTechAnimation, ResGen and Virgin Kalactic appear to be unique to B9; CrossFeedEnabler, Firespitter, JSI RPM, Klockheed_Martian_Gimbal, HotRockets (MP_Nazari), SmokeScreen and ModuleManager all appear to be redistributed copies of otherwise standalone add-ons

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Little bug report: the transition model between the HX parts and LLL no longer matches up.

- - - Updated - - -

There's something that has been bugging me constantly regarding the B9 Aerospace pack and CKAN integration is the very large number of bundled dependencies.

Actually, CKAN doesn't install bundled dependencies, even if they're in the zip. At least if it's added to the repo correctly.

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Actually, CKAN doesn't install bundled dependencies, even if they're in the zip. At least if it's added to the repo correctly.

I just had a look at the B9 metadata on NetKAN, and you're quite right - the dependencies aren't bundled for the CKAN version.

Carry on :)

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Oh. Good point. Wish I thought of THAT plan. But it would be more convenient to have packs. I'll just do what you suggested.

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Just delete any parts you don't want. It's easy because everything is organized nicely into folders.

Actually, it seems each part is it's own folder, making "packs" of different kinds of parts still desirable.

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Solarspaceprobe, theres a plugin for CKAN that allows you to select what parts you want from any mod that contains parts, its working very nicelly with CKAN 1.5.6 (newer versions dont work for some odd reason), you can find the plugin here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/106363-CKAN-plugin-CKAN-PartManager-v1-2-Selectively-remove-parts-from-mods/page2

Enjoy ! :D

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I thought he removed it because it was unfinished and accidentally added...

I may have to find my old download for that version of B9 and snatch that out and put it back in my install. That was the best looking cockpit in B9, granted its lack of an IVA is a minor issue.

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Oh. Good point. Wish I thought of THAT plan. But it would be more convenient to have packs. I'll just do what you suggested.

- - - Updated - - -

Actually, it seems each part is it's own folder, making "packs" of different kinds of parts still desirable.

All the HX parts are in one folder. The folders are organized by what textures the parts reference for easy freeing of ones ram

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