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[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!


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  RainDreamer said:
I just noticed KSP-AVC is listing Ven's Stock Revamp as 1.6, and that it is the latest version. O-o Probably that haven't been updated.

CKAN also does not have the latest version available. 1.7.1 is there but no update to 1.7.2 is available yet.

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Hello Ven

I am a huge fan of this mod. I officially can't play without it. :) I was wondering if you could add an optional tankbutt for all the engines. Sort of like an adapter but it wouldn't be just structural. It could hold a small amount of fuel and allow crossfeed down to the engine underneath. I think you have an opportunity for a really pretty part here with all of the helium spheres and such. It would make your first stage (and upper stages if you want) look a lot cooler because there wouldn't be any orange from the tanks showing and it would just generally increase the coolness factor. Like I said this would be completely optional.

In case you needed more clarifying, the red is the tankbutt and the blue is the engine. (In this case, the Rockomax Service Engine aka former poodle)



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  SmallFatFetus said:
Hello Ven

I am a huge fan of this mod. I officially can't play without it. :) I was wondering if you could add an optional tankbutt for all the engines. Sort of like an adapter but it wouldn't be just structural. It could hold a small amount of fuel and allow crossfeed down to the engine underneath. I think you have an opportunity for a really pretty part here with all of the helium spheres and such. It would make your first stage (and upper stages if you want) look a lot cooler because there wouldn't be any orange from the tanks showing and it would just generally increase the coolness factor. Like I said this would be completely optional.

In case you needed more clarifying, the red is the tankbutt and the blue is the engine. (In this case, the Rockomax Service Engine aka former poodle)



Most of the engines have at least engine/tank braces. You might just want to use a PP part or use the FL-A5 Adapter or the Rockomax Brand Adapter 02 as tankbutts. For the Service Engine (The remodeled Poodle) I might sometime use of the Near Future Structural mod parts or use a PP fuel tank as a smooth cone (rather flat and short).

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  SVlad said:
But other decouplers have. Is that a bug? For my taste arrows is much more visual.

Big one(rockomax and such) has arrows. Small ones has lines.

Yeah, it is a bit off that way. Just gotta live with it for now or prevent the changes in models I guess.

Edited by RainDreamer
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I don't know whether it's a known issue or some strange mod interaction, but I have some weird errors when attaching sub-assemblies to docking ports.

With certain sub-assemblies when I attach them to docking port and rotate the resulting ship in VAB/SPH my logs get spammed like this and everything lags.


It gets even worse some times with different message when I flip the sub-assembly:


As soon as I reattach the sub-assembly to a normal node log-spam stops.


Deleting Ven's Mod completely resolves the issue (went through a whole lot of mods to figure this out).

Sorry for big screenshots.

EDIT: Confirmed - deleting DockingPorts.cfg from mod directory also solves the issue I have.

Edited by Ziw
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No one answered my second part of the question is there a way to "roll back" specific parts, like the struts due to the bug or the docking ports since they are not too pretty???

ALSO DON'T add the arrows back on the decouplers I always hated them and am glad they are gone now.

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  Ziw said:
I don't know whether it's a known issue or some strange mod interaction, but I have some weird errors when attaching sub-assemblies to docking ports.

Deleting Ven's Mod completely resolves the issue (went through a whole lot of mods to figure this out).

EDIT: Confirmed - deleting DockingPorts.cfg from mod directory also solves the issue I have.

Oh my! I have exactly the same issue and only found one other post about it in the mod support forum which was never resolved. I run linux 64bit and so many mods that really hate those debugging sessions by now - I cannot thank you enough for posting this here!

Edit: Curiously enough, removing DockingPorts.cfg does not remove all of the error messages (tested with preexisting craft), it does however make them less frequent - and they do not crash my game anymore, which is great.

Edited by Tellion
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so it says in the OP to retract all solar panels before installing but I didn't have any that retracted so I went ahead and installed and now my 1x6 panels (solarPanels4) are busted. They can't retract, so I didn't think they would be affected. Any suggestions? I have backups so it's not a huge deal I just don't know how to work around this since they don't retract. Maybe enable the retraction so I can retract them?

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  Gaiiden said:
so it says in the OP to retract all solar panels before installing but I didn't have any that retracted so I went ahead and installed and now my 1x6 panels (solarPanels4) are busted. They can't retract, so I didn't think they would be affected. Any suggestions? I have backups so it's not a huge deal I just don't know how to work around this since they don't retract. Maybe enable the retraction so I can retract them?

So, you didn't do what the OP said you should and it broke the panels.

You should have retracted the OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels before installing SPR.

Why wouldn't you think they wouldn't be affected? They are retractable panels.

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  Gaiiden said:
so it says in the OP to retract all solar panels before installing but I didn't have any that retracted so I went ahead and installed and now my 1x6 panels (solarPanels4) are busted. They can't retract, so I didn't think they would be affected. Any suggestions? I have backups so it's not a huge deal I just don't know how to work around this since they don't retract. Maybe enable the retraction so I can retract them?

Have you tried an EVA kerbal over there? Kerbals on EVA can do a lot of things, like open/close solar panel or antennas. It *may* also be possible to get KAS, and grab that and stored away in a container, and it *may* magically fix things, just like how KAS currently magically fix broken solar panel atm.

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  Axelord FTW said:
So, you didn't do what the OP said you should and it broke the panels.

You should have retracted the OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels before installing SPR.

Why wouldn't you think they wouldn't be affected? They are retractable panels.

Okay, no need to be all huffy I did specify they can't retract. How would I retract them if they can't retract? Anyways, we can both be correct here. I simply did not realize the ability to not retract them wasn't stock behavior - I hunted it down and found StupidChris' Stock Rebalance had implemented that. I'll just roll back and remove that tweak so I can retract them properly

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Hey Ven,

I might have found a bug for you, black screen bug, although it is in combination with Ubio Welding mod.

Posted it there as well as I don't know which of the two mods are causing the bug.

I run into the following with Ubio Weld mod.

- When adding 1x solarPanels5 to a Rover base consisting of: Rove Mate + lamp + 2x KW 300 batteries, the game give me a black screen on launch.

- When welding X200-16 Fuel Tank + stock small RCS tanks, game also gives the black screen bug.

In every blackscreen occurance, I have seen TRReflection mentioned in Ubio Weld menu, which is part of your texture replacement.

Parts without TRReflections give no issues.

I hope this can be fixed as it is currently, breaking sounds to awfull, but breaking my desings a bit.

Edit1: did some more testing on the rover: toroidalFuelTank, 1x3 panel, radialRCSTank gave no issues. Adding 1 solarPanels5 gave the bug again.

Edit2: commenting out the TRReflections section for solarPanels5 in PartRevamp_TextureReplacer.cfg didn't fix it for me.

Edited by Gkirmathal
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