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[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!


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Something I've noticed with VSR, and I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this, but most of the winglets and whatnot modified by VSR don't turn the right way. Their physics still work right, but the animations are backwards.

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  BoomShroom said:
Something I've noticed with VSR, and I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this, but most of the winglets and whatnot modified by VSR don't turn the right way. Their physics still work right, but the animations are backwards.

It has been noticed before, and is worth stating again.

  epicfacecanada said:
There appears to be the revamped canards as well as the Delta-Deluxe winglet has the animation for them reversed yet the wings aerodynamics behaves as if it wasn't reversed?

Here are a few pictures of the Aeris 3A with the front winglets replaced with various canards to show you what I mean.(note the control Inputs in the corner)


Normaly it should behaves like this.


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here a little sugestion

If possible, revamp the SDHI booster shroud to have the access trap aligned with the mk1-2 pod revamp

something with modulemanager to check if SDHI is there or not

or maybe an new part in this mod to fullfil the booster shroud need

my 2 cents

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  Roelstra said:
here a little sugestion

If possible, revamp the SDHI booster shroud to have the access trap aligned with the mk1-2 pod revamp

something with modulemanager to check if SDHI is there or not

or maybe an new part in this mod to fullfil the booster shroud need

my 2 cents

VenVen did not make SDHI, so don't ask him/her to change SDHI's pod cover.

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I hope I am not repeating a previous post, but could you add the bottom back to the service bay or give us a hint on how to use it that way. With a heat shield attached, it makes the floor of the bay unusable.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I had an idea for a stock part that needs your love. Shrouded parachutes. That would be pretty nice when your re-entries don't go exactly as planned. I think all 3 (mercury, gemini & apollo) capsules had shrouds over their chutes during re-entry.


Edited by Probus
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  NathanKell said:
Probus, not sure I follow -- aren't the parachute cases themselves the shrouding? Certainly they have high enough maxtemps....

I was thinking similar to solar panels. Shrouded - more expensive and safe. Unshrouded cheap and dangerous... uh I mean... Kerbalish.

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I really love this mod but the service bay it seems wrong to me. So, anyone know how i remove just the service bay texture from the mod? I tried and tried and couldn't .Please help!

PS: sorry my bad english !!!!!! :(

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I can't seem to get the auto tankbutts to work. No matter what engine I try, they don't appear. I'm aware they do it through a double node idea, and I'm attaching it by the top-most node, and nothing happens. I find it very difficult to attach to the lower of the two nodes, and I don't think that's had an effect. Maybe I just haven't succeeded, and if not, are there any suggestions for making the attachment easier?

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This mod should be so stock right now. I love it lots.

But the service bays need floors and ceilings. Maybe a tankbutt-like feature? And dat heatshield :P.

- - - Updated - - -

No seriously, I love it so much that I went back and found his old open part mod contributions, downloaded them and made the nodes work, just so I could see more of his awesome work. I wonder when we will we see those IVA instruments?

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, one more thing: IVA's, please?

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  ThatGuyWithALongUsername said:
Oh, one more thing: IVA's, please?

Ven added some IVA references in the GitHub repo recently -- haven't looked at them in-game yet, but if nothing else they are in the works.

EDIT: Just checked latest from GitHub, appear to be a few bugs to iron out before they're ready for use -- launching a craft with a KerbCan was causing the world to disappear, only showing the skybox.

Edited by albany_
Additional info.
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I just checked it. "A few bugs" is a huge understatement. ;.; It doesn't just do that glitch with the KerbCan, but it does this on everything for some reason. I wish I could actually play it, though, since all the features I wanted in my post are now implemented. However, this is not in any playable shape right now.

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Anybody have any idea why my LV-T15 Dachshund won't expend ablator? As I understand it, as the engine overheats, the ablator should be consumed to help compensate for the overheating, but mine just stay at 30.00 until the engine blows up.

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I installed this mod after having read in the original post in this thread, that solar panels had been fixed so they won't cause problems during a stock > VSR or VSR > stock conversion.

They're oriented wrong on all my crafts now, breaking when retracted.

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FYI: new career no tech unlocks, Mk1 Pod + Mk 16 chute only things available - the chute isn't scaled up with the capsule. The realchute on the other picture is one size up from the smallest. Ordinarily, the smallest size fits this capsule.


Edit: problem is gone. 1.8.1 works

Edited by Oinker
problem has been fixed
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Wonderful revamp you did here, beautiful work really. But it seems I've run into some major bugs while this is installed. Its my first time installing this mod and it seems that when I open the game the textures are all there, so all good there but when I try to fly a craft as soon as I press a key my root part flies away into oblivion. Also major aspects of the UI do not function correctly and to top that off it kerbin is either completely light blue with blue 2d rings, a white orb or just plain missing. I think this occurs with every planet and i'm running on 1.0.2 64 bit KSP with many mods, mostly part packs. I'm not sure if I messed up with installation or its incompatible with some mod.

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  SACR3DBAC0N said:
...when I try to fly a craft as soon as I press a key my root part flies away into oblivion. Also major aspects of the UI do not function correctly and to top that off it kerbin is either completely light blue with blue 2d rings, a white orb or just plain missing. I think this occurs with every planet and i'm running on 1.0.2 64 bit KSP with many mods, mostly part packs. I'm not sure if I messed up with installation or its incompatible with some mod.

Sounds like a texture compression problem from ActiveTextureManagement. Add -force-opengl to your starting shortcut. Remove the ActiveTextureManagement mod and try again. If you still need the mod for memory purposes, delete the texture cache folder and rebuild it. If icons are jacked-up with ATM, you're probably compressing those folders. Disable compression on icon folders in the ATM config.

Note: with -force-opengl, memory use is so much lower, you can get away from ATM.

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