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[1.2 - 1.4] Modular Rocket Systems v1.13.2 (2018-03-12) - Stock-alike Parts Pack


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@NecroBones has the modeling on any of the parts changed from the photos on the first page of this thread? I'm going to get the mod regardless because it looks fantastic, I'm just curious and at work so I won't be able to download and see for myself for another 8 hours and well....I'm impatient like that lol. Thanks in advance.

PS I also read somewhere this pack contains 1.25m cargo bays?




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18 minutes ago, Leafbaron said:

@NecroBones has the modeling on any of the parts changed from the photos on the first page of this thread? I'm going to get the mod regardless because it looks fantastic, I'm just curious and at work so I won't be able to download and see for myself for another 8 hours and well....I'm impatient like that lol. Thanks in advance.

PS I also read somewhere this pack contains 1.25m cargo bays?



Yep, it has some smaller cargo bays. Some of the assets have been updated a little, but most have been relatively unchanged. As an example, the large quad engine had the engine bells prettied up a bit, and the fuel tanks had some of the shadows corrected, and the RCS blocks were redesigned to more closely match the stock RCS block.

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6 minutes ago, NecroBones said:


Yep, it has some smaller cargo bays. Some of the assets have been updated a little, but most have been relatively unchanged. As an example, the large quad engine had the engine bells prettied up a bit, and the fuel tanks had some of the shadows corrected, and the RCS blocks were redesigned to more closely match the stock RCS block.

SWEET! I can't wait to start using it! 

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6 hours ago, Benji13 said:

Quick report that doesn't warrant a log. There is a spelling mistake in the description of the Quad Nuke engine. It says the 'exhaust isn't very radiactive' instead of radioactive. Cheers for a good mod,


lol, good catch. I have it fixed for the next update. :D


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  • 4 months later...
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  • 1 month later...

Could we get a variant of the Lite version that only has the parts that don't have equivilents in the other Stockalike Necro Bones family mods (basically Lithobreak, SpaceY, fuel tanks plus, and color coded canisters.  Your basic Necro-Bones stock enchancement suit.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 19/6/2017 at 8:55 AM, Ruedii said:

Could we get a variant of the Lite version that only has the parts that don't have equivilents in the other Stockalike Necro Bones family mods (basically Lithobreak, SpaceY, fuel tanks plus, and color coded canisters.  Your basic Necro-Bones stock enchancement suit.)

I agree with this, I always have downloaded the default MRS mod, and deleted some of the parts that I think doesn't fit very well on a stockalike installation with other mods:

- Fuel Tank Folder: Because if you have installer Fuel Tanks Plus and Color Coded Canisters, most of them are already there with better textures; also the radial mini tank have variants in the SpaceY mod; and the 0.625 Jet tank is stock now.

- Docking Helpers, personally, I have never used this ones... other people that are not so used to docking may use this.

- Cargo Bays: Really useful, but I think that the should have some color change to match the services bays of SpaceY.

- RCS Blocks: Useful stockalike addition, 45 degree ones and 5 way (Apollo Like) ones; unless you use RLA stockalike, because it has already a bunch of stockalike RCS Blocks.

- Jet Engines and Intakes: Stock KSP already has a 0.625m jet engine, and the same for air intake. 0.625 turbojet is useful as is its pointy intake, but black models should really be updated, they are still the old ksp non-Porkjet look.

- Various Adapters: They are somewhat useful, but if you use other stockalike mods like RLA, there are already 1.25 to 0.625 adapters.

The rest of the parts are pretty "integrated" with otehr stockalike mods as well as the "Necrobones Family Mods".

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  • 1 month later...

I am using MRS in a sandbox save, and can't find the cargo bays or MRS RCS components. Are there obvious gotchas I may have missed, or is this going to be a case of stripping out AddOns until something changes? I've searched through all the function areas, then searched through the size and feature lists.

I have Behemoth, MechJeb, kOS, Reusable, Fuel Tanks Plus, MRS, Docking Alignment Indicator, Kerbal Alarm Clock and Community Tech Tree installed. Maybe there are known conflicts?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

The MRS "Hound" engine really needs some loving.  At 5.0t and a VAC thrust of 600 kN, it's completely outclassed by the "Skipper".

RE-I5 "Skipper" 568.75 kN ASL 650 kN VAC, 280-320 Isp, 3.0t

At 2.5t to 2.8t, it would be okay for 600 kN of thrust.  Although looking at everything else in my parts folder, possibly 4.5t and 1250 kN of Vac thrust would give it a very nice niche.


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  • 1 month later...

Hey, @NecroBones Any thoughts on more ions engines? I would love to have something one size up from the stock one, that has a bit lower ISP and a bit higher TWR. I noticed this was brought up in the thread back in 2014, but didn't seem to be followed up on, after you asked what roll it would fill. I just want to have an extra choice or two for electric propulsion, rather than a single engine in stock, or a ton of new engines from near future tech that I will never use. Could also do a smaller ion engine, with crazy high ISP and very low TWR

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  • 1 month later...


For 1.4, MRS is probably OK as it is, since nothing notable changed that would affect these parts. I've posted a small fix for some of the Tweakscale errors it was throwing, if tweakscale wasn't installed.

1.13.2 (2018-03-12) - Tweaks.
 - Added some missing data to the Tweakscale config.

Edited by NecroBones
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  • 1 month later...

Hi, i have run into a particulary strange problem with your mod recently.

I am on a modded config on 1.3.1, and everything is OK (no particular warning neither in KSP log or in debug menu) but strange things happened only with your parts ... 

When i search your part in my tech tree, all is fine (in career so i need to buy them), but as soon as i am in the hangar -> Pof, your part (and only yours) are noted as un-payed. (grey) .

Of course i can pay for it in the hangar, but if i do that the bug is symetrical, as soon as i re-go in search screen or in KSC screen, the part disapear. 

I suspect it occurs during the scene change, but why only with your parts ??? And i have see nothing in the logs ...
Strange thing too : I think the buggy operation auto-refund the part too ... 


Well, if you have the begenning of an idea :P I take it ^^

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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