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KSP, Thats enough witchcraft


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KSP... What are you doing...


I got this to happen by connecting a Kerbodyne S3-7200 Fuel Tank to 3 ARM Klaws and decoupling the Fuel tank with a TR-18A Stack Decoupler.

Most surprisingly of all, it flies just fine!

I don't even...


Orbits = logic


I can replicate this "anomaly" just fine:


If I replace the stack decoupler with a docking port, more strange things happen:


Yes, the probe core is levitating.

Ultimately, I found a workaround for this "anomaly"; simply don't attach multiple ARM claws to one part.

So, have any of you guys encountered any strange/nonsensical phenomenon? If so, I'd like to hear about it!

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Awesome! Do abuse it! I'm taking a wide guess that the Klaw is causing a bug making the speed effects appear on accordance to orbit as oppose to surface speed. Like when your speedometer says your movie like 170m/s when you're standing still. Are the effects running to the west?

EDIT: nevermind the effects are running down the run way. I have NO clue what is going on xD.

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Awesome! Do abuse it! I'm taking a wide guess that the Klaw is causing a bug making the speed effects appear on accordance to orbit as oppose to surface speed. Like when your speedometer says your movie like 170m/s when you're standing still. Are the effects running to the west?

EDIT: nevermind the effects are running down the run way. I have NO clue what is going on xD.

The best part is that my speed remained at a constant 1911.9 m/s which caused the funny orbital calculation above. Interestingly, as I kept climbing higher, my orbit kept expanding as if I were traveling at that speed. Yet my ship wasn't traveling at that speed... It seems the game calculated the mach effects and the orbit based on this "1911.9 m/s" figure while the actual flight continued as it should. (well actually, the flight didn't continue "normally", my camera was horribly offset and the ship jiittered up and down a lot but it was semi normal). Also note the my altitude remains at 384 meters even though I'm clearly much higher than that.

This isn't even the end of it, on one of my flights, I got the fuel tank on an escape trajectory because its speed remained constant and it just flew off in one direction, unaffected by gravity (or my attempts to slow it down).

On another flight, my ship exploded and sent the fuel tank spinning so quickly the camera shook violently trying to keep up with it.

One time, I got to space and detached the fuel tank. When I did this, the fuel tank fixed itself relative to my ship; when I moved the ship, the fuel tank moved with it despite there being no physical connection.

The list goes on and on... Its amazing how buggy these Klaws really are...

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This isn't even the end of it, on one of my flights, I got the fuel tank on an escape trajectory because its speed remained constant and it just flew off in one direction, unaffected by gravity (or my attempts to slow it down).

On another flight, my ship exploded and sent the fuel tank spinning so quickly the camera shook violently trying to keep up with it.

One time, I got to space and detached the fuel tank. When I did this, the fuel tank fixed itself relative to my ship; when I moved the ship, the fuel tank moved with it despite there being no physical connection.

The list goes on and on... Its amazing how buggy these Klaws really are...

... heh... heheh... AHAHAHAHA XD

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Ooooh... I'll have to play with the claws more.

Perhaps I can use them to enhance my own abuse of the physics engine.

Oh no... Xacktar has learned about the Klaws...

Kerbals, run! Run while you still can!

My favorite exploit advanced physics based technique has got to be the ladder drive, something I refined enough for reliable space travel.

See the potential here:

More stuff in this thread here.

A reliable ladder drive that can SSTO off Eve? You sir, are a genius.

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