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Random sampling of some things I've memorized:

The NATO phonetic alphabet

The order of stellar spectral classes

The surface gravity in Gs of most of the bodies in KSP

The guitar chord progressions of a few dozen songs

The names of most of the Thomas the Tank Engine characters (Yay, kids!)

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The band Japan's highest single on the charts, which was Ghosts, peaking at #8 on the UK charts*. Bear in mind, they're far before my time**. Also, everything that comes in useful on the show Pointless.

*It better be right, it's the only definitive obscure fact I know!

**I think, I'm too lazy to google it.

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Until my mid-30s I had an extraordinary memory. Not photographic, but the next best thing, I guess.

In the 1980s I was running an IBM mainframe. Outside my office was a wall of 3" binders with literally 100,000 pages of printed manuals. I used to routinely do tricks that'd leave everyone's jaw hanging open. For example:

The computer is having a problem...

Okay, I remember reading something that could be helpful...I have no idea when, where or what, though.

Walked over to the wall of binders, and without looking I'd pull down a couple of them based solely on muscle memory of their location. I didn't even check the titles.

Carried them back to my desk, and started flipping pages as fast as I can, until I run across the "right" page and stop.

It freaked people out! What I remembered was the "shape" of the paragraphs and headings and whitespace on that particular page. But I'd have no idea what was going to be ON that page until I found it. In fact, I think I still remember the "shape" of most of the pages I ever read in my first 30 years, though there's no way to tell how many are actually just "memories of memories" now. Creepy, huh?

When the superpower started fading away, my wife had to teach me how to take notes. For obvious reasons, I'd never bothered. These days I put everything into Evernote, and keep an Evernote-dedicated tablet next to my laptop. I bought the tablet specifically for KSP, in fact. Alt-tabbing several times a minute was getting too awkward. Between that and Google, I manage okay.

Please nobody accuse me of bragging or respond with cruelty. This was hard to share. Yes I was a freak and yes it gave me some unfair advantages in life. And when I lost it I fell into a deep depression for years, and very nearly committed suicide. All I have left from that gift are detailed memories of exactly how much I've lost, and frequent reassurances that I "still have a pretty good memory for a guy in his 50s." Thankfully, the reasoning and creative parts of my brain have held up somewhat better. :)

So what have I memorized? Darned near everything I encountered back then, whether I wanted to or not. Much of it's still in there, though to add new things I have to practice over and over just like everyone else. I think that worry stone I used to carry in my pocket was actually Kryptonite. :)

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