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[STOCK CRAFT] Glitchpig industries!


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Hello and welcome to the Kerbal Miniturization Society! the land where the crafts are small, and the space is high!

In the Society, we make the smallest crafts possible, using various techniques and various glitches to help us in our journey!

Come, come! take a look at our wares!

Here we have the recently made Scootertron!

Coming in at only 7 parts, it is the smallest manned rover in recent history!

Have a look:


Such a beauty!

Scoot around with ease, and try your hardest not to fall over!

(warranty void if used by kerbals under 60 years of age)

craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zizmvv3ffwd06lb/Scooter.craft?dl=0

Here we have the propeller powered Biplane!

A classic stunt biplane straight out of a kerbal airshow!

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Such a beauty! Works like a dream!

To fly this craft, follow these instructions!


Do not switch to ANYTHING before decoupling the propeller. Do this by pressing space.

Then, you EVA the kerbal, get him in the seat, activate SAS, and press space.

The pod should fly away.

switch to the propeller and then hold ALT+E until the trim is full.

Then switch back to the plane. To take off, hold S and wiggle side to side using Q and E.

.Craft file!

Here's a little rover we like to call the Beetle!


Its resemblance is plain to see! both in size, and in shape!

A necessity for any mun mission!

craft file:https://www.dropbox.com/s/ip9wg5x3z3b5lq8/Minirover.craft?dl=0

And finally, we have the classic spin-fly!

Elegant as a swan, hovering inexplicably above a lake.

Okay, not too much like a swan, but you get the point.




This one is literally based upon a glitch!

Happy trails!

craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rmc3uvjnecs72k1/Spinfly.craft?dl=0

And, of course, We have the updated version of the craft above!


Looking much much better and smaller, it is more controllable and goes up better!

The best of the bunch!

And here is a craft made by Upsilon Aerospace!

He calls it Kraken bait!

Useful if you want to sacrifice a few kerbals to the kraken for good luck on a launch!

Another one of out good crafts is the mini-blimp!

This specific craft competed in the three bridges cup! (it didn't win anything, but that's a different matter)

Here is its competition video! It is pretty clear.

.Craft file soon!

And here is our crown jewel of glitchpig industries:

The Infini-K Interstellar shuttle!

With infinite capabilities, this craft is the most far reaching of all of our crafts!

Whats its secret? Look and find out!

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Still don't know? It has a k-drive and an infiniglide engine!

Built with a glitch, and flown with a glitch! It's easy to see why we call this one our crown jewel.

So far, it has only been to eve!

The new and improved version (with a ladder at the back for extra propulsion methods) Has also been to and taken off from minmus!

.Craft file!

We hope you enjoyed your visit!



and, Check out my Youtube channel, TheFlameyKerbal, for comedic and educational videos!

Edited by Spacepigu
updates crafts and banners, oh my!
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H'm. I thought I was the only one who made a bunch of small rovers, bizarre infinigliding things, aesthetically-pleasing-but-questionably-flyable aircraft, and very glitchy designs!


Looking back on this, I obviously stole these ideas from you. I'm sorry.

That being said, if that's all that you're going to do with infinigliders... well, here's a fairly good reason to pursue them a bit more. Not only is it fueled by glitches, but it also causes glitches. The Kraken seems to love it. And when I say "love it," I mean "love it."

Your rovers are really awesome, by the way. I should get back to making some of those cute little guys. :)

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Mind you, i don't mind that you stole these craft. The reason why i put them up there is for people to look at them and make things of their own!

In fact, Would you mind immensely if i put your craft on the front page?

Edited by Spacepigu
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Mind you, i don't mind that you stole these craft. The reason why i put them up there is for people to look at them and make things of their own!

I was actually being a little facetious. I've been building small rovers, planes, glitchy designs, etc. and posting videos on them since at least 0.21. Of course, you didn't steal the ideas from me, either. I suppose we both just like making the same sorts of things.

You seem to prefer very small rovers, though, whereas I prefer VTOLs. Witness one of my latest creations, for example: the Most Adorable VTOL In KSP!

In fact, Would you mind immensely if i put your craft on the front page?

That would be fantastic, just as long as you give me some sort of credit for the designs I make. :)

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Hi Spacepigu!

I really like your little rovers! I'm a fan of little rovers. I made this, the SKR-1 last year for my Selene apollo craft.


Fits inside a 1x1 panel. I call it the wheel chair! :D

Keep up the good work mate!

For the Scootertron, what is the primary part? any solar panels?

Edited by Majorjim
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1, my bliplane prop is my own design, but based off of his. And to start the wheelchair i had a decoupler that i put the chair on.

Riiight so the chair is not the primary part, the decoupler is. Then you build the rover and just decouple when you load the thing.

I thought it was something like that as without the primary part changing mod it's impossible to select the chair as the primary part.

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