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Esinohio's Blender farm


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1 hour ago, Jon144 said:

Thank you again so much for that great Kinchook render. I'm wondering if you could make an action shot of those delivering cargo to the front lines similar to the cobra render. So much amazing work here as always Esinohio!

Sounds fun, I'll give it a go and see what I can come up with.

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An epic Star Wars speeder bike from Mad Rocket Scientist.  Thought I'd do a quick shot of Jeb squeezing off some rounds while zipping along through the forest. Good times :cool:


Find it along with other craft here !!

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Circling back to having fun with camera tracking.  The Blender camera track here is a bit wonky as the helicopter jumps a bit occasionally but I thought it was still kind of neat, even if it is low resolution.  

Jon144's KH-47 Kinchook hovering low over my good friends house.


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And yet more fun camera tracking Jon144's KH-47 Kinchook.  Managed to get a much better camera tracking out of this footage resulting in a much more stable helicopter animation.   Next I'm off to the flight line to get some nice footage of a runway situation. A friend thought we might get some cool footage at the Air Force museum.  Maybe add a few Kerbal rockets or aircraft to the displays outside?  Would be interesting to see if I could actually do it.


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This is too cool! It almost looks real! Great work!


Could you do a render for me? I'd like this probe from the RT-10 upwards:




In some kind of clean room, being prepped for launch. Something like this:




The craft file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4lZOkLwPTe7MmxSUl8tWmpKQ0k/view?usp=sharing


Hope you're up for it! It's called NAP-2, and it's the main science workhorse of my save right now.

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1 minute ago, Pine said:

This is too cool! It almost looks real! Great work!


Could you do a render for me? I'd like this probe from the RT-10 upwards:

  Hide contents



In some kind of clean room, being prepped for launch. Something like this:

  Hide contents



The craft file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4lZOkLwPTe7MmxSUl8tWmpKQ0k/view?usp=sharing


Hope you're up for it! It's called NAP-2, and it's the main science workhorse of my save right now.

Looks like fun!  I'll give it a shot and see what I can come up with.  I love the clean room idea/launch prep idea.

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Messing around with a tutorial I found.  The original tutorial had two random planets smashing into one another so I changed it a bit and added Kerbin.  Tutor4u was the author of the original tutorial and has some great stuff on his Youtube channel showcasing various neat functions in Blender.   Some interesting cycles material node setups were used in this one.


Kerbin having a bad day.  

4rjk3cr.png  5Uzsz03.png

Legal Notice: Millions of Kerbals may have been hurt while filming this.

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Hey, @esinohio, would you be able to do a render of my Duna LK Recreation?

Would it be too much to ask if it could be launching from a desert launch site, like Baikonur Cosmodrome?

Also, would there be a way to give the parts a more "Soyuzy" look? Or something cool like this green Soyuz with a silver fairing?


Thank you!

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19 hours ago, Gman_builder said:

Yo can you make a quick render of my Boeing 777 please? Maybe one of it at cruising alt or in a climb. Thanks!


Sure, let me give it a go.

18 hours ago, DMSP said:

Hey, @esinohio, would you be able to do a render of my Duna LK Recreation?


After I get done with Gman_builder's and one other I'll get on that Duna LK.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not exactly a Blender topic but I found a neat method of turning pictures or screenshots into something that looks like pencil art for free using Gimp.  

Original vs drawing 

E7VmyuS.png      x1hV6KV.png

Might be interesting to someone who wants drawing style artwork of some sort.  I thought it was neat so I figured I'd pass it along to people here.  Quick Youtube tutorial can be found here.  Not my channel.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/12/2016 at 7:29 PM, esinohio said:

Not exactly a Blender topic but I found a neat method of turning pictures or screenshots into something that looks like pencil art for free using Gimp.  

Original vs drawing 



That looks like a fun thing I could try!  I could do some quick coloring stuff with that, and other stuff as well! I'll be chacking it out later when I have time, thanks @esinohio for sharing!

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  • 4 weeks later...
5 hours ago, EVA_Reentry said:

Hey, can you render my AUSV?


Dowload is on kerbalx:




Sadly since the last update to both KSP and Blender I can't seem to get the import to function properly anymore.  So I'll pretty much be hanging up doing traditional renders :(  Instead I'm going to take a stab at doing occasional renders completely from scratch. The idea will be to closely mimic the original KSP look and texture style, just maybe throw some more polygons at some of the pieces when I model them ;-)  Well as long as we are adding polys some vastly updated textures wouldn't hurt either.  I was hoping to do something along the lines of epic work Pine and friends are doing over in his thread,  just in a different medium.

  I'm working on one now I promised to ZooNamedGames a bit ago prior to my extended vacation but if you're willing to wait a bit I can also do one for you.  

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