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Esinohio's Blender farm


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Yet more fun in Photoshop and Blender.  Discovered a neat way to quickly make interesting textures for gas giant type planets using noise gradients in Photoshop.  

A Voyager variant

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Here it is with a Juno probe.

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LCU8DbB.png 5IZUqrI.png acxsUZT.png

A few more pics in the album: http://imgur.com/a/dAeZL

Working on a procedural moonscape texture generator in Blender that might be useful to someone.  With luck I'll be able to add some controls to add cracks to the surface so valleys can be added.  Maybe lava flows?  The texture uses generated cords so it can be applied to any surface if you want a quick moon terrain. 


Very basic blend file if you're interested in the early version.



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The procedural moonscape generator saga continues with a first stab at adding the crack/canyon generator.  With enough tweaking pretty much any crack shape can be made but I'm still going to add some option to use my own texture maps as well.  Here I just quickly made a thin crack and gave it an emission shader to fake some lava but with tweaking a regular plain canyon can be made with colors that vary depending on depth.

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Testing on the shader continues and I think I found a nice way to add deep canyons.  At least I don't think this one looks too awful as far as canyons go :wink:  


Tweaked it some more and added in the other part of the shader to get this.


 Might be useful to someone who wants to quickly pump out some random rocky moons/planets for that Kopernicus mod. The normal, bump, specular, and diffuse maps should be fairly easy to bake in Blender. 

A quick Eeloo type planet.


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I haven't even touched that thing. Tried getting all set up with that addon but getting some trace errors, either because I forgot how to properly do directories or all the code fixes required. Really would like to see the outcome of those sketches and "cartoon" like renders. :D Glad to see you are back.


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Discovered the pure awesomeness that is the pen tool in Photoshop (Path tool in Gimp I think?). :cool:  It makes drawing the lines and curves a snap.  A work in progress lacking a ton of detail.


And with some zero shading flat colors for fun.



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Yet more sketching practice, this time on an older rover I was circumnavigating the Mun with.  


Of course if you have a very clean screenshot of it you can massage it in Photoshop for a much cooler looking pencil drawing effect.


Colored part of picture is from Blender render I was tinkering with.

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I'm hoping with enough practice, and maybe a heap of YouTube tutorials, I'll be able actually paint a darn Kerbal.  Rabble, Rabble, Rabble, Rabble.....



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Just some basic color going in to help keep things easier for me to work on. Still needs a ton of small detail work but I think it is moving along nicely.


Found a screenshot from @Stongduke over in @Pine's thread.  Thought it would be fun to give it a slight tweak in the spirit of this thread instead. 


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  On 3/9/2017 at 5:26 PM, Seabo14 said:

How's that file I sent you working out? Also, I recently started learning blender, is there a fairly easy way to do re-entry effects? Either static or animated.


Thanks a lot,




File is working well thanks!

As for reentry effects, the easiest way to tackle the problem I think would be to use a particle system.  If we use the MK1 pod as an example I would put some sort of emitter down toward the bottom edge of the pod.  Like below.


Next I would add a few particle systems to the emitter and set it so that it's not rendered. As far as the particles go I highly suggest you do some experimentation. One interesting method I learned was to use planes as the objects being emitted.


Move the planes to another layer.  Add a constraint to the plane to it always copies the camera's rotation.  Now when those are emitted the will all magically face the camera.  Then add a Blend texture to the particle system that effects the size of the particle, mine is a bit off below and should have started the particles bigger (oh well ).  Now they will go from small to big over their lifetime.  As for what to put on the planes you can honestly go nuts. You can probably find a ton of materials for fake looking fire floating around the internet. I just threw some noise material that is masked out on the edges.  Just to prove the concept.   This is where you can go nuts on materials!  I kept it very simple here.  


Next I just added a chopped up sphere to the bottom and gave it an emission shader like in the color picture above. Not sure why I used UV cords(picture below), generated would have worked just fine as well.  Again, simple shader.  No bump, no specular, etc.  A bump map of some sort would really make that shield pop.


Particles are the easy method, just experiment around and do some googling for "Fake Blender Fire" and you should find a ton of material setups.

Of course if you're wanting to completely melt your CPU or GPU then there is always volumetric fire. With enough tinkering you can produce everything from cartoon looking fire to amazingly real looking fire. 



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  On 3/10/2017 at 4:10 PM, Seabo14 said:

Wow, Thanks! I tried volumetric fire, but I couldn't get the domain to become invisible. It just ends up with a grey box. Ideas?


Hmm, sounds like something weird happened.  Quickway to setup that domain is just to select the object you want to catch fire, press the space bar and type quick smoke.  That will setup a domain for you.  Sadly, the fire shader included in Blender will not actually display the fire.  Just the smoke.  Below you will find two different methods to making your flames appear.  Select the domain, go to your node editor and then peek at the pictures below.

 First, our old friend the color ramp. (Note that in addition to changing the colors, alpha levels of those colors can also be changed.)  Experiment!!!!!


The second method uses the Blackbody node.  In a broad stroke it tells Blender ignition points.  Something along those lines.


And lastly some domain settings you can play with


Go nuts and play with values.  Settings on the emitter itself can also be changed to produce some really neat effects!!!  I would highly suggest peeking at Blender Guru's fire tutorial here.  You can see how changing some of those settings can produce highly realistic looking effects.  Have fun!

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