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Grace and peace to you all...


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As an introduction and welcome, hi everyone. I've been a long term forum lurker, and now feel the desire to start posting missions and such.

Whilst my user name seems a rather catholic, I’m actually an Anglican (read Episcopalian for those unsure) – my space agency is AngleCan. I do have a theory on a possible kerbal worldview/ philosophy/ theosophy on the nature of rails and krakens and where kerbals may go when permadeath is off and lithobraking has been the action of the day. These things no doubt I’ll express at some later stage.

AngleCan HQ is in New Zealand.

Also, I've been playing since .19 or .20 I think, downloaded the .18.2 demo first and bought the same day off Steam. See you all orbit!

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Hi Vanamonde, yes I think I can guess some! It is nice however to be a part of a wider group of like minded individuals across the world who do not see race or even creed as being something to judge on! This community is pretty awesome when it comes to respect and helping out fellow kerbalnauts.

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Yes, we're not like those bigots over at the Kerbin People's Front.

Or was the People's Front of Kerbin? I forget which.

Yes indeed! I mean what has Wernher von Kerman ever done for us? Apart from Science(TM) and rocket parts and teaching us how to get into space?

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And with your spirit.

With a handle like that, are you at least High Church? (No, you don't have to answer in public. However, if you'd like some light theological discussion, feel free to PM me.)

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And with your spirit.

With a handle like that, are you at least High Church?

Lol. Thanks Jovus.

No, I'm just plain ol' middle of the road. Happy to be in whatever environment as long as it is doing what it should! I can however swing a mean thurible if called upon.

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It's always god to see new pilots theJesuit, welcome to the forums :D

Thanks sal_vager. As for piloting, I'm looking forward to the .25 update to the plane parts! The 'Hanger gets most visits once QA starts and Kerbals complete their pilgrimage back home and the expectant wait begins.

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