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The 0.25 Waiting Room, now boarding passengers heading to Hypetown


What Hype Vehicle Would You Rather Ride In?  

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  1. 1. What Hype Vehicle Would You Rather Ride In?

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I havent been on the forums for 2 days! And the update is TODAY! But wait, So is danny's video, coincidence? I think not!


Wait... Now wait a minute... did you just make that up? I don't thing today's the day yet.

But I guess there IS a Danny special vid! :D

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They aren't going to have the game release before they have the media release. We will see youtube videos from HOCGaming, Danny2462, EnterElysium, and Scott Manley (and maybe a few others I don't know of) before we see a download.

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I feel like an old man, scoffing at these young whippersnappers getting excited about release, knowing that it's too late in the day, the media release hasn't happened yet, my left knee isn't aching (it has a sense for when the updates come). I've seen some serious stuff in my time...

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Anthony (Rowsdower): I don’t know if you can tell, but things seem to be winding down on the 0.25 development front. Everyone’s got a few less rabbits to pull out of their hats this week. Let me see if I can find a few…oh, yes! How about an onslaught of 0.25 media? Get set for some of your favorite KSP Youtubers to unleash havoc on 0.25 this Saturday, October 4. If that’s not enough, KSP-TV’s going to be playing 0.25 live for you all weekend. Make sure to keep up with our programming SCHEDULE as it comes together.

In short, if the poster-child media streamers (Manley, etc) wont be streaming until this weekend, we wont be seeing the 0.25 patch until next week.

Link to dev blog here: http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/post/98847223109/devnote-tuesdays-the-calm-before-the-storm-edition

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