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T-7 Technology --- a reconfigured more flexible and believable StockTechTree


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The Tall Transpositioned Tritium Titanium TechTree (T-7)

UPDATE: 0.25 allows to set the Science gains yourself, so you can adjust the difficulty on your own. Therefor i updated the late node numbers, to make it possible to beat the tree in hard mode. New numbers: Get all stock parts: 14860 Points , Finish Tree : 40860 Points.

Version 1.0:


This is a reconfiguration of the Stock Tech Tree. It gives you more flexibility and believability in how you want to do things. It offer possibilities to start with planes without researching rocket tech first, or rockets from the beginning, or probes at the beginning, or you can get even simple wheels as a starter technology, so you can start with Rovers without even lifting off. Just as you feel fitting to your playstyle and how you feel what should come first. It offers much more flexibility at the start and makes the start more believable for everyone.

But near the end it becomes much more expensive than the normal stock Tree, and so gives your Missions a more Science related purpose. If you're really patient you can still unlock all stock parts in Kerbins SOI (it requires exactly 14860 SP), but its near the maximum Value of Kerbins SOI, so it would become really tedious, encouraging for missions into deeper space.

And it also offers the stock-mod-nodes (aka Tier9), although some of them wont unlock anything new, they are shown and can be researched, giving you at least something to spend your Science Points on. Finishing the Tree including all the non-part-nodes requires over 40860 Points, which is close to the maximum of the over all available Science in hard mode. So if you unlock all of the Nodes you can proudly say, you have researched everything KSP has to see.


Made using ATC-Mod:

This project includes the "Alternative Tree Configurator" plugin to modify the tech tree. Details can be found in the ATC release post. ATC includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin.

Modify the configuration as you want. Just don't claim the original unchanged (or current release) configuration as your own!

If you tried it or using it, share your opinion here.



Edited by SkyRex94
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The Parts itself are in the same Nodes as in the Stock Tree. And there is the same Mod support as in the stock Tree, parts will be added in the nodes where the mod puts them, like always. If you've mechjeb installed you'll see it'll still use the Tier 9 Node 'Automation'. I don't changed any of the Part-in-Node Places, just reconfigured, reconnected and repriced the Nodes itself in a IMO better way than stock.

Mod support is exactly as StockTree Mod support is.

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The Parts itself are in the same Nodes as in the Stock Tree. And there is the same Mod support as in the stock Tree, parts will be added in the nodes where the mod puts them, like always. If you've mechjeb installed you'll see it'll still use the Tier 9 Node 'Automation'. I don't changed any of the Part-in-Node Places, just reconfigured, reconnected and repriced the Nodes itself in a IMO better way than stock.

Mod support is exactly as StockTree Mod support is.

ok thank you :)

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I am in the process of running through your custom tree and I have to say that I really like it so far. It is nice to be forced to leave the Kerbin system to complete the tree.

I like how it splits things up and allows you to focus on a specific path without crippling you for doing so.

There are a few things that could be implemented better with regards to its interaction with other mods. For instance, Universal Storage has a wedge for the goo container that does not get unlocked when the stock goo container does. I realize you left alone the placement of parts from mods. Maybe you could work out some way to make parts from other mods more compatible through the use of optional .cfg files.

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This seems quite promising, I'm going to give it a whirl.

I just have one question though:


But near the end it becomes much more expensive than the normal stock Tree, and so gives your Missions a more Science related purpose. If you're really patient you can still unlock all stock parts in Kerbins SOI (it requires exactly 21160 SP)

Isn't Kerbin's SOI total science value about 10,080 or something like that?

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There are a few things that could be implemented better with regards to its interaction with other mods. For instance, Universal Storage has a wedge for the goo container that does not get unlocked when the stock goo container does. I realize you left alone the placement of parts from mods. Maybe you could work out some way to make parts from other mods more compatible through the use of optional .cfg files.

Where is the part from that mod appearing in the Stock Tech Tree? Exactly there it should be in this too. If it's not appearing at all in stock than the mod author has to write a ScienceRequired into his part .cfgs. If its appearing in Stock it should also appear in this and any other ATC-Tree at the same location. If you meant to modify the position yourself: go into the part.cfg of the mod part and change the Science Required to where you want it to unlock.

Isn't Kerbin's SOI total science value about 10,080 or something like that?

i just figured it out before setting the science values of the Tree. Kerbin SOI absolute maximum Science (Kerbin,Mun and Minmus) is exactly 23079 Science Points.


Edited by SkyRex94
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Where is the part from that mod appearing in the Stock Tech Tree? Exactly there it should be in this too.

The Goo Container in yours is in Basic Rocketry. The Goo Wedge from Universal Storage is in Survivability. I haven't removed the ATC mod to look at where they are with the stock tech tree. But it seems they were in the same category as they should be.

EDIT: Yours are exactly where they are in stock. The difference is in stock, both Basic Rocketry and Survivability are obtained pretty quick, but in your tech tree, Survivability takes a little longer to achieve. So it makes it feel more misplaced. It's not your fault or problem.

I guess the maker of Universal Storage should put the goo wedge in Basic Rocketry.

Edited by FredGarven77
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Yes placing it later was intended. I found it a bit odd with survivability to gain access to quite good landing legs, the best parachutes and one of the most efficient chemical engines right at the beginning. The same way i found it odd that basic little rover Wheels came so late in the stock tree.

So as i said mod parts will be where the mod places it (by the name of the node), of course this can lead to some unsenseful placement of mod parts with a repositioned techtree if they where placed with the stock positions in mind. But if you have one or two part mods you use all the time you can just adjust their treeposition in the parts .cfg file.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This looks a very good start. I`ll download this and see f I can figure out how to adapt it (if it needs it at all)

Over 100 Downloads, i think thats good for a Tech Tree:) If someone tested it out please leave your opinion here

255 downloads now...

Edited by John FX
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UPDATE: 0.25 allows to set the Science gains yourself, so you can adjust the difficulty on your own. Therefor i updated the late node numbers, to make it possible to beat the tree in hard mode. New numbers: Get all stock parts: 14860 Points , Finish Tree : 40860 Points.

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This is the first Tech-tree i am genuinely happy with (been over a few) It completely fills my needs and have absolutely no complaints! Thanks a lot :D

Thanks, great to hear that.

Since T7 seems to be the second most popular TechTree on Kerbalstuff, i would like to read some more opinions from people who tried it :)

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It's great, the option to go planes/rover or rockets at the start is something that should be in the basic game. Makes no sense that I can shove a green dude into orbit on a rocket but I can't move him 2 feet on wheels. Especially since there's a bunch of annoying vehicles rolling around the VAB! It's not rocket science, ...really...wheels aren't.

Would be good if you were to work in some of the more popular mods with it, KW/NP, MJ, MKS etc. Best techtree I've used to date however, and I've tried a few :P

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This looks awesome! I'm definitely going to use this in my .25 career now that other mods are getting updated!


Nice tree, it allows you to choose between launching rockets, manned or unmanned, or making rovers, or planes right at the start.

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I dont think its working for me because I dont see any manned vs unmanned at the start? I only have the stock capsule :(

Ok, maybe not exactly at the start but the very early nodes in the tree. With all the science available in ksc it's pretty easy to unlock all these possibilities very early on. In stock instead you would be stuck with going to the mun type of missions.

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I dont think its working for me because I dont see any manned vs unmanned at the start? I only have the stock capsule :(

It is the first tier of research available. You could give yourself 10 starting science to go to unmanned right away.

I like the way it is laid out as I can go the unmanned route, normal rocket route, even get rovers right away.

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