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JebediahKerman42's Procedural Part Textures!


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[KSP 1.0.4] Freedom's Procedural Parts Textures [1.5]

(as of June 30, 2015)

A set of textures for Procedural Parts!


These textures are mostly from a request thread on Reddit, and I'm open to adding more! Feel free to leave requests in the comments.


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Place the "FreedomTex" folder into your GameData folder. (IMPORTANT: NOT "Freedomtex 1.3", but the folder inside of it)


You must have ProceduralParts and ModuleManager to run this.


V.1.5: Textures converted to DDS, wonky normal maps fixed, 3 new textures

V.1.4: New Textures: Brass, end textureV. 1.3: New Textures: ATV, Destiny, Stockgrey; Changed texture: heatshield; ported over to KerbalStuffV 1.2: -Added Delta IV texture, redid Ariane texture, darkened Heatshield for less obnoxious look, made Greeble look less like puke, added CSM texture

-switched all files from .TGA to .PNG, memory usage halved

V. 1.1:-Added 3 new textures: AtlasV, Greeble, and S-IVB

-Started using ModuleManager to simplify installation (Thanks, Taki117!)

License: This is protected under the MIT License.

Edited by Freedom
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If I might make a suggestion: Make your life easier by using Module Manager.

Instead of having people go through the complicated process of finding the right folder and hoping they dropped it in the right spot make a folder for your textures and use Module Manager (since most people will have it anyway) to modify the file.



to the top of your file will allow you to change the name (to something like Freedomtex.cfg) and have a folder just for your textures (like FreedomTex) and then when you zip it up you can have a GameData folder that can be dropped in the KSP folder so that it looks something like this.

KSP_Win -> GameData -> FreedomTex

Just my 2 cents, Great job on the textures.

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Just a quick favour to ask, can you pop a link back to here in your KerbalStuff homepage field? That means folks using the CKAN can bring up the forum page with a single click. :)

Many, many thanks!

~ Paul

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You should make these installable with CKAN!

Sure thing! I've been looking for stuff to add to an update which should come out very soon, this sounds cool.

EDIT: Unfortunately, I'm on mac so I can't run CKAN, but luckily Ippo has done it already! Thanks!

Edited by Freedom
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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