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Those are largely irrelevant to KSP, and the hard surface one which would be the best addition is missing images.

Texturing isn't just about hardsurface/softsurface. it's more about observing light's behaviour across different surfaces and paying attention to details. What to look for and how to replicate what you see is what those texture tutorials have in spades. With Unity 5 and PBR materials, that stuff is more relevant than ever. As far as texturing goes, KSP is still in the 90s.

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Is there any indication that Squad will make use of this, or that it'll be available to us?

nli2work, you might know this: What's the difference between Unity shaders and their KSP counterparts.

If/When Squad moves to Unity 5, everything should be PBR, at least the option will be available to modders like TextureReplacer or EVE, etc. From what I saw in the presentation videos from Unity, there's 1 general shader in Unity 5, maybe a few additional shaders for very specific uses. But for 90% of everything, it will be one shader. IIRC Squad was quoted on "Dropping everything for Unity 5 integration" or something to that effect. so I'm hoping. Even if Squad decides to remain in legacy mode, these tutorials will still be relevant if you really want to make good textures.

KSP shaders are Unity shaders, with some settings turned off and some others added. for example the KSP Diffuse shader doesn't have a color channel while Unity Diffuse does. Unity Diffuse doesn't have a rim falloff setting while KSP Diffuse shader does. there are really only two kinds of shaders, GLSL (OpenGL) and HLSL (D3D). Level of support for both are built into the graphics card/drivers I think, so you don't have to worry about it much in Unity. I don't know much of the specifics, but it's more or less like developing a plugin, you write it, then compile it into a shader. Everything is done in passes, similar to how modifiers stack work in Blender or Max. you can do simple operations like just vertex colors or diffuse; or you can do super complex stuff like real-time reflections with normal mapping and separate channels for specular intensity and colors; or even more complex stuff like surface deformation with DX11 surface shaders.

Edited by nli2work
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Hey all, I noticed there doesn't appear to be a section in the list for Launch Clamps. Frizzank did a brief one, using the FASA launch clamps as an example. They're extremely picky and surprisingly confusing to work out, but the information in that thread helped me to get it working, so it's probably worth a link in the OP here.

Thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76136-FASA-Launch-tower-tutorial

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I have got a question: The mystery Goo simultaneously plays an animation and a science experiment at one click. Where can I find a tutorial for this?

Here. There's not much info but if you know how to do create animations, and if you've used other modules in the past then this is no different. Also just have a look through the other science part cfgs in Squads folder. In fact look through the whole Squad folder to start with. You'll get a general idea of how things work.

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I'm recommend the Substance Unity Videos to everyone who is making textures for parts. An Especial attention to number 6. (if choose on first, besides watch all of then)

Here some links:





Edited by Climberfx
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This is nice and all but:

  1. I'm guessing about one or two people on this forum own that software, and they probably already know how to use it. On the other hand those that are serious enough to consider buying something expensive like this probably don't do it just to mod, and probably look up tutorials on google.
  2. The OP is already long enough for people's eye to glaze over.
  3. I specifically only list tools that are free, so there's no point in adding tutorials for something that isn't.

Edited by Cpt. Kipard
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No problem, just a suggestion. I will use it for my work too. Is marvelous.

If you know who already use it, or anybody, just tell me. I wanna strait relation ship with to short the lear curve. ;) If possible.

And try to use some of points from video 6, like live color change, alfa logos (the mods that do that i know), etc.

Thanks Cpt. Kipard.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After reading through the intro, I suggest you put something under TEXTURING about remastering/editing pre-existing/stock part textures. I'm not looking to modelling new parts, but I want to take the stock part textures and create my own variants on them. I don't see a tutorial on this in the main page (unless it's very hard to spot). This would mean how to convert .mbm's to PNG's and other relevant information. Is this a good suggestion? It sure would help out me.

- Avera9eJoe

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After reading through the intro, I suggest you put something under TEXTURING about remastering/editing pre-existing/stock part textures. I'm not looking to modelling new parts, but I want to take the stock part textures and create my own variants on them. I don't see a tutorial on this in the main page (unless it's very hard to spot). This would mean how to convert .mbm's to PNG's and other relevant information. Is this a good suggestion? It sure would help out me.

- Avera9eJoe

good point. this tool is what you want http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47068; it's a Unity script that will convert MBM to PNGs; you can convert individual files or process the entire gamedata folder. PNGs have same file name and are placed in the same location as original MBM.

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good point. this tool is what you want http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47068; it's a Unity script that will convert MBM to PNGs; you can convert individual files or process the entire gamedata folder. PNGs have same file name and are placed in the same location as original MBM.

Also MeCripp posted a link to an independent mbm-png and back Github download made by a KSP modder (but not only for KSP) some time ago:

I hope this link is useful too. ^-^

Edited by Avera9eJoe
OOPS wrong link xD
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