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Open Letter to SQUAD


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Your mods are gods, they can silence all dissent without answering for their actions.

Your EULA states that you can walk away at any time, so if all else fails, you can quit.

You could sell to Microsoft for 2.5 BILLION, and give a lame excuse like "I felt like i was losing my humanity".

In short, you have nothing to fear.

Sincerely, AvronMullican.

Edited by AvronMullican
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Thanks for the endorsement of divinity, but last I checked I was mortal.

Also, the fact that the thread where you posted this is (a) still open, (B) running mostly against the feature, and © in the general discussion forum, like many others criticizing Squad, does not lend credence to the argument that we run this place with an iron fist. :)

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I have to concur with Nathan on this one. We as mods share many different opinions on the feature; many of us have different opinions on how best to moderate and have different styles. However, the only thing we can do is moderate discussion by enforcement of the rules which are publicly stated.

Really, it saddens me that we are thought of as these omnipotent beings or something. We spend our free time to make sure there is a structure for discussion on this game that i think we ALL agree is a passionate issue for us.

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