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CPU impact of non-active ships

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I've started to hit FPS problems recently, with 100% of a CPU core in use. I was wondering how much of a CPU load non-active ships flying "on rails" impose; if it's worth deorbiting some of the mess of comms satellites I have up and replacing them with a smaller number of more capable ones. Any comment, please?

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To put things in perspective, you could have 10,000 On-Rails ships (including debris, flags, asteroids, etc) and you would still be using less processing power than if you left Notepad open in the background.
Thanks. (I see this item was moved; I wasn't sure where to put it, since I was interested in the answer for both modded and unmodded games). I'll not worry about my commsat array, then.
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Remote Tech, and KSPInterstellar related items do add up to serious lag though.. with all the relay line of sight, power calcs, and nuclear fuel usage stuff I assume.

Also I found the load times for launching a ship take longer and longer as the above related flights add up as well.

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I'm guessing that your issue is more related to which mods you've got rather than the number of in flight craft.

Who mods affect non active flights? I know TAC life suport does something but not much, it messes up both electricity and water/ air use if you have recycling so I think its just estimates based on data then you left ship.

I know having many large ship makes switching back to space center and to tracking station very slow, it also increase memory use.

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Who mods affect non active flights? I know TAC life suport does something but not much, it messes up both electricity and water/ air use if you have recycling so I think its just estimates based on data then you left ship.
The TACLS panel just counts down the amounts you left behind when the ship was last active, as if the kerbonauts aboard were using them and nothing else was generating or consuming them; but as far as I know this is just to give you a guess as to endurance, and when you return to the ship it fast-forwards to find out if the little green rascals are actually dead or not.
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No mods affect on rails flights. Some mods like TAC Life Support and Remote Tech 2 do ancillary actions while the craft is unloaded. Other mods like Karbonoite do time based calculations when the craft is reloaded to simulate actions that would have taken place while it was unloaded (Karbonite can be collected and refined while the craft is unloaded, but technically it does nothing until you reload the craft, a little bit of programming illusion and fakery). However none of these directly affect the unloaded craft while it is unloaded.

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