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Hypetrain derailed, all aboard the hype CHOPPA to 0.25!


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With excitement building for 0.25, Knievel Kerman got out his old choppa "The Badass" and decided to honor Squads effort by jumping 25 Duna rovers, because trains are just boring!


What would you like to see Knievel jump next on Kerbin? Screenshots please!

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Nice vid! But yeah as Voculus said, daytime filming would have been better.

Question; did you film it in one take, or multiple takes to get the different camera angles?

Multiple painstakingly recreated takes, to the point where all the lighting ran out of battery power and I didn't notice until I finished filming...

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Hype traffic control has decided that the hypeairspace is getting too hypecrowded, creating a danger of hypecollisions. For your hypesafety, this hyepchannel has been hypeclosed, and we hyperecommend that you hypeuse one of the hypeother hypethreads. Hypethank hypeyou.

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