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What would you want in the next update (0.90)?


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I would like to see some rover science instruments like scoops and ground sample testers, coupled with a small science bay to analyse them.

Also, as mentioned, multi monitor functionality would be great and extremely immersive!

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  Dooz said:
More planets.

Seriously I landed on everything im bored.

I'd say more diverse planets. A second Jool with Eeloo on tow would be... a second Jool. More planets should mean planets that pose a different challenge. I'd like to see twin planets (the problem is how to make them with patched conics) and vulcanism

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Biomes are confirmed, so...

NEAR-like aerodynamics as default, with FAR-like aerodynamics being an option.

Due to the new destruction and rebuilding feature... bases? Perhaps new extraterrestrial KSC's can be built at low-gravity stations like Minmus...

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Mineable resources on all planets, moons, Etc and parts that make it possible to mine, process/convert into fuel, oxidizer, monoprop, materials for building new parts etc...

Yeah. I know.

Squad shelved the resources project a while back. It doesn't mean they totally abandoned the idea.

Yeah. I know. Kethane. Still, having what Squad talked about for resources would be, IMO, a great addition to the game.

Yeah. I know. Lots of people don't want that added. That's the beauty of KSP. You play your way, I'll play my way, we'll both have fun.

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Since you asked.

Now that parts have to be purchased in career mode, and since most of us have a ton of parts to keep up with, many we don't use in different games.....I would like to see unpurchased parts disappear from the VAB, at least have this as a game option.

- More planets - an asteroid belt would be nice.

- Planets with life

- - planets with life that can be tampered with

- Better physics warp

- A collision mesh maker utility

- A utility that can unwrap MBM files into BMP for repaints.

- Some better documentation of parts to show exactly what scalar parameters are for stock part meshes. Without this modding stock parts for speciality uses is more or less like playing roulette.

- A utility in the VAB that displays things like delta of axial symmetry (i.e. how far you current center of mass is off the thrust axis)

- A utility in the VAB that displays segmental flexibility or alternative maximum amount of force that can be applied safely

- LfOx electrical generator (i.e. SS fuel cells)

- flushmounted standouts for the attachment of large number of small rockets on a larger fuel tank (i.e. like spaceX rockets). I have made these by converting Octo controllers by removing their functions and replacing their attachment to include surface attach.

- Space plane wings exhibit poor lift aerodynamics. Most of the lift produced by a wing is not due to planar deflection but to bernoulli's force.

- Variable telescoping parts and landing struts

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I'd love to see resources being minable and ultimately being able to build buildings on the new planet so you expand and colonize and launch from there. For example, say the requirement for building a VHB is x amount of fuel, x amount of steel etc. After you gather/transport all of that to the planet you can build a VHB on that planet/moon.

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I'd like a revamp of the planets surface (higher textures and more stuff to do on them) especially kerbin more bases and stuff to do higher quality textures and more biomes on kerbin eg jungles thick trees area and also Palm trees as well I'd love there to be loads of stuff to do on kerbin and one day maybe actual city's on kerbin and places that have unique stuff to this one I don't really mind about but animals for the thick jungle and stuff ( don't mind about that one) so just a way to make kerbin feel more alive. And also weather eg strong winds to fly in and nice calm sky's. fogey fogey sky's and hurricanes some times also tsunami maybe as well and maybe volcanos on the planets that give you a lot of science if you go near but it's dangerous

Edited by CG_Kerbin
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Better aerodynamics and payload fairings. MK3 overhaul. Proper IVAs for all cockpits.

I think I would be very satisfied with those. The game would feel complete in a certain way, but there's of course plenty of things which could be added.

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Laundry List time!

- Fix bugs

- Better aero (really should have done this BEFORE adding a thousand plane parts)

- Planet polishing (looks, bugs squashed, biomes, anomalies, etc)

- Fix g0

- Correct thrust/isp mechanics

- Fix bugs

- Inverse-square law for solar panels (will make that RTG part more worthwhile! Yay!)

- Show the current wet/dry mass of the total vessel in the VAB/SPH

- Show the above for all stages for bonus points!

- Fix bugs

- Base Building and ISRU

- Cost balancing (why are four tailfins more than a rocket engine? Why is an RCS quad more than a rocket engine? Why is a solar panel the same cost as a battery?)

- oh and that fuel cell idea sounds neat.

Did I mention.. fix bugs?


- Unity 5 (assuming it delivers on it's promises)

- Fix bugs

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Im thinking the game engine updated for x64 stability and It sure would be nice to have some kind of stock flight computer. MechJeb is a little much... kinda feels like cheating. Engr Redux is nice but it needs some kind of programmable auto pilot, maybe like K-OS. I don't know about everyone else but something like this, for me, would do away with several mods i use that have a lot more function than I use. Several of the mods kinda overlap, that causes issues in x64 (not sure about the 32bit) but you can kind fix those issues if you can see... which mods are conflicting. It is a pain... I guess my point is that I would like to use a lot less mods but some of the mods have really spoiled me and I can't do without them now.

Thanks yall! Keep it up, this game keeps getting a lot better!

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I would like for them to add some longterm goals to career mode. With every patch since career mode was first introduced my ritual was:

1.) Fly to Minmus

2.) Fly to Mun

3.) (optional) Fly to duna to max out tech tree

4.) Wait for mods to update and have fun with the game

Funds haven't really changed anything, and strategies of course didn't either. If only there was something to do in career mode like build base or setup satellite network... You know the things we do with mods without an actual gameplay incentive...

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If the KSP devs don't mind working with yet another mod developer or just take a hint from them, the Fine Print mod effectively doubles the immersion and complexity factor of the contracts system, adding atmospheric exploration goals, space station construction and extending the game from grinding points to actually doing things you'd normally do.

Also, could they try to make the Mk3 parts have the same functionality as the SPP parts? A quick retexturing would bring it up to speed, and LF+O, Monopropellent and LF tanks would be easy enough to implement. The only issue I see it the difficulty of integrating probe cores, docking ports and cargo bays to the Mk3 system. It would be great for those who would like a little more room in the cargo bay and round off the spaceplane parts suite.

Probably the most important thing that I'd like to see in the future is a working IVA. The ability to process samples and actually do things inside the vehicle would be the best thing since EVA was introduced. The proper storage of collected samples and such would greatly improve game immersion (which is at an alltime high already) as well as allow kerbals to move experiments via the new transfer function as well as access the transfer dialogue by exiting the craft from IVA dialogue.

This is what I'd like to see, but I see some really good ideas, too: Fuel Cells sound cool, and when are you guys going to tease some multiplayer functionality?

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  opensesame11 said:

Probably the most important thing that I'd like to see in the future is a working IVA. The ability to process samples and actually do things inside the vehicle would be the best thing since EVA was introduced. The proper storage of collected samples and such would greatly improve game immersion (which is at an alltime high already) as well as allow kerbals to move experiments via the new transfer function as well as access the transfer dialogue by exiting the craft from IVA dialogue.

And have kerbals throw snacks at other kerbonauts' heads
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